Portal 2
flying tonight
67 σχόλια
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 1 Φεβ 2018, 7:07 
respectfully: wow, I hope I'll be able to solve portal puzzles, at 71 (if I'm still here).
thankyou for the complement.
as for genius:
I may use higher brain functions from time to time.
but I also delve to the depths of stupidity, & the spaces inbetween.
as for you not making portal 2 maps:
without the players. making maps, would be pointless.
constructive feedback, positive & negative are always welcome.
constructive negative feedback, helps us improve.
thankyou for your comments & playing my maps
Gilles1946 31 Ιαν 2018, 19:48 
I tell you the same as i told to Daloboy, found Portal many year ago and plyed it with a great pleasure. Long time after get Portal 2 (Steam) and envoy playing that kind of game and discoved that many peopel where making map for. So i start playing these maps. At 71 years old, i don't have the skill to create such map that you have the genius to do. Anyway I thanks you for you offer.
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 31 Ιαν 2018, 13:27 
thank you :steamhappy:
if you make any maps. let me know & I will play.
Gilles1946 31 Ιαν 2018, 12:19 
Enjoyed playing, yhat was funny flying around. Thanks.
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 12 Αυγ 2016, 16:13 
correct: their is no funel needed, for franken.
thankyou again, for your comments.
glad you enjoyed yourself :)
Zoraya 12 Αυγ 2016, 11:26 
Aha, I was unsure about the puzzles because I thought there were one or more missing steps... I didn´t manage to find a way to deactivate the upper fizzler in order to funnel the cube against the wall button. So I suppose that wasn´t neccessary?
Anyway, I enjoyed the creativity again!
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 11 Αυγ 2016, 4:33 
hi Zoraya
thankyou for playing.
I just had a look at the exit connection.
yes, that should not be possible ?
the exit is only connected to the wall button.
& it is a direct connection.
however, this glitch only happens, when the player has solved the puzzle.
so although this glitch should not happen.
the player has earn't the right to exit.
in testing today:
when the franken hit the wall button.
the panel moved & the franken funeled upwards ?
again another glitch.
but the exit glitch, stops the panel glitch, making this map unsolvable.
so I am afraid to republish, in case the exit glich is resolved, but the panel glitch remains.
ps. the wall button also activates another light bridge.
if the player wants some reflector cake. (from the franken room)
glad you enjoyed it (dispite the glitch's)
Zoraya 6 Αυγ 2016, 15:06 
Nice chamber, I liked the floating and flying through the lasers.
I´m not sure about the solution. I had the cc and the franken only touched once the button at the wall and the exit door was open: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=738952957?
I was surprised because that seemed illogical to me ...
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 22 Αυγ 2014, 15:25 
try cooking them 1st :)
kimist108 21 Αυγ 2014, 17:22 
That was very different. Thumbs up;! But red herring taste really bad.
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 22 Ιουλ 2014, 8:28 
thankyou very much.
glad you enjoyed playing.
mrsumo 21 Ιουλ 2014, 20:43 
well it was koool looking, thumbs up, the hidden chamber 2 thumbs up, i don't read description until after i finish a map so the hidden chamber was a nice surprise
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 18 Οκτ 2013, 14:36 
thankyou for your positive feedback.
I have subscribed to your map.
thankyou for the credit & link to my map.
I use the turret machanic in my new map.
but I don't let the player kill them.
& they guard the exit
Traveler807 18 Οκτ 2013, 6:31 
Nice work, I was chasing the red herring for a while, not even realising the exit was open :)
I made a map using one of your turret tricks if your interested. It was just so cool I had to do my own take.
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 6 Ιουν 2013, 10:09 
Big Moustache
yes, red herring.
I do mention in the description.
but I originaly had more in this map.
I don't think I used any on any other maps though.
although it seems to fit well in this map.
I don't think in general, that it is a good idea.
about time a gaming translation software was built into steam.
though with gaming termiknowledgy, even google are not up to it, yet !
Big Moustache 6 Ιουν 2013, 5:01 
I just learned an English expression: red herring ! Interesting
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 5 Ιουν 2013, 15:47 
Big Moustache
thank you for playing / flying :)
yes the reflection cube is a red herring, as mentioned in the description.
hope you had fun.
Big Moustache 5 Ιουν 2013, 7:49 
I didn't need the cube reflector, is it your intention?
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 13 Μαρ 2013, 19:00 
strange I never noticed that ?
thankyou for the info.
I just updated this map.
no more using funel to bring sphere to you, while your not in a funel.
no more grabing cube through laser field & going back using the method you came with.
added lasers & grating.
& moved zero gravity field further back, to make almost invisible.
& give the impression of an extra hazard.
toncica 13 Μαρ 2013, 17:31 
Because after re-loading the music is gone. I think it helps to focus when there's no music distracting you.
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 13 Μαρ 2013, 17:15 
thankyou for your feedback & another blind run :)
I did put red herring, in the description.
the chamber with the red herring,
intended sollution on grabing the cube, was to portal back.
timer is to long. but no big issue.
getting the sphere, was easier for me to go up in a funel.
grab it & come back.
everything else intended.
though not as much flying around as I expected.

thankyou again for an educational video :)
why do you save, then re-load, as you enter a map ?
toncica 26 Φεβ 2013, 15:29 
I admit sometimes I feel greatly confused on your maps. The other cube was just distraction?
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 13 Φεβ 2013, 11:08 
Mitch McWiggins
glad you liked it :)
apart from the co-op map (I never play or intend to play co-op)
I have played some of your maps & subscribed to the rest.
so will play more soon.
Mitch McWiggins 12 Φεβ 2013, 21:06 
Good times. At first I wasn't placing the franken down correctly, with its legs out, which caused the door to open/close erratically. Legs out did the trick, phew! Thanks
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 10 Φεβ 2013, 14:04 
I have subscribed & will check it out soon.
Drackvor 10 Φεβ 2013, 10:57 
mood3rd...another comment here as i took inspiration from you flying concepth in this map and tried to recreate it in a slightly different way, here is the "experiment" and it is the second room you will possibly be interested in having a look at, getting the configuration right for this room was a lot of work, but you should recognise the mechanisms used...and have a look at the configuration of the transporters used, it isnt quite as economical as your method, but, as you said in a different comment, you can hide the tractor beams, thus making it a very convincing experience! :) hope you like it http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=126334965

mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 8 Φεβ 2013, 16:05 
I have just subscribed to your map:
From A - B with one
glad you had fun :)
Drackvor 8 Φεβ 2013, 7:58 
i almost forgot, here is a nice simple puzzle to have a look at :)
Drackvor 8 Φεβ 2013, 7:54 
another enjoyable map, once again there were some interesting concepts within the map, and i was fooled for a short while on the "red herring" but the solution finally hit me... or should i say walked awkwadly into me?
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 12 Ιαν 2013, 15:35 
Ebbzylon thankyou.
just subscribed to your map: "You'll catch me... then I'll go"
glad you liked it :)
if you look at the description, it says "red herring".
so your right, not everything is needed.
I know what you mean about being in a funel to long :) :( :) :( :) :( :) :( :)
Ebbzylon 11 Ιαν 2013, 19:25 
Very nice visual effects (Both main room and cubes room)
Did not need reflecto cube?
With all those funnels around, I think it affected my mind :-) I got stuck a while looking for a funnel to push a cube on the walled plate... until I finally woke up to the solution :-)

Thumb up, no hesitation.

Here is another easy one that you should find easier to read than my bird map.

mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 13 Νοε 2012, 15:09 
this was my attempt as near as I could, to 360 degree flying.
keep moving & you go straight.
stop in up or down ward funel, to go up or down.
I built the rest around this.
daloboy 13 Νοε 2012, 13:37 
Flying! Nice animation! Had fun!
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 28 Οκτ 2012, 12:01 
the button & other angled panel, were there, just to make it a bit easier.
the reflector cube is the "red herring" mentioned in the description.
you did solve it correctly with the franken cube, without the extra panel, it sometimes floated away (during testing).

so I added the extra panel, to avoid non puzzle frustration.
thank you for playing.
Čolibri 28 Οκτ 2012, 7:12 
Very strange map! I solved it with the franken cube pushing the button near the exit. Did not use the reflection cube and the other vertical button, or the horizontal pannel.
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 27 Οκτ 2012, 16:28 
your welcome.
without turrets as well as this one, is faithplate conundrum.
as for the ones with turrets, I upgraded them to either be less lethal or more obvious.
some maps with inverted traps, where as it's sprung, they die.
the 1st, is a bit of a rollercoaster with a puzzle.
(hint: when you get use of the funel, you will need it a few times as you progress.)
their is a turret inverted trap
the 2nd one, you get to kill them in different ways,
then you use an element from each killing, to solve part of the puzzle.
anyway, if you don't like them, fair enough.
what ever you do or don't play, enjoy.
ps. when you play, rate & comment on my maps,
if you leave a link to 1 of yours & I will do the same.
honest comments, good or bad.
Čolibri 27 Οκτ 2012, 2:16 
Now it's OK, thanks.
I will try your maps sooner (I dont like turrets, but I treat myself...)
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 26 Οκτ 2012, 17:49 
thankyou very much for informing me of this problem.
I have re-published this map & subscribed & played, without a problem, now.
if you have any more trouble, don't hesitate to let me know.
ps. if you keep moving, you go in a straight line.
Čolibri 26 Οκτ 2012, 16:21 
I subscribed to this map yesterday but it did not go to my list. I think you have to republish it to correct this (frequent) bug...
Geneosis 2 Σεπ 2012, 16:03 
Sure ^^ Fun maps don't often need turrets ;) And this one is a good exemple :p
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 2 Σεπ 2012, 14:12 
I hope it is.
did you notice, it is my 1st map without turrets.
this is made for fun.
no traps either.
Geneosis 2 Σεπ 2012, 13:52 
^^ Sadly some players like M1kke could dislike because of motion sickness... But it may be fun for others ;)
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 2 Σεπ 2012, 13:01 
I think I remember.
no puzzle, just walk accoss stasis field to exit.
his were on cieling, I think.
mine are sideways, to make the player think twice, before risking goo bath.

glad you had fun, my main objective with this map, completed, hurray.fun, fun, fun.
Geneosis 2 Σεπ 2012, 12:02 
Well you probably read this name in my map Zero Gravity Field : I mentioned frisdrea as he made a perfect version of the "zero gravity field" using this timer ;)

And yeah for me that was fun to play ^^
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 2 Σεπ 2012, 11:47 
I am interested thankyou.
I will subscribe.

mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 2 Σεπ 2012, 11:45 
it's possible that I saw it on one of his maps ?
I remember his name.
I did spend a while experimenting with tractor beams in different ways.
eg point a blue at a blue & depending on where you enter, which direction you go.
they don't just cancel each other out.
the alternating one, I did see someone using a piston to cut down time delay.
I tried it with a sphere pushed to a button with a tractor beam, then the button alters the polarity of the tractor beam, pulling the sphere straight off the button, which loops.
but this was slower.
aim a orange beam or blue at a alternating beam & the alternating beam is canceled out.
I still don't fully understand the physics of the tractor beams, but heard they have bean altered in an update.
so don't know if what I have learnt is still valid ?
anyway the important question:
did you have fun ?
Geneosis 2 Σεπ 2012, 11:32 
I just built a little puzzle using the levitation/stase funnel as a real testing element ;)
If you are interested, try Reversed ^^
mood3rd  [Δημιουργός] 2 Σεπ 2012, 11:28 
glad you enjoyed it.
this map was made mainly for players to have fun.
& I tried to give the player the nearest thing I could to 360 degrees flying.
while far from perfect, I hoped people would enjoy.
as for breezing through it this time.
did the franking cube stay awake since the update, (it did when I tested it).
also did you take my advice on how to get the sphere,
( where the franking cube was )
from the upper chamber, without destroying it.
& did it work first time ?
Geneosis 2 Σεπ 2012, 5:34 
Well so your stase mechanism is just the horizontal version of the one frisdrea found ^^
stormsend 2 Σεπ 2012, 1:41 
smooth. i like the changes. i hope others still find it challenging. i breezed through this time but i've played it a lot. thanks.