Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages

Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages

Constrói a nave derradeira!
Partilha os teus templates de naves ou vê o que os outros pilotos andam a fazer. Inspira-te nas criações deles ou transfere o template e cria a nave tu mesmo! Descobre como começar aqui.
warrax40 3 jun. 2019 às 8:52
Workshop Uploads
Anyone else having issues Publishing their builds via "In-Game" ?
Is this feature even working anymore?

Is there another way to upload a template?

PS. Most of the highest rated or most popular builds are "just Okay" and majority of workshop builds are just GARBAGE. Would be nice to post all my "Union" tuned builds for major ass kickery.
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A mostrar 1-4 de 4 comentários
Major_Quadrangle 7 3 jul. 2019 às 22:04 
I just tried posting something for fun and it worked fine.


Make sure that you read the sharing hull templates guide. It was written by a game dev.
Major_Quadrangle 7 3 jul. 2019 às 22:18 
And again.


Keep in mind that you need to shift tab into steam when you are finished with the description and hit publish in-game. If you haven't agreed yet, steam will ask you to agree to a workshop EULA, and then the entry will be visible. You can edit the description from there, as you get a very tiny amount of space for the description in game, but you can make it much longer in the steam window.
Última alteração por Major_Quadrangle; 3 jul. 2019 às 22:19
warrax40 4 jul. 2019 às 11:44 
nice builds..
warrax40 4 jul. 2019 às 11:51 
if i put one of my builds in my workshop page for ring runner it does appear on my profile. Which is good. But when you search for my builds from within the game they are nowhere to be found.
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