

56 ratings
Core of the Void
Difficulty: Nightmare
Mode: Sprint
Tags: level
File Size
718.445 KB
May 27, 2018 @ 9:01pm
Jul 22, 2018 @ 6:04pm
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Core of the Void

The dark virus's source has been found near the star it orbits, and must be dealt with before it's energy spikes.
Zab Jul 23, 2018 @ 12:18am 
Well okay I guess the Idea of the level is pretty cool. But I hate obstacles that require you to slow down. In my opinion the Design of the level should focus on fast reaction time dodging and well timed jumps just like in Sonic the Hedgehog but with cars.
Dracheron  [author] Jul 22, 2018 @ 4:17pm 
Sorry for the delay in responding to the two comments here. Got a minor update for you two since you said something.

@=PF= Robin Yiff - Some of those obstacles are meant to slow you down so you can pace yourself, some areas cannot be completed without having to pace yourself on a particular section of the track. However, I did doublecheck the line of rollers before the clusterbomb and yes, it was too high and it was lowered as a result. Also, the ships got fixed so they stopped being a nusiance where they shouldn't be attacking the player. The first area also has less obstacles now as well. The shards though unfortinately not too far after that point are a "got ya" moment currently, and am considering moving that shard so as to not to continue to have those moments right there.

@Dequu - A number of these improvements also tied into the complaints of the other person.

As for everyone, should have an update soon in regards to this level.
Zab May 29, 2018 @ 9:32am 
Have you heard about something like balance of difficulity?
[RYC] Robin Yrvriff May 28, 2018 @ 9:55am 
Great attempt but has some problems, namely some obstacles are waaaay too close together and force the player to slow down or crash. Also that straight line of rollers before the cluisterfcuk number 1 is too high to jump.