They Are Billions

They Are Billions

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Colecția lui CrystalRmu
这是一个系列,有极少量借鉴28,29年后,其核心玩法是剧情和政策,第一章仅为测试。。这将是一个极大的合集,欢迎有关人士(无论是地质,历史背景还是技术,翻译方面,异或只是提供建议)前来帮助,q群:670962555,所用关卡均为用爱发电,享受规模宏大的战役吧。做的不好随意拷打作者噢..嘿嘿 This is a series with very few references 28, 29 years later, its core gameplay is the plot and policies, and t
Colecția lui POBmaestro
自“血雨”席卷全球,已经过去了28年。当时,世界各地的人民正在参加大规模有组织的抗议活动,突然有某种神秘力量导致他们狂暴无比,相互攻击。“血雨”感染了数十亿人,只有极小部分的文明得以幸存。如今,一代人之后,从那场灾难中活下来的人正试图一点一点地夺回它们的家园。或许,还能顺带找出导致这场灾难的罪魁祸首…… 我是本地图的中文翻译Soapp,如您发现了翻译疏漏,或想帮助我一起翻译,欢迎在Steam创意工坊留言! 本系列地图的中文翻译已全部完成!以下是每章的地图名称: 第一篇——"守株待兔" 第一章:第一滴血 第二
小面包的自制图-My maps
Colecția lui 可爱小面包
29 年后
Colecția lui POBmaestro
29 年前的一天,人们不约而同,人们走出家门,人们游行抗议;倏忽间,人们狂暴无比,人们相互攻击,留下满目荒夷。该事件被后人称为“血雨”。29 年过去了,被“血雨”感染的人类数以亿计,仅存的文明火种零星散布于世界的角落。如今,在一代人之后,灾难的幸存者们终于夺回了他们曾经的家园,并试图一点一点地夺回这个曾经繁荣的世界。然而,这些幸存者们了解到的所谓真相,只是“血雨”的冰山一角而已…… 本自定义战役地图为《28 年后》的续作,建议您先游玩前一篇之后再游玩本作(非必须)。 《29 年后》战役地图的预计发布时间如下
28 Years Later
Colecția lui POBmaestro
28 years have passed since a phenomenon known as the The Tempest engulfed the world. Citizens around the globe were taking part in huge organised protests when something caused them to violently attack each other. This spread until billions were infected w
29 Years Later
Colecția lui POBmaestro
29 years have passed since a phenomenon known as the The Tempest engulfed the world. Citizens around the globe were taking part in huge organised protests when something caused them to violently attack each other. Billions were infected with this blight, l
Quintus Crane : The Following
Colecția lui KarEssMoua
Quintus Crane : The Following is a fan made sequel of the official campaign made by Numantian. Finishing the official one is not essential as you are starting the campaign on a new continent: Ashguard. The Ashguard continent was a haven of peace and is the
Emperor Series
Colecția lui Icthulu
A story series of your rise from a commoner to leading the Empire in the midst of the zombie apocalypse.
Wings of the Phoenix
Colecția lui Joekirk
Wings of the Phoenix is a campaign that begins the day after the infected start mutating. It details the fall and eventual rise of a colony, its growing strength, its mission to establish a new bastion for humanity and all the perils in between.           
Colecția lui 可爱小面包
Aidan's Journey
Colecția lui Khazmylar
"Thanks for all the feedback, I'm glad some people enjoyed my maps! So here is the deal. I had a lot more planned out and was even working on an improved version of the research system which took me many hours to build, and just when I was about 90%-95% do
【征战】三十六图【七大难度】[battle] Story version
Colecția lui 我与僵尸的故事
《亿万僵尸》该剧情版是以丧尸帝国侵略为题材,通过传送来至地球并且发动全面战争。人类一败涂地!我们作为世界的最后守护军团必须出击征战丧尸!夺回我们的故土!找出丧尸的所在地,打败它们!消灭它们!KILL ALL! 亿万僵尸剧情版:三季三十六集!每一集都有它存在的意义,独特的故事路线,不同的地图风格,带有相当难度的剧情战役。 第一季【有科技/爽图玩法】 第二季【有科技/爽图玩法】 故事路线图:所有地图: 人族国度,沦落国度,残害国度,巨人国度,胖子国度,女妖国度,毒液国度,丧尸国度,未知国度,神秘之都,异星国度,
【Cの穿越 C's Journey】剧情&创新玩法系列 Plot&Innovative Gameplay Series
Colecția lui Catyu
反馈交流群:670962555 【Cの穿越】剧情系列 你可能不了解相关背景,但为什么不来试一下呢? *章节相互独立:任何人都可以从任何章节开始战斗。 *创意玩法设计:跟传统的打僵尸不同,主要专注于创新玩法的设计。 *难度上限很高:适合喜欢挑战难度的玩家。 C's Journey: Plot Series You may not be familiar with the relevant background, but why not give it a try? *Chapters are independ
Colecția lui 兰姆达QAQ
快乐自制图 Happy homemade map
Colecția lui 理塘最速傳說と絕兇の
Leyba's Story Campaign
Colecția lui KarEssMoua
While the country of Heatherbarrow is at the height of its industrial development, a violent epidemic breaks out. As Rivenfell, the country's capital, descends into chaos due to an unknown disease, other towns and villages suffer the same fate. The survivo
帝国 Empire
Colecția lui 理塘最速傳說と絕兇の
这是新人的第一次创作,还有很多不足和错误,欢迎大佬在评论区指出,同时这个系列我还会继续做下去,感谢大家捧场。 This is the first creation of the newcomer, and there are still many shortcomings and mistakes. Welcome the boss to point out in the comment area. At the same time, I will continue to do this series. T
Colecția lui Mark416
Ground Zero Collection
Colecția lui Filthy Gaming
This is a set of three missions that will push your ability to adapt to economic crisis while fighting off the hordes of undead. Heavily focused on a cross between base macro and unit micro. Full storyline and character development that is subtle, but enou
28 Años Después
Colecția lui POBmaestro
28 años han pasado desde que el fenómeno conocido como La Tempestad envolvió al mundo. Ciudadanos alrededor del globo tomaban parte en una gran protesta organizada cuando de repente algo hizo que se atacaran violentamente unos a otros. Esto se esparció has
defensive positions
Colecția lui swiftbladeDKN
Gears of the Human Machine
Colecția lui Tuna Fan
Contains all the levels available for the Gears of the Human Machine custom campaign.
Spanish Infection
Colecția lui Mr. T
Camapaña para There are Billions
WotP chapter 1, "Fanning Flames"
Colecția lui Joekirk
This collection contains all the levels from the 1st chapter of the Wings of the Phoenix campaign, bundled together for ease of sorting. The complete collection, which will contain all the maps can be found at the link below:
Colecția lui 塔下意识粉
和谐的进攻 by:酥、若若
Colecția lui SUPMIC
战役模式系列mod——和谐的进攻 持续更新中,有开发建议或指导意见请联系作者@酥、若若 Continuous Updating.if you have development suggestions or guidance, please contact the author @酥、若若. 末世历16年(A.D.2487年)地球合作组织抛弃人类幸存者,发射三艘星舰离开地球寻找新家园。 “物竞天择号”跨越星门,来到“泽利坦518”,在这里建立人类生存基地,与“盖亚”种族爆发战争冲突,然而,阴谋的种子却在这颗星
My maps ---- They are billions
Colecția lui matthescratch
All the maps I'v made so far.
Definitely Not TAB
Colecția lui KarEssMoua
More maps with unique and fun gameplay will be added later ! About Definitely Not TAB : These maps are not usual TAB gameplay. Consider them as troll or fun map, when try harding is the only way to get through it !
Hardest Custom Map Pack
Colecția lui isakujjang1
English Description. Hello, it's boring to repeat the default survival map, Especially, if you play the game for a long time, you will only repeat map 4 and the rest of the map will not be play. However, if you increase the difficulty with a custom map, yo
They Are Billions Custom Maps
Colecția lui Verowak
A list of Custom Maps that I enjoyed and would recommend to everyone! Some may be difficult, others easier but they are all great maps.
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