Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

Ancient Ruins Expanded
semolina Dec 30, 2023 @ 8:01pm 
doesnt seem to work with quick movement on
dlk441 Jan 5, 2020 @ 4:40pm 
A Heads up! For some reason this Mod caused a bad conflict with my World Builder program. It locked every map into the same Ancient Civs...Hittites,etc. in Scenario Editor. Took me a day to find out this Mod was causing the conflict. Might never happen with anyone else...HOPEFULLY !
Meddius Jan 4, 2018 @ 8:30am 
Is it compatible with the Ancient Ruins Choice Mod?
Obunga Apr 18, 2016 @ 9:04pm 
i see this is prolly the best extended gamespeed mod out there
re: monju125 previous comment, did u?
monju125  [author] Sep 19, 2015 @ 12:08pm 
Gotcha. I'll look at turning gold down and culture up. Also, the reveal ruins isn't 100%, but I do have it set at 75%, so I should probably turn that down a bit as well.
Erunaraina Sep 19, 2015 @ 10:03am 
I felt both the gold was too high and the culture too low. Default culture gift on Prince is usually around 60. Additionally, later in my game I picked up another ruin which showed me the location of all the ruins on a new continent - which I also think is completely overpowered.
monju125  [author] Sep 17, 2015 @ 8:27pm 
You got a "High Gold" reward. High gold rewards are available in Prince and lower, and as the name suggests, you get a pretty decent amount of gold from them. Culture does scale with difficulty and gamespeed. In this case, being on Prince/Marathon means that the formula is (5+(7-3 difficulty rating)) * (3 gamespeed modifier) = 27. Do you feel that's too low or that the gold reward was too high? I scaled down some of the rewards but kept the others at the level they were at in vanilla (gold being one of them). I could be convinced to nerf it.
Erunaraina Sep 17, 2015 @ 4:37pm 
Can you explain why on a Marathon/Prince game I got 700 gold from one ruins, but only 27 culture from another (just so happened to be exactly the amount I needed for a policy). Shouldn't the culture amount be static and scale similarly to the gold gifts? This is the same complaint I have with about discovering ancient technology with the vanilla ruins - it should give you a static amount of science points.
GreatBigBore Jul 20, 2015 @ 4:59pm 
@monju125 Ah, cool, I get it. Thanks again, even though I keep getting beaten up by treacherous barbarians popping out of the ruins!
monju125  [author] Jul 20, 2015 @ 12:52pm 
@GreatBigBore That's actually how it's supposed to work. Check your tech tree the next time it happens; you'll notice you have that many beakers towards that tech. I made it to work the same way the free tech goody works, so it doesn't give you beakers towards your current tech, but a random one in the ancient era that you can currently research.
GreatBigBore Jul 20, 2015 @ 11:01am 
@monju125 Hey, really enjoying this one. Thanks so much for doing the hard work of creating it. A bug, I think: when I find ruins that give me beakers, it misnames the research. For example, I'm researching masonry, but the message says, "You've earned 5 (beakers) toward Archery." I saw this the other day too, and I thought I had imagined it, but no, it's for real. A minor thing; overall an awesome enhancement, thanks!
monju125  [author] May 24, 2015 @ 3:45pm 
@Milkman Bandit That's definitely one of the major driving factors. In my tests so far, the civs with strong early-game uniques are doing much better than they usually would. Attila is now the beast that he should be in the Ancient/Classical eras.
Milkman™ May 24, 2015 @ 2:58pm 
Sounds cool. I always did complain about how some eras of units are not used much because of a new era coming. So If Im reading what it does correctly awesome.
monju125  [author] May 24, 2015 @ 1:04pm 
@Milkman Bandit Sure. The Ancient Ruins mod actually spawned from my work on the other mod. It's a new GameSpeed inspired by the Extended Eras/Longer Eras mods. I'm attempting to address some of the balance issues with those mods, and allow every era to last around 200 turns.
Milkman™ May 24, 2015 @ 8:29am 
Mind leaking what its gonna be?
monju125  [author] May 23, 2015 @ 9:29pm 
@Milkman Bandit Ha, thanks. I do have two other mods in the works, but one of them takes forever to playtest, so it's been a real slog getting it tweaked to where I want it.
Milkman™ May 23, 2015 @ 7:04pm 
Alright thanks man! And btw I love the rest of your mods :D
monju125  [author] May 23, 2015 @ 4:24pm 
@Milkman Bandit Committed the changes. The new version will spawn fewer units based on how close to any civ's city the ruins are. You would have to be pretty far out in the wilderness to have it spawn the maximum amount now. Thanks to your feedback, I also noticed that I never coded it to scale as the game progresses, so it will now have a chance to spawn units appropriate to the player's current era. That does mean that as long as you can train Giant Death Robots and somehow a ruin still exists somewhere, you could actually get a Barbarian Giant Death Robot to spawn since the original game didn't exclude it from being owned by Barbarians.
Milkman™ May 22, 2015 @ 5:20pm 
Alright sounds good. Or If you can make it so that the number goes up by 1 starting at 2-3 by each Era you advance. That would be cool
monju125  [author] May 20, 2015 @ 9:02pm 
@Milkman Bandit Actually, come to think of it that would be too powerful for higher difficulties. I do think there's something worthwhile in that idea though; I'll work on it.
monju125  [author] May 20, 2015 @ 8:59pm 
@Milkman Bandit Hmm, okay. I have another idea I'll try out first, but if I don't like it I'll just lower the amount. I'm thinking it might be interesting to scale the amount of barbarians spawned based on how far the ruins are from your capital, so you won't get more than say 2 spawning within 10 or so tiles from your own capital. It could actually be a useful reward that way; you could end up spawning 5 barbarians near someone else's capital.
Milkman™ May 20, 2015 @ 7:00pm 
It would be funny if you added a 1 in 100 chance that a giant death robot would spawn XD
Milkman™ May 20, 2015 @ 6:56pm 
I play on Immortal and its kinda annoying when you get like 5 right next to your capitol at the start. You cant handle that. I think you should make it 2-3
monju125  [author] May 20, 2015 @ 5:07pm 
@Milkman Bandit On which difficulty are you playing? I have it set to spawn more barbarians (2-5) at King+ difficulty, which I think is reasonable. Maybe I'll move it up to Immortal+.
Milkman™ May 19, 2015 @ 7:22pm 
Only thing I dont like is sometimes it will spawn friken 4 to 5 barbarians, and at a low level they will DESTROY you. Please lower it to 1 or 2
Desperado May 4, 2015 @ 7:42pm 
Good Job!
Lord Falco May 4, 2015 @ 1:38am 
but only till classical is maybe the best yeah:)
Lord Falco May 4, 2015 @ 1:37am 
its up to you:) i can evne play with in middle ages ahving an anti tank gun and conquering france easily. jsut makes it suddenly so easy a streght 50 unit:P
monju125  [author] May 3, 2015 @ 2:15pm 
@Lord Falco Pretty sure the upgrade unit reward worked the same way in the regular game which is why Thalassicus originally made the mod that changed the upgrade paths. This one's on Firaxis; they added a goody upgrade path for every unit all the way through the Atomic era. Anyway, only allowing a unit to upgrade once wouldn't be hard to code, but it would add a ton of extra overhead having a table with every unit in it that I would also have to add to and load from saved game data. I'm thinking the easiest way to fix the upgrade issue is to disallow upgrading to a unit that requires a technology beyond the Classical era. Does that sound like a decent compromise?
monju125  [author] May 3, 2015 @ 11:44am 
@Lord Falco Nope, it will cycle through all of the available rewards once, then reset them and choose again at random. It's possible to get the same reward twice if you explore enough ruins, and it won't necessarily offset them based on when you got them before, so you could actually get the same reward twice in a row with the right timing/luck. Also, the ancient ruins reveal reward doesn't necessarily reveal all of them. That said, I think you could get the ancient ruins reveal reward even if all of them are already revealed, so that's not useful. I'll have to fix that as well.
Lord Falco May 3, 2015 @ 11:33am 
it spawns as a bland warrior and not the obsidian warrior in the case of mayans. (not sure if its the 3th or the 4th unique mod that grants this warrior.)
i would suggest with the venice bug fixed that this mod should also be in the balance and fix package:) good mod, helps in marathon games more then the normal one. keep up the work:)

i do hope the promotion thign can be fixed. dont know how it was in normal game. else well expierience is not bad either:) they had that in civ 4

another possible bug i found. i got twice in the same game show all the ancient runes. but the second time well should do nothing i guess. was quick behidn each other had multiple ruins in a few rounds so second show all ruins was a waste for me.
shouldnt it be a one time occurance?
monju125  [author] May 3, 2015 @ 11:23am 
@Panteradactyl With modding I think you could add, "It's not my fault, it's Firaxis!"
monju125  [author] May 3, 2015 @ 11:22am 
@Lord Falco Yeah, I'm not sure if that's how warrior spawning works in the original version but it was a design choice on my end. I figured it wouldn't make sense if an Aztec scout finds survivors in the ruins and they agree to join your civilization as a Jaguar. As far as compatibility with the 3rd/4th unique mod, that's something I'll have to test. Are you saying that for those civs with a 3rd/4th unique warrior replacement, it acts like it should spawn a warrior but doesn't spawn anything? If so, that seems odd; it should spawn at least a bland warrior like you said.

The unit upgrade reward was something I was worried about as well. I know there's another mod that limits the upgrade chain; I'll have to look into implementing something similar. An easy, temporary alternative would be to remove the upgrade reward from lower difficulties and add the experience reward instead.

Thanks for the feedback!
inahut May 3, 2015 @ 9:36am 
excellent thinking monju125. keep at it.
V_Tokkie May 3, 2015 @ 7:36am 
This is an amazingly useful mod, I simply love it. It's especially useful if you're playing on slow game pace speeds, Dont know why it just feels more useful. Thank you for this amazing mod.
Lord Falco May 3, 2015 @ 12:17am 
i also noticed that when i get a warrior from a ruin, and that race has a unique warrior(by the 3th or 4th unique mod) he gets a normal warrior. no idea if the unique warrior form original does the same.
this can mean the mod works with the 3th/4th unique mod but doenst fully work together(so no crashed but futher it doesnt reconise it) or you always get a bland warrior.

ps. the unit upgrade is maybe to much. i got while in middle ages time an anti tank gun from a unit that got multiple advanced weaponary. this unit alone jsut steam walshed trough the celts and french now:P maybe make it a unit can only be upgraded ocne by advanced weaponary.
baronbob1 May 2, 2015 @ 8:51pm 
Panteradactyl May 2, 2015 @ 8:39pm 
Just remember the content creators axiom. "It's not a bug, it's a feature!"
monju125  [author] May 2, 2015 @ 4:06pm 
Wow, thanks for subscribing everyone and putting this mod in the first spot on the front page!
monju125  [author] May 2, 2015 @ 4:03pm 
@Lord Falco Ah, good catch. I forgot about Venice. Technically Venice is allowed to receive settlers, they just can't found another city. Still, they shouldn't be given a useless reward, so I'll fix that in the next version.
Tankkiller May 2, 2015 @ 12:25pm 
I just subscribed, and have not tried it yet.
Lord Falco May 2, 2015 @ 7:33am 
i found a bug in this one, i was playing venice and got a settler.
wol May 2, 2015 @ 5:51am 
I've waited so long for a mod like this :)
MaX-NOR May 2, 2015 @ 2:35am 
I only play marathon speed game so i guess this will be very useful for me.
Kresslak May 2, 2015 @ 12:03am 
Nice work,
Crescidious May 1, 2015 @ 10:07am 
Looks good
monju125  [author] Apr 30, 2015 @ 11:29pm 
@inahut Oh, no offense taken whatsoever. I'm with you about trying to find ways to make the game more competitive; that's what I'm trying to do with most games as well. This mod was actually born out of a game speed mod I'm working on inspired by the Extended Eras mod. I realized while working on that mod that some of the ancient ruins rewards were overpowered and potentially unbalancing in a slower game. For example, if an ancient era technology takes 30-50 turns to complete, then getting it for free from an ancient ruin can give the recipient a huge advantage early in the game. I didn't want to remove that reward completely, just change it to make more sense in a slower game. At some point I figured people might be interested in having that kind of change as a standalone mod. I definitely understand it not fitting everyone's preferences or play style, so I don't hold it against you at all and was just trying to make sure that it was clear what the mod actually does.
inahut Apr 30, 2015 @ 6:50pm 
Ah, yes, monju125, I agree. I suppose I could have been more clear, and this is only my single and unimportant opinion, but what your mod enables does not add value to the ancient ruin experience for my style of play.
Sorry if I sounded judgemental in a bad way. This game certainly needs innovative modders like yourself.
I have found other mods that improve things similar to your unique improvements in this mod of yours, so that is also why I do not find your mod here to add anything to my style of play with the 40 some mods I am currently using.
I seek a competative balance between my civ and the AI civs, always looking for a way to make them more competative and keep my civ interested through to the end of a game, not looking for a quick and sweet victory but for a historical build up by multiple foes over centuries, that may lead to my utter defeat. Like playing with my brothers when I was a kid, you know.
monju125  [author] Apr 29, 2015 @ 3:09pm 
@inahut I haven't seen another ancient ruins mod that rewards a Science/Production/Food boost instead of Free Tech/Nothing/Population boost. That's the main difference; the other mods I've seen only enable the ones that Firaxis left unused. The other big difference, at least for me, is the scaling aspect; being able to control the amount granted by certain rewards based on game speed and difficulty. Also, since it's a fully rewritten system, I can add new rewards or change existing ones based on feedback. If those things don't appeal to you, then this mod isn't for you and that's totally fine.
inahut Apr 29, 2015 @ 2:39pm 
I have read through the description of this mod a number of time since the day it first appeared in the workshop, and my interest has kept me coming back in the hope that I just did not see that it was new, but I find, as I said below, this mod does not offer anything new beyond what other mods already offer, other mods I already use and enjoy using.