Space Engineers

Space Engineers

RB Gatling Cannon
140 comentarios
DlriumTrgger 12 FEB 2023 a las 3:31 a. m. 
could i reuse these assets for a 30mm Gau-8? credit for the assets to you listed of course.
Kaffry 30 DIC 2022 a las 9:38 p. m. 
Will there be an update to this mod due to Darkstar's update not supporting Non-WC weapons anymore?
jeebus 17 SEP 2022 a las 8:34 a. m. 
I came here to find an absolute shredder of a gatling gun, and youre telling me you're going to nerf it?
Thermonuclear Dildo 5 SEP 2022 a las 11:53 a. m. 
How stupid people are... Official Zealiux, Space engineers It's a very realistic game, even despite the ridiculous speed limit, no real orbits and the fact that the thrusters don't apply angular momentum to objects. These limitations were made specifically for the sake of gamedesign, but the rest of SE is a game based on real physics. We have already figured out that this gun can't be called "real", so can it at least fit the engineers' gamedesign, or be balanced? The answer is no.
So be it, install the mods you want and play the game the way you want, but you have no right to shut other people up.
Destiny 12 JUN 2022 a las 12:30 p. m. 
dont remove opness, instead make a nerfed version or tell us where the power is in the .sbc file
Destiny 12 JUN 2022 a las 12:29 p. m. 
you have done what i could not..
this is perfect. it will be perfect...
the gatling shredder..
andersenman 7 JUN 2022 a las 5:20 a. m. 
TF are you morons on about?
"Apply themselves" - Even the mod creator says it's OP. All I did was add some context and comparison. The point in SE is that it very much isn't supposed to be entirely magical and unrealistic and hyperfuturistic instead.
"expect contribution" - No? I never expected anything.
"So accurate" - Sorry you're scared of numbers. Go eat a book or something.
devil may freak 11 MAY 2022 a las 4:06 p. m. 
@andersenman chill, its a mod for a game with a dying fanbase, if you want to be so accurate make your own mod instead of complaining
findbaz 6 MAY 2022 a las 5:17 p. m. 
seems generational or something, a lot of people buy SE and have no knowledge of how a community of contributors works, instead they either expect contributions to fit some kind of logic of their own and complain when it doesn't or complain when a mod is broken after an update by Keen. I have seen both in increasing instances. Attacking the old punctuation in a comment section is always a give away. If only these people would apply themselves instead of being critical of everyone.
Official Zealiux 17 DIC 2021 a las 5:32 a. m. 
UltraEmailMan 17 DIC 2021 a las 1:00 a. m. 
@Official Zealiux @Andersenman
dandygrunt424 12 NOV 2021 a las 4:07 p. m. 
its just a mod lol
andersenman 10 AGO 2021 a las 3:10 a. m. 
1. Because text is patient. It is legible even two months after posting it and doesn't magically change meaning over time to become somehow ineligible to or forbidden from being responded to.
2. I am aware of the concept of choice behind using or not using. I needn't you explaining it.
3. I don't need to be a five-star chef to be able to tell when soup has too much salt. Besides, just because you don't get to see whether and how I use it, doesn't mean I'm not doing it. (<InventoryMaxVolume>1.6</InventoryMaxVolume>, <ProjectileAmmoData RateOfFire="180" ShotsInBurst="56"/>, <Mass>750</Mass><Volume>400</Volume><Capacity>14</Capacity>)
4. Again, you're not mod moderator or representative. You're no one to tell anyone to not participate.
5. I WAS polite during my initial feedback. If even so much as presenting a different viewpoint (with references, too) is too much for your hyperactive fanboying, that's your problem of grappling with reality, not mine.
Official Zealiux 8 AGO 2021 a las 2:48 p. m. 
And again if you don't like the mod then don't use it. Or since you're so smart do it yourself.

And if you cant then I suggest you won't go all out on the "smart as*hole persona" and just point it out politely and move on.
Official Zealiux 8 AGO 2021 a las 2:36 p. m. 
oh and thanks for the compliment
Official Zealiux 8 AGO 2021 a las 2:35 p. m. 
really why even bother responding it has been over 2 months
andersenman 8 AGO 2021 a las 10:13 a. m. 
Dude, first, your uncoordinated word vomit is an insult to any reader's eyes. Use some damn punctuation. Or normal punctuation, either one should work.
Second, the reference link was for the round. Here's one for gun and mag size: {ENLACE ELIMINADO}
Third, I already said, "even with […] rotary and […] science fiction". That means I already factored that "mechanically completely different" part in. Try reading and understanding before responding on impulse.
Fourth, I'm not talking about speed limit and orbits because this is a comment to a workshop item about a gun, not speed limits and orbits.
Fifth, "bruh", if you don't like maths, not my problem, by all means consider yourself most cordially invited to ignore it and shut your mouth about it. (Sounds familiar?) It's not your mod, nor one you officially represent. You're free to disagree with comment content, you're not free to tell anyone to not comment at all.
Official Zealiux 26 MAY 2021 a las 7:06 a. m. 
bruh @andersenman thx for the math but it's sience fiction if you're gonna complain about this then why aren't you talking about the fact that the speed limit is bullsh*t or the fact that there is no actual orbit so kindly pls shut your mouth it's an amazing mod and if you don't like it then I suggest you ask @ravenbolt permission so you can edit it or look for a different one. Oh and BTW that naval gun is mechanicly completely different than a rotory cannon
andersenman 23 MAY 2021 a las 1:17 p. m. 
Yeah, definitely OP. Current modern 127 mm naval guns fire once every two seconds. Even with a 6-barrel rotary and a generous buff due to science fiction and stuff, a rate of 3600 is easily over ten times of what one might expect. Not to mention the ammo itself: Apparently one round of 125×920, shell and propellant and all, has have a volume of 1.14 L and a weight of 6.25 kg (140 rounds per case, for one case to be 160 L and 875 kg). Quite a stretch in the Maths for something that is supposed to be 125 mm in diameter and 920 mm long even without counting the part of the shell that sticks out of the cartridge. For comparison, an actual 127-mm shell weighs ~31 kg alone, and its 127×836-mm cartridge, including propellant, would bring it to some 45 kg. {ENLACE ELIMINADO}
Judge Kronos 10 MAY 2021 a las 5:37 a. m. 
This is my most Favorite gatling. If you are going to balance please keep this OP version as it is great fun.

I made a build called the CTRL-X replacement for the bored creator with this...

Mercair 31 MAR 2021 a las 11:15 a. m. 
@Ravenbolt @Kevin03YZFR1 yes please, wc version would be awesome so I can have a c-ram in my wc survival world ;l
Kevin03YZFR1 14 MAR 2021 a las 7:41 a. m. 
@Ravenbolt - I'd like to make a WeaponCore version of this if you don't mind. If so, could you provide the subpart empty information from your model?

I think I have everything else on hand needed to configure this for WeaponCore. Just need to fill in the "?????" sections below.

MountPoints = new[]
new MountPointDef
SubtypeId = "RB_GatlingCannon_Large",
AimPartId = "?????",
MuzzlePartId = "?????",
ElevationPartId = "None",
AzimuthPartId = "None",

Barrels = new []

Thanks in advance
Official Zealiux 10 ENE 2021 a las 9:08 a. m. 
thx m8 and keep up the good work looking foreward to the new updat on the turrets mod
Official Zealiux 10 ENE 2021 a las 9:08 a. m. 
YES da Boolets r flowing
Official Zealiux 10 ENE 2021 a las 6:19 a. m. 
@ravenbolt any chance if your compact turret mod is compatible with this scrip?
Ravenbolt  [autor] 10 ENE 2021 a las 4:02 a. m. 
Removed all custom sound to fix errors and crashes due to stereo sound files (needs to be mono). Temporary fix until I get it to work. The Large Gatling Cannon uses normal gatling sounds. pew pew.
Official Zealiux 10 ENE 2021 a las 3:44 a. m. 
oh great I use that mod on all of my ships
Ravenbolt  [autor] 9 ENE 2021 a las 3:37 p. m. 
@Official_Zealiux About the turret. I have a version of this as turreted variant in my Compact Weapon system. I'm in the works of updating that one too.
Official Zealiux 9 ENE 2021 a las 3:35 p. m. 
and lastly THANK YOU very much for this wonderfull mod despite the bugs
Official Zealiux 9 ENE 2021 a las 3:34 p. m. 
and please excuse my (any of my) spelling mistakes
Official Zealiux 9 ENE 2021 a las 3:33 p. m. 
PS a little Idea a small grid 25mm turret with a small port and maybe a short barreld version with less muzzle velocity and less damage but higher fire rate or something like that
Official Zealiux 9 ENE 2021 a las 3:29 p. m. 
and even in april this issue was already present so I genuinly hope you can fix it
Official Zealiux 9 ENE 2021 a las 3:26 p. m. 
@Ravenbolt well If I am very honnest all I care about is is that the cannons will pull ammo and I kinda like the current sound of the cannons (although I have never used the large one due to the game crashing when firering it)
SultonMRP 9 ENE 2021 a las 7:26 a. m. 
hrm I might be able to help with audio, what ya need?
Ravenbolt  [autor] 9 ENE 2021 a las 7:19 a. m. 
@Official_Zealiux Fixed it. Needed to update the .sbc file some newer definitions regarding automatic InventoryFillFactor for ammo.

Regarding sound issues on the large blocks. I no longer have the software for editing the audio. :/
Official Zealiux 9 ENE 2021 a las 5:12 a. m. 
pls fix th e cannon's so they'll pull ammo from the containers again
Official Zealiux 24 OCT 2020 a las 8:36 a. m. 
and small model conveyor fix
SultonMRP 22 OCT 2020 a las 10:16 p. m. 
hope large model updates soon, needs a rear port :3
Official Zealiux 21 OCT 2020 a las 10:58 a. m. 
Hey I've been encountering an issue where the small cannon won't pull any ammo from my containers and idk why because I can put the ammo in there trough the containers and I really love this cannon
anzellott 15 JUN 2020 a las 6:52 p. m. 
Just A Suggestion, But Could You Please Up Damage At least A Bit?. I Am Mainly Using It For My Fighter Aircraft That Use The Plane Parts Mod, But Since There Is Only About A Few Seconds Of Engagement Window. Despite The High Fire rate, The Few Dozen Rounds That Hit The Enemy Jet Don't Quite Shred Them. If You Do Not Wish To Change The Damage Of The Small Gatling Cannon, Perhaps Make A Second Version Of The Small Gatling Cannon With Larger Ammo.
Toni Pepperoni 2 JUN 2020 a las 10:45 a. m. 
Works well, love it
WolfKakashi 1 ABR 2020 a las 8:00 a. m. 
Somebody else got the problem that this wonderfull gatling is not realoading?
I have to pull the Ammo from the Cargo to the gatling by hand
Serža 13 ENE 2020 a las 9:31 a. m. 
@Invalid I checked the files and it is due to the sounds themself - they are stereo instead of mono channel
Invalid 19 NOV 2019 a las 12:17 a. m. 
I'm experiencing audio issues with the large grid gatling cannon. for some reason it's making this sound whenever it fires.

switching the audio device to my monitor fixes it but with my headphones I just can't figure out why it's happening.
Demize74 23 OCT 2019 a las 5:59 a. m. 
I'm using this majestic, deadly beast of a gatling cannon on my AA Battery, but sadly it seems to not want to work with Whips AI Turret Slave script. Though it could be a fault on my side. Regardless, this is what the Vanilla gatling cannon should have been. Thank you for this epic and permanent addition to my mod list.
DynamicHellfire 21 SEP 2019 a las 8:00 a. m. 
Is it fine if I take the mod and fix it up for a server. Struggling to find good small ship weapon.. Want to put multiple small ship weapons together in one pack.
Loki 1 AGO 2019 a las 1:52 p. m. 
@ Ravenbolt I have Question, is it possible to change the Weight of the gun ?
I tried to built a Mouse controlled AA Gun Tower but when i assemble the Gun the Rotor starts to
wobble extremly fast. When I assemble the Vanilla Rocket Launcher it works good.
Last but not least this Gun Mod is one of my Favourites, good Work.
Truckerboy007 17 JUL 2019 a las 6:18 p. m. 
what ammo does it take
Jokemercy 5 MAY 2019 a las 6:38 p. m. 
@Randicore Yes, the sound tearing is horrible for me. Almost blows my headphones up. Not sure on the cause.
L O F T Y 21 ABR 2019 a las 5:09 p. m. 
Can't load it (small) - if I put ammo in the connected cargo the cannons don't pull it, and I can't manually load the ammo either.