Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Sisältävät luomuksen: "Comfy Caballero v2"
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Vanilla style with chocolate
Kokoelman tekijä A trained chimp
When it comes to the artstyle and setting of Team Fortress 2, I am very conservative. I find the stylized 60s theme of vanilla TF2 unique and appealing, and I wish Valve hadn't abandoned it as haphazardly as they did. I'm not against the idea of adding new
Favourite Engineer Items
Kokoelman tekijä 256Mini
"Now these here are some fine pieces of work!"
Engineer stuff
Kokoelman tekijä Ethosaur
Stuff i want to see for engineers!
TF2 Awsome items that i think are...Awsome....
Kokoelman tekijä Mustache Mann
This collection is for Awsome items from the workshop only, anyone can send me a example(s) on any TF2 item(s).....
Kokoelman tekijä Vault Boy
My Collection
Kokoelman tekijä ARQCARLOOS
Best Engineer Items!
Kokoelman tekijä supermarioben2
Please note that there may be included All-Class items as long as they support engineer, also we only put certified compatible, unless stated otherwise. I did not create, just showcase for my favorite class.
Sivua kohden: 9 18 30