

RimWorld Workshop
Mods and scenarios for RimWorld. Mods can also be found at the Ludeon forums at ludeon.com/forums
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Project Realism
Collection by Paladin
Mod pack version: 1.0. This a first iteration of mod pack, after your feedback it may be changed! Report issues, balance tweaks, etc. Description: You are not welcome on this planet. Raids will become harder in time, they will not tell you about their plan
[A17] Rimworld Ultimate Modpack
Collection by Jordan
If you enjoy the modpack please VOTE UP the pack for others to find it! Modpack for myself and whomever would like to have a heavily modded version of the game. I do NOT own any of the mods listed within this modpack. In order to have a chance of running t
Thet's Rimworld 1.0 Mod Collection
Collection by Thet
This is a collection of mods in use for Thet Plays Rimworld 1.0!
Wander's Rimworld Modlist
Collection by Wanderbot
RJW custom
Collection by Deanec64
just another RJW custom pack get this and put everything but mods into save folder Usually C:\User\USERNAME\Appdata\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Config put the Mods folder inside the Game folder. and enjoy. https://github.com/deanec64
Rimworld +++ v3.0 with 246 mods (v0.18.1722)
Collection by Mourloz
A selection of mods to enhance your colonisation experience. Instructions: 1. Subscribe to all mods 2.Download the following file: Children and Pregnancy - https://github.com/Sephique/ChildrenAndPregnancy/archive/master.zip 3. Extract top folder of zip to
Проект: Другой Мир (RUS/ENG)
Collection by Paladin
Сборка модов, изменяющих классический геймплей игры Rimworld. Для тех людей, кому хочется большего разнообразия и новых игровых механик, как правило, делающих игру более интересной, как на начальной, так и на средней/поздней стадиях игры. Описание и процес
Collection by ZSU-23-4
for 狗群员 包含了大量可以在1.0版本正常运行的B19mod
Rimworld +++ v1.0 (v0.17.1557)
Collection by Mourloz
A selection of mods to enhance your colonisation experience. v01: Added some new mods. v02: Removed conflicting mods. Instructions: 1. Enable all mods 2. Restart 3. Ensure that the top mods are as follows: Core Rimbank HugsLib Miscellaneous 'CORE' JescTool
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