Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Discover new maps, scenarios, leaders, units and more. Build and share your own creations. Mods are created by and for the Civilization community, and are not officially supported by Firaxis or 2K.
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[Harmony in Diversity] FULL set (和而不同:全集)
Collection by D
The FULL mod list of Harmony in Diversity. Contains 5 parts: Harmony in Diversity: Gameplay Expansion (supported Gameplay Mods for Expansion) Useful UI MOD Collection (UI only, very useful) District Expansion HD Edition (support for JNR's District Expansio
Collection by PotatoMcWhiskey
Good UI Mods
Play with 'GoldenAge - Brave New World'
Collection by Gold
The best game experience of civ 6 (or maybe civ 6.5) is here waiting for you~ Most mods in this collection are UI mods. Note: All mods in this collection have been tested to be fully compatible with GoldenAge - Brave New World.
Useful UI MOD Collection(实用界面MOD合集)
Collection by D
This Collection only contains UI mods and they are all compatible with each other. NOTE: The "Harmony in Diversity" contains gameplay content and being added to make it shown on that item's page. Using this set of UI mods will hugely boost the game experie
Collection by PotatoMcWhiskey
Awesome Civilization VI Collection
Collection by Adriaman
Collection of Civilization VI mods that vastly improve the game. Validated for the April 2021 update (Leader balance patch). Last fix pack version: 15.1 (16 May 2022). This collection includes improvements to the AI, city-states, graphics improvements, mod
Алексей Халецкий рекомендует
Collection by some guy
Моды для Цивы 6 от канала "Лёша играет"
My Civ 6 Mods
Collection by wltk
Mods that I created or worked on which can greatly improve Civ 6 gaming experience.
Collection by Unknown
本合集模组均已测试,如有更多模组推荐以及介绍/翻译有误,可留言………^ 您的评分以及您对不足之处的反馈留言 是对此合集的肯定以及帮助! 实机教程: Better Report Screen (UI)-更好的报告屏幕 (UI) 可以使用 F8 打开/关闭报告屏幕。 更清晰直白的查看 更好的报告界面MOD对城市信息汇总(cities)界面进行改版,剔除了原来面板中信息量较少的信息,并重新分配了面板的空间,容纳下了
Collection by 牛奶大魔王
黄金时代自用不冲突,所有英文mod都有简中支持(不订阅简中全部英文mod都没有翻译)【持续更新】 个人并没有添加城市之光 和战争扩展(因为这种大型mod会对配置有一定要求) 因为介绍字数限制 下面链接有介绍 ******以下是各mod信息方便选择性订阅************ 【注意:美化类mod对性能有一定要求选择性订阅!!!,全部订阅配置低的电脑会变卡,适当取消美化类和修改类】 green Mountains——————
Collection by najizhimo
文明6必备基础MOD,除大修模组黄金时代外不含任何【新元素】(如新文明/建筑/兵种),不包含作弊级别的模组,主要是改善基础平衡性和添加人性化细节。 6代的硬伤不少,不得不优化,包括更友善的开局减少刷图、由人口计算的全局产能提升用以降低区域系统的恶心度、以及各种UI和细节优化。 注意黄金时代本身自带大量优化设定,如初始移民高移动高视野、早期移民下海等等,因此无需重复订阅其它类似MOD。至于具体有哪些涵盖只能自行移步观看,想省事的当然只要全部订阅本合集即可。 其它可选【新元素】MOD合集在此: https://
Vox Populi (Civilization VI Secret Mod Collection)
Collection by Harold Smith
Compatible with the most recent Leader Pass update (March 29). Civilization balance is not complete until Civilizations Expanded mod is updated. Significant removals and additions to the modlist have been made, so it is strongly recommended to follow the (
Mods recomendados
Collection by Pity
My Civ6 Mods
Collection by D
The Civ6 Mods made by me (D) The core of these mod is the Harmony in Diversity. 重要 此合集内的内容并非全部兼容和而不同(且可能引起冲突),请和而不同用户不要全部订阅!!! 请转而订阅和而不同项目界面下的4个合集内的内容。
간디부터 호조 도키무네까지
Collection by Nsen
★ Better Balanced Game(BBG), Take your Time Ultimate, Terra Mirabilis 모드는 비활성화 하고 플레이중입니다 ★ ※ Better Balanced Game(BBG), Take your Time Ultimate, Terra Mirabilis는 구독은 해두었지만, 인게임에서는 비활성화 하고 플레이 중입니다. (영상과 같은 환경에서 플레이하고 싶으시다면, 구독하지 않으셔도 됩니다.) ※ 모드충돌, 잦은튕김 등
Collection by 小米米沙
创建时间 2021年11月19日 本合集仅供视频使用,模组的具体问题请联系作者~
Mody Civ VI Najane
Collection by Najane
Mody do Civilization VI, z których najczęściej korzystam :)
Collection by 五零二
和而不同 个人种田优化合集
Collection by Janoth
个人用优化种田 适配和而不同V1.3.9 推荐与下面的万国之春和还没加进合集里的两个文明一起全部订阅 建议领袖特效拉
SuiSui's Recommended Basic UI Mod List of Civilization VI
Collection by SuiSui
All the items are compatible with each other, work with Rise and Fall & Gathering Storm, and massively improve your experience of your games. R&FおよびGSが必要となります。全てのmodは互いに互換性があり、大幅にゲームの快適性が上がります。必ずしも日本語対応しているとは限りません。
UI, QoL, Graphics and AI Mods Collection 9/9/2022 (Updated to New Frontier Pass))
Collection by Tactical John Helldiver
Collection of working compatible mods starting from 6/2/2021 (Updated to New Frontier Pass)) Will be updated after more mods are updated and compatible. Contains about 80% of the feature set that Concise UI has, and will only increase as the original mods
Collection by 閃Lovely閃Lily愛Cat
闪闪自己玩的文明6合集啦~(๑′ᴗ‵๑)❤ 经过几天稳定性测试,目前没什么崩溃的问题啦,增加了不少的设施建筑 文明 地图美化以及其他扩展MOD 都是汉化的~ MOD列表都有详细分类哦,清晰明了呐。 非常全面啦可以全部订阅啦!还有请取消你的所有订阅后再全部订阅!记住哦,不然崩溃出问题不管喵~ 若是卡顿以及文字闪烁,请关闭左下角地图选项中的,大洋 江湖 还有个什么来记不得啦,反正是水有关的显示,很好测试出来的。 里面的有些文明MOD是以狂三文明为核心依存的,若用狂三文明的猩红梦靥领袖,除了会获得本身文明的所有特
野蛮 6 单人豪华套餐
Collection by Jewbery
Collection by Master_Yoda
必备类 1.Enhanced Mod Manager 作用:管理mod的mod 2.快速交易 作用:天神三件套之一 3.高级地图钉 作用:天神三件套之二 4.工人劳动力查看助手 作用:天神三件套之三 5.Better Loading Screen (UI) 作用:人物加载界面会更加详细显示出文明与人物的特性 6.Extended Policy Cards 作用:政策卡上会直接显示出详细数据,方便选择规划 7.Better Report Screen (UI) 作用:更详细的报告界面,在游戏右上角可查看,此处
Collection by 夕墨岚
目前测试来看,功能扩展可能还存在冲突的模组,应该继续调整一下会好一点(单人游玩无影响,联机不稳定不知道是我和我朋友的原因还是模组原因,蛮奇怪的) 1.(核心)Mod管理器,方便管理模组 2.(UI)加载时的人物介绍更具体 3.(画面)海浪拍在礁石上会有浪花 4.(机制)溢出锤BUG修复 5.(机制)增加了20个自然奇观,且将自然奇观圈入文明领土会获得额外效果 6.(机制)市中心建筑扩展 7.(机制)海洋扩展,增加了更多海洋资源与海洋奢侈品 8.(UI)极大提升游戏体验,报告列表分类让你更直观的看到每个城市、
Collection by 酱King
小型模组: 1.Quick Start(跳过开场动画) 2.Better Loading Screen (UI)(人物加载界面会更加详细显示出文明与人物的特性) 3.高级地图钉(钉子会直接显示相邻加成与单元格情况,钉铺胜利的核心bushi) 4.Extended Policy Cards(政策卡上会直接显示出详细数据,方便选择规划) 强推 5.Better Report Screen (UI) (更详细的报告界面,在游戏右上角可查看,但基本不会看,此处作为政策卡mod的前置mod配合使用) 6.快速交易(全
COVID Quarantine Build
Collection by blazeknave
AS OF SUMMER 2021 - THIS COLLECTION IS OUT OF DATE - NEEDS AN UPDATE The majority of the mods and those in the sub-collections, are still valid, but I can no longer say they all work together. @Adriaman had put a ton of work into his collection, including
Collection by Daydreamer
Mods that I believe are necessary to enjoy the game!
Mods I Use In Every Game
Collection by boesthius
Collection of mods I use in every normal game of mine that isn't a modded leader/quirky 1 Era Behind/comets modded gameplay
SuiSui's Recommended Basic UI Mod List of Civilization VI (CQUI Version)
Collection by SuiSui
All the items are compatible with each other, work with Rise and Fall & Gathering Storm, and massively improve your experience of your games. R&FおよびGSが必要となります。全てのmodは互いに互換性があり、大幅にゲームの快適性が上がります。必ずしも日本語対応しているとは限りません。
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