Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Vas's Inventory Modifications
Type: Mod
Mod category: Block
File Size
2.547 MB
Mar 21, 2018 @ 6:27am
1 Change Note ( view )

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Vas's Inventory Modifications

In the past, the game used to specify inventory sizes in an illogical way, that allowed some to be a tardis and others to be highly inefficient. Tahvohck has made a mod to fix this way back, but the mod was nulled out and broken due to an update to inventories that included two more files to the game required to change inventories.

Now, the game devs decided to calculate inventory size by taking the block's physical coded dimensions and calculating based on that. However.. The actual storage container is not the same size as the cells it occupies. The container is not actually 7.5 cubic meters in size, its almost that. So, Tahvohck's numbers are used in which he reduced a little to account for the space outside the physical container where you can't actually store stuff.

I may, at a later time, adjust the values further with some better calculations, but for now I'll use his numbers.

Within the code I've commented out something I plan to add as well, a massive container. I'm just trying to get a new model done and such before I can add it in.

NOTICE: This mod will reduce the size of all cargo containers you build AFTER installing, the game for some reason now saves old container inventory spaces so you will be required to rebuild your containers after installing the mod to change their sizes. I'm no sure if it requires you to just grind it down to below the functional line, or if it requires you to rebuild the entire block. Let me know in the comments if you've tested this for me!

So in effect, installing this mod will not risk you losing any items in old existing containers.

This mod is also useless for creative mode users because creative mode is infinite storage.

Lastly, you probably don't need this mod, if you use inventory multipliers because then you're just breaking the laws of physics anyway.

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Vas  [author] Apr 26, 2023 @ 4:02pm 
No idea. I've never had to deal with any items that have a stack limit. You could possibly use an inventory sorting script set to move credits for you to a special container once its on the grid or something but, other than that, I dunno. You could also use a sorter set to drain all, connected to the storage and it'll drain into the nearest container past the sorter.
gigglinggoatgardens Apr 26, 2023 @ 3:42pm 
in creative im not able to take all the stuff out of a container at once like if a large cantainer is filled to the brim with space credits i have to take them all one by one stack at a time and there is about 500 stacks in it do you know of a mod that can help with that??? or can you make one?
GadenKerensky May 10, 2019 @ 1:11am 
Vas  [author] May 8, 2019 @ 8:45pm 
No. Space Engineers isn't the type of game that supports modding mods.
GadenKerensky May 8, 2019 @ 6:49pm 
Does this affect modded containers?
Tahvohck Mar 21, 2018 @ 7:10pm 
Consider this my blessing given on continuing the project. It's good to see it living on. I'll remove the old one from the workshop about a week from now.