Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Hungary - Always Annex Czechoslovakia & Austria
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Hungary - Always Annex Czechoslovakia & Austria

Em 2 coleções de AeneasXI
AeneasXI's HOI4 Mod Headquaters - Balance / Utility / QoL Mods / Fixes / Country-Overhauls
37 itens
Factions & Monarchist / Non-Aligned Ideology Mods Series
6 itens
Restoring Austria-Hungary could be very fun if it wouldn't be a complete gamble everytime! You never know if you'll be able to integrate CZE or have to reload dozens of times or keep playing with the Loss. Also you end up doing nearly nothing till 1940 as it takes forever to unite and everyone is guaranteed by France who will willingly ship half their army over to defend YUG/ROM/POL regardless of the German threat right at their Door.

This Mod is here to change this! (TL;DR Changelog at the bottom)

Update 13/06/2020: As this was requested I also made Romania always accept to give up Transylvania as well because the Romanian event chain Paradox had written was very buggy and didn't even work correctly which led to very awkward situations like Romania refusing to give up land and a day later accepting to give it up suddenly, involving multiple mediators with different outcomes for each one and weird stuff like that!

Multiplayer compatibility update 10/06/2020: I changed the events so that the AI of CZE and AUS will always vote to agree to annexation but if a player plays CZE or AUS they will now still be able to refuse if they want to! This will make the mod far more Multiplayer/Coop friendly in case someone else is playing CZE i.e.

-It edits the events that Austria and Czechoslovakia get when going down the Monarchist Austria-Hungary Route as Hungary. It makes the AI of Austria and Czechoslovakia always to agree to annexation and join the Habsburg Empire!
-No more do you have to play roulette to be able to integrate and annex Czechoslovakia!
-I also removed all Guarantees that France was giving to the Balkan Countries and Poland!
-Romania will now also always agree to surrender Transylvania which will also stop the broken Romania Mediation event chain that paradox has not yet fixed.
-The events are also Save-Game Compatible (not the french guarantees) and it is highly compatible with other mods! (see at the bottom of the description)
-This means you can finally attack YUG, ROM and POL as soon as you want as you won't have to wait until Germany or another country attacks France or risk All-Out-War with France which triggers WW2 way too early in 1938 and denies you the chance for proper peace conferences and treaties and chances to puppet parts of YUG, POL, ROM, BUL, GRE, TUR etc. and ontop of that you would lose all of the Yugoslavian, Greek, Romanian, Bulgarian and Turkish Fleets if you cannot puppet them in seperate peace negotiations which is kind of a big deal for Austria-Hungary as it does not start with a fleet itself.
-This will allow you to quickly get AUS+HUN+CZE united and open up alot of choices as you can focus your factory capacities in 1937 already and/or start preparing for an eventual war with Germany when they demand Sudetenland or opt for surrendering the Sudetenland to Germany and start expansion right away instead of having to wait till 1941 until you finally integrated the CZE puppet (which was the most likely outcome) which is only Dominion status and thus gave you nothing but their army which is nice but useless if you couldn't attack YUG/ROM/POL anyways because of French guarantees.
-You also save 210 days (3 National Foci) early because you don't need to rush "Reintegrate the Railroads" National Focus before going for the "Demand Referendum" and "Protect Chechoslovakia" Annexation Foci to improve your chances for Annexation of AUS and CZE. With this mod you can restore your empire first and then afterwards go for the industrial improvement Focus Line or get rid of the Bled Agreement earlier!
-Notes regarding Sudetenland: If you make Germany take the "Restore the Kaiser" Path then Germany also won't demand the Sudetenland from you! (thanks to donald.grape for pointing that out)

Sidenotes for interesting scenarios:
-If you put the Germans on Restore the Kaiser in the Starting "Custom Game Options" and invite them into your faction it will make for an interesting Axies WW1 style middle-powers scenario! (Maybe add Japan to go for Neutrality as well if you do not feel comfortable with just Germany and you in the Faction) Adding Poland is also an option or go and partition them. Also do not forget that Germany's Restore Kaiser Focus Tree has an option of killing Mussolini and making Italy Neutral as well! You could even opt to go for revenge and wage war against Italy for WW1 before that happens as it won't happen very early!
-For a full on Kaiser Game you could also put the Portugese, the Japanese and the Spanish on Monarchy Path! (or even include UK and the Netherlands to that!) ;)
-A Fascist Britain can be a scary thing as they will likely annex/puppet France+Spain making Britain a very powerful and fearsome enemy also a fascist Britain will likely ally with Italy which is interesting to say the least!
(If you wonder which one of the options are the ones for Monarchy: For Germany it is "Restore the Kaiser" for Japan "Neutrality" for Britain it is "Empower the King's Party" for Portugal "Monarchist", for Spain "Carlism" and for the Netherlands it is "Oranje Boven". Fascist Britain is "Organize the Blackshirts")

Full Changelog:
-Edited the Austrian Event for the National Focus "Ask Referendum" so that the Austrian AI will always allow the Referendum.
-Set the chance for the Austrian Population to vote "YES" in the Referendum to 100%.
-Edited the Event for the "Protect Czechoslovakia" National Focus so that there is a 100% chance that the CZE AI will always agree to being reintegrated into the Austro-Hungarian Empire via complete annexation.
-Removed all French Guarantees.
-Edited the Romanian event so that Romania will always choose to surrender Transylvania to Austria-Hungary.

Compatibility with other Mods:

This Mod is compatible with any and all Mods that do not alter the following 2 files:
history>countries>"FRA - France"

This means this Mod is fully compatible with all Mods even ones that buff/change Hungary as long as they do not change that one event file! (The events will still work even if another Mod would override the french country file)

Tell me if you'd like to see any additions to the Mod!

Feel free to integrate the Code of my Mod into your own Mods as you see fit!

Take Care and Have Fun!
56 comentário(s)
pawel03-77 13 de jan. às 11:22 
Finally i can chill playing Austria-Hungary.
Winston 29/dez./2023 às 9:59 
I love this mod but should be updated without removing guarantees. By the way you cannot get rid of the Treaty of Trianon except if you go to war :c
Papież w Płynie 24/mai./2023 às 6:26 
Outdated mod, overriding France and Hungary scripts, which have been updated by Paradox. So basically: no improvements added since patch 1.9.x, potentially adding new bugs (because logic in scripts is too old).
snekkie 7/mai./2023 às 21:43 
yeah but like, remove the whole removing garantees thing, it literally just ruins the game and makes ww2 just not happen
Capybara Dingle 26/fev./2023 às 4:51 
f i n n a l l y
Austria-Hungary is no longer a casino.
FoRinT 26/jan./2023 às 9:11 
this mod did work now its not working just update it please ;PPP
TrGawa 2/nov./2022 às 7:44 
Does this mod work?
Ordoprinceps 7/mar./2022 às 10:38 
Like to be able to annex Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania, South Tyrol and Veneto as well. BTW I love your mod as it is, its great, but would like those addition if you can.
Ordoprinceps 7/mar./2022 às 10:35 
Will this work if you select facist insead of King?
imbored8040 8/jan./2022 às 1:02 
This mod works great at least for me but it would be great if one for Transylvania was also created because that one takes a lot longer to get