Mass Effect Civilizations - Asari
3,174 comentarios
Cyberbear 18 SEP a las 9:41 p. m. 
is there any chance to have the Juggernaugt use the same model as a colossi?
Zionus5 13 SEP a las 1:32 p. m. 
is there a patch to get the ring world to look right while running gigastructures? I
Princess Stabbity  [autor] 13 SEP a las 9:58 a. m. 
Also, sorry everyone for taking so long to update, but the mod should be compatible with Stellaris 3.13+ now! Along with it, we've done some bugfixing and asset optimisation. Nothing major, because portraits are our main focus at the moment, but expect larger content updates in the future <3
Princess Stabbity  [autor] 13 SEP a las 9:55 a. m. 
@Ranger It's okay, we know how to do it, but we'll not be implementing it for the time being. We'll revisit it around the upcoming portrait rework.
Ranger 11 AGO a las 11:24 a. m. 
@Princess Stabbit I have some fixes that will put asari into the humanoid category I could forward you.
xFFx Carnifex Omnium 2 AGO a las 2:08 a. m. 
Ahhhh gotcha, thanks for answering!
G-Man 1 AGO a las 10:26 a. m. 
hey stabbi, you got second place on alltime toplist...nice. gratz.
Princess Stabbity  [autor] 1 AGO a las 9:41 a. m. 
@xFFx Carnifex Omnium: No, this MEC module is just about asari stuff
xFFx Carnifex Omnium 30 JUL a las 5:28 p. m. 
Haven't played since 2017 and was thinking of jumping back in again sometime soon so sorry if this is a dumb question. Are there Reapers in the mod as a species/late-game crisis?
HannahDeluxe 15 JUL a las 1:31 p. m. 
Is there any way to make a custom Asari civ/species without the Amaranthine trait? I want to use the portraits/shipset but I want to choose traits myself. Amazing mod!
Princess Stabbity  [autor] 7 JUL a las 12:09 a. m. 
@Lock&Load98: Nope, it's unlockable in game n_n
Lock&Load98 6 JUL a las 12:49 p. m. 
@Princess Stabbity I assume the "Ascendant Destiny" civic being missing from the list.
Princess Stabbity  [autor] 24 JUN a las 6:45 p. m. 
Illium requires the Megacorp DLC.

@Dr. Nolegs: Oh,oops! Thank you, I'll look into that. I may have to update AI's budgeting plan.
Chrome 24 JUN a las 11:19 a. m. 
Additionally, I cannot adopt the ascendant destiny civic either. It just doesn't show up.
Chrome 24 JUN a las 11:12 a. m. 
I cannot adopt the Illium a la mode civic, and it just doesn't show up. Is there something on my end or is it a bug? I just want to have the illium origin and the game wont let me :(
Dr. Nolegs 24 JUN a las 10:45 a. m. 
I have been doing some AI observation for my own mods, while running the Asari mod and noticed some issues with the ASI.

You should probably make the default Leverage policies disabled, (by having disabled be the first option in the list) or give the AI weight to disable it, since, and the Asari Corporation is nearly constantly sitting at a -6 from the civic for the early game, and this somewhat cripples them, since you have an enourmously high weight for Asari AI to use those traditions.

I've also noticed the ASI AI (and from there, probably the ASR) not put a leader in their custom council twice, although that could just be a certified AI moment, you should probably check for weights on the council position.

Thank you for your mod.

You should probably disable the Leverage Policies by default for AI's sake, through ordering disable as first, or make AI weights on it.
Check Civic Councilors weights, although this could be false positive.
Princess Stabbity  [autor] 23 JUN a las 2:27 a. m. 
@TonyStark2017: Try the same thing I proposed below your post.
TonyStark2017 21 JUN a las 1:07 a. m. 
Hello, I have a problem. The game doesn't see portraits, so I can't create a new game. Can you tell me what to do?
Princess Stabbity  [autor] 20 JUN a las 2:16 a. m. 
Hmm... I still cannot reproduce it on my end. The only advice I could give would be the old reliable: unsubscribe, clear your launcher cache, resubscribe.
The only reason I could imagine the species not appearing after the latest update would be if the mod update failed to download.
Lemon Soul 18 JUN a las 4:53 a. m. 
It works fine for me, and I play with a lot of other mods.
Bloodline112 17 JUN a las 1:22 p. m. 
I got it to work
Count Philip von Kruse 12 JUN a las 12:36 p. m. 
I similarly cannot even see the species portrait anywhere in the game, despite it being the only mod running. I cannot tell if this is related to the most recent update or not, but I certainly wouldn't mind some advice if feasible.
Princess Stabbity  [autor] 9 JUN a las 2:19 p. m. 
@Bloodline112: What is not appearing?
Bloodline112 8 JUN a las 2:36 p. m. 
its not appearing for me in game
Lemon Soul 26 MAY a las 5:52 a. m. 
Updated sub-mod for the unlocked Asari Colors:
Lock&Load98 25 MAY a las 9:36 p. m. 
Am I blind or is the "Ascendant Destiny" civic missing? I see the statecraft one but that's it.
jtbush00 20 MAY a las 1:39 p. m. 
Have you thought about doing other mass effect species?
jakemoreau00 19 MAY a las 10:23 a. m. 
i didn't think this would be updated thank you
jaydunne2014 17 MAY a las 5:37 p. m. 
I noticed that ships aren't showing up as well... at least on my end. Just throwing that out there.
Princess Stabbity  [autor] 14 MAY a las 2:59 p. m. 
And speaking of changes and PORTRAITS 2.0...

MONTHLY MOD REPORT Stellaris Megareport Edition! >o<
Princess Stabbity  [autor] 14 MAY a las 2:58 p. m. 
I believe there may still be diplo lines and some other things which check for same species class between asari empires. In any case, we don't want to touch anything portrait-related until we're implementing PORTRAITS 2.0, so while I'm open to the idea, I'd prefer to make it part of a larger rework in the future that can justify such far-reaching changes.
ParasiteX 11 MAY a las 9:06 a. m. 
Lol.. accidentally deleted my message when i was gonna reply.. :papyrus:
Anyways... I've had a look though the mod, and from what i can see you only do a single check against species class for an old code that switched gender to female, if male (which is kinda deprecated now, since you can set gender directly in empire creator).
And that code also checks against the core trait if the species class wouldn't match.
But maybe I'm missing something... In either case, just a suggestion. I've already made a personal patch for it, and seems to work fine so far.
Princess Stabbity  [autor] 11 MAY a las 8:52 a. m. 
@ParasiteX: It's something we may consider when we get around to our portrait rework (hopefully later this year). But it wouldn't be quite as easy considering how much stuff we do have tied to the custom species class. It would have to be part of a larger overhaul.
Vecktor21 7 ABR a las 9:53 p. m. 
Does anyone know the id for the Prothean Beacon?
Ravayen 27 MAR a las 4:36 a. m. 
@Stormy Skies
Thanks i'll give that mod a try, so much easier to plan when you can see the resource income :)
Stormy Skies 26 MAR a las 11:16 p. m. 
@Ravayen do you have a mod that updates the resources?
Something has to detect and add that resource to the list of shown resources for the UI to show it.
I'm personally a fan of !!!Universal Resource Patch [2.4+] for this purpose, remember to put it on the bottom of the mod order so it loads last.
Ravayen 19 MAR a las 4:14 a. m. 
Don't know if i'm being blind or not but where the heck do i see biotic income and current total? I have biotic pops and can buy edicts but just cant find the stats for it (thought it would be under rare rources).
Princess Stabbity  [autor] 7 MAR a las 4:50 a. m. 
@Ysurin91: Does it only happen with this mod? We don't mess with any astral stuff, so I don't think there should be a conflict. Maybe it's a vanilla bug or some mod that changes megastructures?
Ysurin91 3 MAR a las 10:05 a. m. 
Was wondering if any1 else was having issues with the flash forge astral action, can activate it but wont let me build the hyper relay afterwards, just gives me option to build normally at cost.
Princess Stabbity  [autor] 31 ENE a las 12:59 p. m. 
...also, I can't believe the description is still WIP ._. What's wrong with me???
Need to fix that soon.
Princess Stabbity  [autor] 31 ENE a las 12:58 p. m. 
Monthly Mod Report!


Today we're going over PORTRAITS 2.0 progress and a little internal rework that should hopefully make it a lot easier to develop. Plus, a little surprise!
Devil_Devonaire 31 DIC 2023 a las 3:07 p. m. 
Do u still need the NSC patch still?
Dragon 12 DIC 2023 a las 8:34 a. m. 
Кварианцы лучше
Princess Stabbity  [autor] 10 DIC 2023 a las 10:07 a. m. 

Nothing directly MEC-related in this one, but we are going over some general policy changes in regards to how we're going to handle DLC-dependent features going forward. Hopefully, much more clearly and with more consideration than we have done up to this point!

Also, a little early look at what we're cooking for the Lhuren, who are due to receive a rework on the same scale as the Asari recently did! @.@
gjoerulv 30 NOV 2023 a las 12:20 p. m. 
Awesome mod! I was wondering if it is possible to get older versions of this mod? Earlier this year I had to revert Stellaris back to 3.7.4 to be able to continue play with my save, but today when I played, all my Asari leaders died (lol) and I realized this mod has been updated to the newest version of the game, and not compatible with my 3.7.4 save. The version I'm looking for is probably 8.7.2 - 22 Mar 2023. Sorry if there is an obvious fix, tried to search.

If not, maybe I can edit my save to make my leaders not instantly die lol. Maybe make all immortal xD
Zionus5 29 NOV 2023 a las 1:50 p. m. 
Will there ever be a giga-structure patch?
Blackfyre 29 NOV 2023 a las 7:01 a. m. 
is there a way to play as an imperial govt type and still use the traditions?
Princess Stabbity  [autor] 29 NOV 2023 a las 3:57 a. m. 
@Mark Korsakova:
Should only be the Megacorp DLC
Mark Korsakova 26 NOV 2023 a las 6:42 p. m. 
Cant find the "A la mode" civic, so i cant use the first asari origin. what are the requirements to use the civic?
Col. Hathi 17 NOV 2023 a las 1:50 p. m. 
Awesome. Can't wait to try it later.