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Containing item: "Meld For Long War of the Chosen"
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Showing 1-30 of 131 entries
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MOD JAM+ - The Official Mod Jam Collection
Collection by AKA Illogical
Please visit Discussions for information regarding mod additions, compatibility, and updates. This is a collection, using the metamod "Mod Jam" by Kiruka. The intent is to have an easy to install, curated, and ideally balanced package. This is a work in pr
Mod Jam Collection
Collection by Sgt. Hobo
Mod Jam + all it's things in one place. For now. Everything in here was made compatible and rebalanced for lwotc by Kiruka. I am just the massager and also the messenger. You only need to subscribe to the mods in this collection. You don't need any other s
NevikTheStoryteller's XCOM 2023 Modlist - Gameplay (LWOTC)
Collection by Nevik The Storyteller
A condensed and revised version of "NevikTheStoryteller's Covert Infiltration Penultimate Modlist (800+ Mods)" ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2854356614 ) with a focus on streamlining and balance over pushing the limit of modlist
Marbozir's LWotC Mod Jam modlist [2023]
Collection by Marbozir
This is my Long War of the Chosen Mod Jam modlist, used in my Twitch streams at http://twitch.tv/marbozir (as of 2023) I also got a playlist on YouTube. I removed Quick Soldier Info from the list because it can cause problems with Avenger Defense, as well
LWOTC + MOD JAM(2022 july updated)
Collection by NotJessica
LWOTC + MOD JAM curated collection i used n my youtube playthrough what does includes this? - all the necessary mods to run lwotc + mod jam, yes it includes the bacis mods such as the highlanders and other mod fixers - a few cosmetics - abba integrated - p
Collection by 盾猫
自己研究了几天整出来能流畅运行的MOD合集,大部分MOD都有大佬们的汉化包汉化了。 目前发现的问题: 2810833534 Girls' Frontline Resistance Faction: ARC 少女前线格里芬势力MOD,隐秘行动中联合行动生成的任务,如果派遣小队潜入会导致任务消失,并令小队卡死在消失的任务中维持潜伏状态。 解决办法:联合行动生成任务后会自动跳转到小队出动页面,直接退回大地图,这时会第二次跳出任务弹窗,这时候就能正常派出小队执行任务了。 顺带,此模组的汉化文件可以在XCOM2贴吧通
DerAva's Highlander Campaign Modlist
Collection by ava
Mod Collection for my Highlander YouTube campaign which can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtdFbHeD9CNyDUx2NXf9bV9o1orvsYtPR In regards to Faction Heroes And Proficiency Classes: Note that while LWOTC and Prof class packs are hard re
Stukovs War
Collection by Stukov81-T.TV
The Crazy War of Stukov, at least part of it
DerAva's Mod Jam+ Highlander 2024 Campaign
Collection by ava
Mods used for both the Twitch Stream campaign and the YouTube campaign of Mod Jam+ for Long War of the Chosen with the Highlander Ruleset.
NevikTheStoryteller's Long War of the Chosen Penultimate Modlist
Collection by Apple Juice for the Merry
Collection by NightKnight
All the basics for a rich game of MODJAM LWOTC
XCum Long War / Modjam 3.0
Collection by Pirrigonz
Lista actualizada de la proxima campaña de xcum. Seguidme en to los laos que soy mazo majo: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@pirrigonzalez Twitter: https://twitter.com/pirrigonzzz Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pirrigonzzz
(LWOTC) + (Mod Jam+) + (Mod Jam+ Companion Collection) - (Playable Aliens) = XCOM2.5
Collection by Zack
This is a collection including all the mods needed to play the Mod Jam+ mod pack with AKA Illogical's personal additions as of 5/20/2023. It includes everything except for playable aliens, if you want those add these workshop items: Playable XCOM 2 Aliens
AML Module 1 - Core: Frameworks & Fixes
Collection by LeyShade
Sub-module of the AML Overhaul + Expansion. This module is a CORE module and all items included should be downloaded to ensure the best gameplay experience, and the games assured ability to function as part of the AML O+E. CORE Modules: Maps, Framework, Al
Collection by JexplosionJ
BoobusCabus' ModJam Collection
Collection by Boobus
A spoonful of this. A dash of that. A collection of mods for XCOM 2 Long War of the Chosen. This is a combination of DerAva's Modjam list with my own cosmetic and "Quality of Life" mods in it. I removed a few cosmetic mods I am not a huge fan of, but I lef
[LWOTC] Just all mod I use, 1 click ready to play, anyone free to use this
Collection by D Chick PR
Test Update section 01/09/21 : Crash after doom slayer 2 mission end (loading to avenger) 01/14/21 : Remove some incompatible mod (include doom slayer mod ) and add more mod compatibility trough mod jam 04/22/21 : Update list mod, remove RPGO due instabili
Sanctified Reach Long War Mod Jam 2024
Collection by Bossonova420
Collection by Mr. Comm
Compañeros, aquí os dejo la lista de Mods que estoy usando en la campaña de Mod Jam + Requiem del año 2024. Bravo por todos los creadores de estos Mods, que trabajo más impresionante. Que sepáis que algunos de los Mods están todavía sin publicar y en fase
Collection by Perturabo
Collection by Pirrigonz
Xcom pack
Collection by Ezequiel32
mods 3 (no cosmetics)
Collection by BIOEHIDU
Smoke's Current Castrophony
Collection by Smoke
Collection by pabloaram2011
XCOM 2 LWOTC modjam+
Collection by haretu
It mainly contains the following mods Long War of The Chosen and its required mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2683996590 Mod Jam for Long War of the Chosen https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2684079953 Mod Jam
my barely working modlist
Collection by Luminesce Cameron
Modlist for curious friends
Get That Loot! [WOTC]
Collection by Weazelsun
Mods that add in new loot or help with getting said loot.
Personal list
Collection by Frank The Desert Wanderer
Collection by Gwii
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