Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

The Hectic Hellenist
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Set of ancient Greek themed items for the Scout. Featuring 3 items and 2 alternate styles.
Genstande (5)
Hephaistos' Handcraft
Skabt af Corvalho
Madness? This.. Is.. BOSTON!!! -2 Styles -Paintable -3 LODs...
Athenian Attire
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"I ain't afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I'm afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion. " - 3 LODS - Paintable...
Olympic Leapers
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"Yo you're telling me that the third labour is to catch ....a deer ?" - 2 styles - Paintable - Flapping Wings - 3 lods...
Olympic Leapers - Style 2
Skabt af Corvalho
"Yo you're telling me that the third labour is to catch ....a deer ?" - 2 styles - Paintable - Flapping Wings - 3 lods...
Hephaistos' Handcraft - Style2
Skabt af Corvalho
Madness? This.. Is.. AMERICA!!! -2 Styles -Paintable -3 LODs...