

RimWorld Workshop
Mods and scenarios for RimWorld. Mods can also be found at the Ludeon forums at ludeon.com/forums
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边缘汉化组 中文Mod合集
Collection by leafzxg
所有支持简&繁中文的Mod都可以在此找到 包括: 已内置汉化的Mod; 未内置汉化但是有汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 已内置汉化但是汉化版本落后,需要汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 中文原创Mod; 不需要汉化即可使用的Mod; 合集内容说明: 由于一个合集限制最多只能收入1000个Mod,所本合集不再能囊括所有已知中文Mod; 本合集精心挑选最适合大众口味的精品中文Mod收入,你能想到的所有知名Mod均已收录,如果大家还想探索更多小
边缘汉化组 中文Mod分类 功能机制
Collection by leafzxg
本合集已收录工坊内所有支持简&繁中文的「功能机制」类Mod及汉化 每周更新,力求无遗漏 包括: 已内置汉化的Mod; 未内置汉化但是有汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 已内置汉化但是汉化版本落后,需要汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 中文原创Mod; 不需要汉化即可使用的Mod; 「功能机制」收录满足以下一条或多条的Mod: 运行库; UI优化; AI优化; 指令工具; 逻辑优化; 分析清理; 地图编辑; 游戏机制调整; 创新游戏机制; 您
Immersion+ (1.2)
Collection by NECEROS
I'm no longer updating this collection RimWorld, but as a simulation, not a harsh survival story. I love vanilla gameplay and add to that with these mods, striving to keep the core gameplay in place. Self sustainability is important, but requires a lot of
Rimworld: Archoseed (1.2 - Not Supported)
Collection by Mr Samuel Streamer
This is a 1.2 mod pack and is no longer supported. Load orders and save games have been removed to avoid confusion and complaints from people loading into the wrong game version. I would only recommend using this pack if you're experienced and capable of c
Collection by hhhhhhh
390+个mod全兼容(持续更新),本体加dlc,包括汉化包mod。 贴吧地址:http s : // tieba . baidu . com / p / 6524042102 mod配置&排序文件(持续更新):链接(神秘代码):s/1QwgI0hEXdM_c93zjRmkfRg 提取码:30id mod配置&排序文件使用教程:等待steam创意工坊更新完成→打开游戏→游戏主界面→选项→打开存档文件夹(20200414版本前)→找到Config文件夹→先关闭游戏→将此排序文件放入→启动游戏/(2020041
Collection by Diamond.J
QQ群: 1群:786428265 (被人举报了还有一些众所周知的原因建议别加) 2群:773179016 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 使用步骤 (如果看不懂或者有问题请再结合后面的说明使用) 1:点击订阅所有mod(如果你觉得mod太多,或者有不喜欢的mod,可以选择取消订阅相应mod,不会影响游戏,只要不取消订阅前置mod就好,如harmony)
Collection by Diamond.J
注意,这个合集是1.2版本,1.3版本的合集请看链接:https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2566439344 关于:不想白嫖的好兄弟怎么支持我 Mod交流群已经建立,群号:786428265 欢迎各位小伙伴们加入 如果有好兄弟不想白嫖的话可以到我的个人界面为我的工坊内容进行点赞,分享等,万分感谢!因为我做这个又不是为了盈利,所以就不要给我发红包或者赞助啥的了!我是真心喜欢这个游戏才做的合集! 合集里面魅狐没有脸的问题已经解决了,然后我多加
AA's Modlist
Collection by AA
Fluffy Mods
Collection by Fluffy
All my mods
1.1 - 1.2 and 1.3 Compatible Rimworld Mods (QOL)
Collection by Cat-O-Lantern
RimWorld Mods Collection Quality Of Life: (Updated Regularly For 1.2) 1.3 soon and all DLC'S. Don't start a new game until you've checked out this mod list!! A list of essential mods to improve the game's UI and overall quality of life. Keep an eye on this
Collection by NECEROS
A collection of mods which limits the game to Medieval technology! Factions and raiders will be limited to medieval and tribal tech, and you won't find any mechanoids or drop pods here (because they haven't been invented.... yet.) No guns, no cannons, no s
Collection by Messenger
本合集根本上还是为了自用。 有好mod欢迎在评论区推荐。 大部分mod自带中文或者不影响使用。 预计稳定1.0版本。(个别mod还没有更新,等待中) 不要全部启用,一些mod和其他mod可能有功能重复,自行组合。 大体上按合集顺序排序,虽然没办法一个个验证,但这个顺序排列冲突的可能性应该会低一些。 mod好用别忘了进去给作者们点个赞。 一些带中文或者有中文补丁的成系列的mod,因为不太感兴趣,个别还有互相的兼容补丁,排序很麻烦,所以没有加。如下: 克鲁苏系列(这个系列东西好多啊) 边缘遗传学系列 星界军系列
Rimworld: Lootbox (1.2 - Not Supported)
Collection by Mr Samuel Streamer
This is a 1.2 mod pack and is no longer supported. Load orders and save games have been removed to avoid confusion and complaints from people loading into the wrong game version. I would only recommend using this pack if you're experienced and capable of c
Age of the Rim 1.3
Collection by Alexandru72733
The concept of the modpack "In a distant world where civilizations rise and fall, empires fight for land, people are born and die, progress is what kept you alive. You wake up as a tribesman in a distant unknown world, full of mysteries and strange creatur
Rimworld: Magic Mayhem
Collection by Decoherent
Mod list for Rimworld: Magic Mayhem
Rimtopia 2.0
Collection by Yuu
A bigger and more ""balanced"" kitchen sink My most stable and "balanced" collection so far sorted by the right mod order from top to bottom! I haven't found any conflicts so far and some of the balancing should be done in mod settings for a fair game. If
Rimworld: Desert Doom
Collection by Decoherent
Mod collection for the Rimworld: Desert Doom series
Ambiguous Amphibian SOLO Android Progenitor [Unofficial]
Collection by sofus
To use modpack easily: 1. Subscribe to the collection and wait for the download to finish 2. Download SoloAndroidProgenitor.xml at https://pastebin.com/bz4MDp0i 3. Place the file in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Stu
Rimworld Expanded 3.0
Collection by ID421
400 mods. Probably the largest and most stable collection of mods out there. In working load order, subscribe and go or use Mod Manager XML. Thoroughly tested, haven't had a crash yet. Still feels like Rimworld, just with the gameplay expanded in every are
MacK's RimUniverse 1.1
Collection by macklord222
MacK's RimUniverse 1.1 IMPORTANT : Must have the Royalty DLC. Because of "EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC Expansion" are required by the Royalty DLC. OPTIONAL : to make this collection without the DLC is by removing "EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC Expansion" CORRECT TO
TTW RimWorld Super Modded 1.0 Let's Play Collection
Collection by Ryan123220
Mods not on steam: Faction Manager: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=46080.0 Carry Capacity Fix : https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=47837.0 Here is the mod manager file for my load order. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4axitu0itli91gp/Super%20M
我的边缘世界A16 MOD合集
Collection by 狸先森
环世界自用游戏合集/Rimworld mod by myself ——--——以下是MOD中文一句话简介————-- Here is a brief introduction to the chinese language HugsLib——没什么好说的,重要MOD,不管有没有用!装了再说!!此MOD务必连着CORE之后放。 EdB Prepare Carefully——【有汉化】精心准备,开局之前可以调整殖民者的属性、特性和携带物资 Old style research menu—— 旧版风格的研究菜单,
Bahroo's Mods
Collection by Bahroo
The Mod Collection that I use on Stream, :)
Collection by Attack.On.Pika[AFK]
玩到就是爽到,订阅+开启游戏就是爽爽爽,什么正义值什么红字,不存在的。 正义值:越高代表游戏难度有可能因为这个mod被降得越低。 排序顺序的基本原则和合集中的排序顺序一致。 本合集主要是对游戏主题玩法和一些迷之的设定的补充和修改,突出一个玩得爽,正义值较高。黑魂玩家请绕道。 基本上都可以随时加入已有存档,需要重新开档的会标注出。 ----------- 核心库 HugsLib和JecsTools是必须订阅的,是大部分mod的前置,需要放在列表最前面。 Architect Sense:下文中LT-Doorma
Rimconquista V3 - Medieval Fantasy Modpack
Collection by ID421
A collection of 350+ medieval & fantasy content/QOL mods. In correct load order, subscribe and go or use Mod Manager XML. No technology past medieval. Guns still exist, but mostly in the form of slow firing muskets. Features animals from myths and folklore
【1.3自用】一晚上排出来的无红字 - WF
Collection by WithoutFold
关于一晚上找出一个集合的这件事 综述:都是一个个各地找来的 没错我就是大家的搬运工 ,大多都是有汉化的了,有空会把注意事项一一罗列出来,也会挑些mod做点小推荐。本集合可能一直会做加法,减法大家自己适当的来哈~第一次使用详见注意事项。 "替换掉就行]: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iN1Xe7JhFBCcaG8B01mCqQ 提取码:RWRW 【第一次务必先纯净进去,添加Mod manager,重启再添加其他所有mod,使用下方的自动排序,之后应该就没问题了。。。直接进当然进不去
Rimworld: Empire Experience (1.3 - Not Supported)
Collection by Mr Samuel Streamer
This is a 1.3 mod pack and is no longer supported. Load orders and save games have been removed to avoid confusion and complaints from people loading into the wrong game version. I would only recommend using this pack if you're experienced and capable of c
Collection by Holarula
I'm sorry that this is a collection for Chinese players and not for English players(etc). But it still work to play,just del the Chinese localization mod. The collection is only for 1.1. 因为1.2更新所以此1.1合集停止更新,在停止更新前以下内容均为可用状态。 (顺便1.2和1.1的多数MOD基本是兼容的,不必在意黄字提醒
Collection by awwwwsl
1.4版本更新预告已出,如果想继续玩合集的话,可以查看这个来保留在1.3版本https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8065924169?share=9105&fr=sharewise&see_lz=0&share_from=post&sfc=copy&client_type=2&client_version= 无法添加合集的MOD: htt
Vanilla+ (1.1)
Collection by NECEROS
When you want to begin getting into mods you should check this collection out. 95% of the mods in this pack are used by almost everybody, and include quality of life, UI, system depth, and visual improvements. This collection is for people who have played
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