Portal 2
Difficult choices
38 comentários
DarkOriole4 19 ago. 2022 às 13:17 
Good Job! Most satisfying map I've played in a while.
sugma 2 jan. 2019 às 23:05 
is this multiplayer or singleplayer map?
lfairban 13 jun. 2017 às 13:27 
Good map. I'm with Petutski.
LordBeDe 8 jan. 2016 às 11:49 
Petutski 1 nov. 2015 às 9:33 
Well done! The lightbridge jump was a bit "ninja" but I have seen lots worse. Save with F6 before trying. Then you can quickly do several attempts.
wildgoosespeeder 10 fev. 2015 às 18:21 
Very nice. My only gripe was the weird tangling of antlines that are connected near the laser catcher that activates a piston platform and the one that drops the laser cube into the goo. Simply rotating the pedestal button may fix the confusion spot there.
76561198050811374 28 out. 2013 às 22:49 
Hey guys, just finished making my very first Test Map, and would love some feedback.
schovan 9 set. 2013 às 12:49 
Nice and difficult map. Good job.
RedPawn 18 ago. 2013 às 14:08 
A lot of talk about the "Last light bridge jump" . Ok I get there's something hard that needs to be done... but what is it ? Can't figure it out. :/
kimist108 26 jul. 2013 às 20:36 
Made me work for this one.
Hard 22 abr. 2013 às 7:06 
not bad
Oh... Big Shimiko 20 abr. 2013 às 10:46 
Difficulty: 6/10 (MDEIUM-HARD)
Took me a lot longer than expected. Good map. I was able to throw the redirection cube over the fizzler in the first room, by the way :P.
Lama051 2 mar. 2013 às 9:52 
Lol, did the first part week ago and couldnt figure it out now, luckily I had the saved. Second part was quite nice though.
Clover 10 fev. 2013 às 19:20 
Otherwise I feel as if this chamber is brilliant, as well as all of your other chambers.
Clover 10 fev. 2013 às 19:17 
The light bridge jump is well, pisspoor. Would not reccomend to those looking for a logical challenge. I had to give up because I couldn't get the jump right, and after a while trying to pull off such a manuever becomes tedious. I honestly prefer and enjoy your other test chambers.
ÇҜя_ÇØЙқЭя 27 jan. 2013 às 23:52 
HOLY CRAP! This map has got to be one of the most difficult and fun at the same time maps i have ever played in my life. BRAVO man BRAVO. I would personally recommend this to anybody keeps you brain going with the "How am i going to do that." Thank you very much you don't find these kinds of maps very often and i really enjoyed it. I hope to see more.
Badmin 10 jan. 2013 às 23:54 
This test was quite fun and not too difficult in my opinion. I don't understand why it has so few ratings. A lot of cool manipulation to complete it.
Fetandrey 4 dez. 2012 às 5:26 
Good one! +1 from me.
russozar 10 nov. 2012 às 6:17 
Вторая часть карты слишком хитроусложненная что ли.. =) В целом, хорошо! Молодец.
MachManX 28 out. 2012 às 13:14 
How can this test be a part of logical tests when there's ninja-like acrobatics involved?!? Gave up on this chamber because it got annoying. Change the title and collection since they don't match up :(
Mathey2009 14 out. 2012 às 23:54 
Hey loved the map. Thank you for this map!
I've got a map of my own I'm trying to get out there a bit, try it and leave a comment :)

Strategy 4: Knockoff
M1kke 27 set. 2012 às 12:16 
Thanks, great map and really hard enough. Did the problematic jump at first try, but realized that ppl might complain about it :) I'd say this is one of your top 3 maps.
УМА  [autor] 20 set. 2012 às 12:48 
@smaccona: Thank you. You are one of the few who appreciated this test :) Maybe this test is too difficult.
smaccona 20 set. 2012 às 9:17 
This was very good - I thought it was better than "Canal", in fact, though Canal seems to have gotten better ratings. I understand what people are saying about the light bridge jump, but I didn't mind it that much even though I'm not usually that good at awkward jumps
villa89 29 ago. 2012 às 12:01 
poor awkward jumps are not fun. Portal shouldn't be about hard jumps or hard shots with the gun it should be about logic with no tricks just cleverness
Captain Quakas 21 ago. 2012 às 6:36 
Nice map, thanks for making!
Mr Fraggle (UK) 20 ago. 2012 às 2:07 
Couldn't get the jump,after a while it ceases to be fun and ceases to interest me.
Diego 18 ago. 2012 às 10:00 
Very nice map, good thinking
sickle 18 ago. 2012 às 6:33 
Cheers, really good puzzle :D Had me thinking!
richwwashburn 17 ago. 2012 às 22:58 
Great puzzel. The light bridge jump is really a bitch.
Denis [Rus] 16 ago. 2012 às 4:02 
Карта супер.
Samsquanch 15 ago. 2012 às 23:06 
Awesome job, but the light-bridge jump was just a wee-bit too hard [\spoiler], was ready to give up.
Zavinious Akkol 14 ago. 2012 às 10:59 
I like the change you made to room two.. the Mario stuff is still a little tedious, but at least this version makes it quicker to retry. The overal logic and progression is very good as always.
presto668 13 ago. 2012 às 13:13 
Couldn't figure the second room out at all. Gave up.
MeatBag 12 ago. 2012 às 5:17 
Romb: куб достать легче, часть с лазером для активации лифта не поменялась насколько я понял. Минус в том, что расстояние большое, а при отпускании куба он может сдвинуться. Вот если бы там стояла кнопка под куб, чтобы он жестко фиксировался...
УМА  [autor] 12 ago. 2012 às 4:59 
MeatBag : Ну а сейчас все нормально?
MeatBag 12 ago. 2012 às 4:46 
Запарило микрить лазером во второй комнате на решетке около выхода . И прыгать за вторым кубом до обновления было ппц.
76561198064400482 12 ago. 2012 às 4:37 
Ver.2 I assume :). Somehow final light-bridge jump feels much harder now.
Personally I'd rather enjoy more puzzles and less ninja-like acrobatics. But TEST 19 is still good and possible to finish.