Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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(Obsolete) HK Mark I block rooftop school
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Jun 5, 2020 @ 1:29pm
Mar 9, 2021 @ 8:53am
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(Obsolete) HK Mark I block rooftop school

In 1 collection by Uncle Misha
HK Mark I block, 1960s
17 items
Obsoletion note

This asset is obsolete. It was embedded in a newer version of HK Mark 1 block 7s, 60s.


A rooftop primary school for Mark I resettlement block in Hong Kong. This asset only fits a 7-storey version of the block, as historically only 7-storey blocks had reinforced roofs that allowed placing additional structures on top of them. Based on the rooftop schools of Shek Kip Mei and Wong Tai Sin resettlement estates.

How to use it

1. It is a primary school.

2. It is a module, not a standalone building. You have to plop it into a Mark 1 block 7s, 60s, and the school will take its place as the 8th storey of the block.

3. To assemble the modules into a building, install Fine Road Anarchy mod, press Ctrl-A for No Collision mode and plop the building into a Mark 1 block 7s, 60s.

4. If the random color of the school doesn't match the color of the main building, do the following:
- install and enable the Move It mod;
- activate the mod;
- click the visible part of the school to select it;
- click the Reset button in the Move It tools until the colors match.

5. Refer to the picture, it is worth a thousand words:

Asset details

A primary school.
1 teacher, 24 students.
4x7 tiles.
Four color variations: white, green, red, and orange.

Screenshots were made with Relight Neutral LUT.

Model: 478 tris, 1024x512 px. LOD: 44 tris, 256x256 px.