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Mod to make Lost always target closest?
I find it a little bit immersion-breaking when the savage mindless zombies run past a perfectly munchable Advent trooper just to get at my guy who is across the street and around the corner. Is there a mod that makes the Lost always attack whatever target happens to be closest to it?
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vereen70 11. Juni 2022 um 22:43 
I 1000% agree. Give that tasty advent trooper a try.
I think there's something called Fair Lost Targeting (or something like that). I don't know that it guarantees they will go for whoever is closest, but I think it at least modifies the chance to be more even.
arcanist 13. Juni 2022 um 18:56 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von megansweden:
I think there's something called Fair Lost Targeting (or something like that). I don't know that it guarantees they will go for whoever is closest, but I think it at least modifies the chance to be more even.
I actually know about that one, it just makes it so that there's no bias between them going after your guys or the enemy's.

So if a swarm shows up they're just as likely to go after the guy at the edge of their vision as the one right next to them, regardless of which team they're on.
Благодаря данному обсуждению, у меня появилась идея создания мода меняющая логику поведения Lost, нужно сделать градацию шансов нападения, к примеру если возле Lost есть враги на расстоянии 1, 2, 3, 4 и 5 клетки, то сделать вероятность нападения 30% 25% 20% 15% и 10% соответственно, если на одинаковом расстоянии есть 2 и более противника, то вероятность разделить поровну, например если на расстоянии 1 клетки 2 противника, то вероятность для каждого будет по 15%, а если на расстоянии 4 клеток будет 3 противника, то им по 5% на каждого.
Если на 1 клетке нет ни кого, то 30% начинаются с 2 клетки и так далее, к примеру если враги есть на 3, 4, 6, 8 и 10 клетках от Lost то вероятность делится между ними, если получится что выпадет на того до кого не может достать, тогда пусть бежит к нему, даже если не сможет добежать, если будет меньше 5 разных расстояний, то вероятность уже менять пропорционально оставшемуся количеству, короче это можно обдумать еще

Translated using Yandex Translator
Thanks to this discussion, I got the idea of creating a mod that changes the logic of Lost behavior, you need to make a gradation of the chances of an attack, for example, if there are enemies near Lost at a distance of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 cells, then make the probability of an attack 30% 25% 20% 15% and 10%, respectively, if if there are 2 or more opponents at the same distance, then the probability is divided equally, for example, if there are 2 opponents at a distance of 1 cell, then the probability for each will be 15%, and if there are 3 opponents at a distance of 4 cells, then they will have 5% for each.
If there is no one on 1 cell, then 30% start with 2 cells and so on, for example, if there are enemies on 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10 cells from Lost, then the probability is divided between them, if it turns out that it falls on someone who can't reach, then let him run to him, even if he can't run, if there are less than 5 different distances, then the probability is already changing in proportion to the remaining number, in short, you can think about it again
Ursprünglich geschrieben von arcanist:
I find it a little bit immersion-breaking when the savage mindless zombies run past a perfectly munchable Advent trooper just to get at my guy who is across the street and around the corner. Is there a mod that makes the Lost always attack whatever target happens to be closest to it?

Here this mod should help

arcanist 26. Juni 2022 um 18:59 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von The | Suit:

Here this mod should help

I already have that, all it does is make them as likely to target the enemy as you. They will still completely ignore target proximity when determining who to attack as long as they have LoS, resulting in them running right past perfectly viable targets if that's what the RNG tells them to do.

For the record, I'm perfectly fine with them dogpiling my own guys if that happens to be the closest target. They're zombies, they ain't supposed to be picky.

Basically what I want is this: You've got a line of troopers standing in the middle of the road, and a Lost swarm appears at one end of the line. Under current rules (from what I can tell), the Lost will scatter all up and down the line, a roughly even amount targeting each trooper, even if it means they walk right past other troopers to get to their chosen target. What I want is for them to all pile on the closest trooper in the line and collectively tear him limb from limb before moving on to the next closest.
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Geschrieben am: 11. Juni 2022 um 9:35
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