Dota 2
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Browsing: Collections
Showing 91-108 of 12,174 entries
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Arsenal of Champions
Collection by mrpresident
The Arsenal of Champions Chest, produced by Evil Geniuses. Created by mrpresident, The Horse Strangler, Terra.Cotta, and CiDDi.
Shadow of the Thief-Scholar
Collection by Mig
Our polycount TA Entry
The Ol Steam Chopper
Collection by GunJunkie
A set created by :3, TrungTH and Dota Cinema.
Guise of the Envious Archer
Collection by Yi
A set of gear built to guise Traxex' eternal envy.
Array of Tranquility
Collection by Yi
An outfit of tranquil powers, beautiful as the calm before the gusting storm.
Echoes of the Eyrie - Vengeful Spirit set
Collection by motenai
The day that Shendelzare fell from the Eyrie, flightless and consumed by the desire of vengeance, her hair burst into blue flames, and the sky cried with what was left of her torn wings. Set created by Motenai Particles Effects created by AbyssFX Special t
Mesolite set of poisoned storm.
Collection by daniil.spivak
Venomancers set for polycount & DOTA2 contest. Here is the update of presentation. Sorry for the last one, but i have huge crunch on my work and have a little tome to work over this chellenge. Also i had only one hour for the polycounts deadline. So press
Gemini Juggler Robe
Collection by HyrX
This is a new Rubick set we made for FY, we call it Gemini Juggler. We also added new ability effect and new weapon effect for it.If you liked ,pls give it a thumbs up.thanks :) This is our facebook : Youtube: https://www.
Vestments of the Frigid Cultist
Collection by The Horse Strangler
ArtStyle Dk - Scales of Doom
Collection by CTaKaH_MoJIoKa
This set was created for ArtStyle.
Empress of the Deeps
Collection by Anuxi♥
Naga Siren as the Empress of the Deeps; an item set I created for the DOTA2 polycount challenge. You can view the process of this set on the Polycount forums:
Tortured Revenant Set
Collection by Don Don
Energy from Spectre’s home plane of existence pulses through and is overtaking parts of her armor. This is a 5 piece item set, using the extra Miscellaneous slot. * I’ve changed my username from Junglehermit to Don Don, for the sake of unifying my online a
Keeper of the Northlight
Collection by Airborn_Studios
You can buy this now! Ezalor is known throughout the realms as Keeper of the radiance of day, but legends from the remote, snowbound villages of the Wailing Mountains tell of him appearing in another guise
Life Stealer - The Transmuted Armaments
Collection by DotaFX
Treasure of Ancient Defenders
Collection by Dr.Robo
Chest filled with pro gear :3 (team Empire, VP, Lost, BZZ, Faker, Vanskor) + cute cour! enjoy!
FullMetal Firefly
Collection by AstraZeroZak
Timbersaw set.
Accomplished Duelist
Collection by Dr.Robo
weapon CANT be implemented as shown in the video :( sorry
Rhasta's true form
Collection by Tinek
...After death of his swindler-partner, there was nothing that could stop Rhasta from developing his (true) magical gift. Because of his inherited reputation, he wasn't welcomed in cities, therefore he deicided to return to his former lands: Bleeding Hills
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