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Get the most out of DayZ with Steam Workshop. Find and install user-created mods, or create your own and upload it directly to Steam.
Never upload your mods to Steam Workshop.
People keep stealing your work into their server packs even if you dont allow it.
Im tired throwing DMCA's, i even had a guy who has 2 steam accounts and he repacked my mod 4 times and get copyright striked the same amount.

Recently i sent a copyright complaints on 3 server packs but Valve DMCA team refused to take actions, they think that im not a real person and demand scans of my ID. Aint no way ill give this indie startup level company my documents, im simply afraid doing it because they cant handle their workshop terms of service, what to say about someones sensetive documents.

For everyone who is willing to upload something on this completely broken platform called "Workshop" here is my advice :

Always include a blacklist DRM based on DayZ's RestApi and encrypt your scripts with mikero + pbo tools. This way you can shutdown repackers servers remotely without dealing with Steam broken TOS and their non working DMCA complaint process.