Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Clarion Hotel growable AD DLC tourism building
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16. dub. 2020 v 9.41
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Clarion Hotel growable AD DLC tourism building

V 1 kolekci od uživatele Kerias
Growable vanilla buildings with added logos of real life companies operating in Sweden
123 položek
This is a vanilla 4x4 tourism building from the After Dark DLC with the added logo of Clarion Hotel made by SvenBerlin.

I’ve mostly created it for myself but it could be useful for someone who don’t want to mess around with the Prop anarchy mod or are using a computer with low RAM and/or a weak GPU (like myself) and don’t want to subscribe to a large amount of buildings.

I highly recommend using Plop the growables mod:

Plus the Find it! mod:

If you don’t the building should spawn naturally when zoning, but I haven’t tried it so no guarantees.

I’ve changed some of the props mostly removed the default logos and billboards, but also added some, all vanilla though.

A huge shout-out to for making the logo!

Check out my collections if you’re interested in similar assets.

The screenshots were taken with the Daylight classic mod:

Plus the Clear and bright LUT: