

MIM - WH40k Ideology
emitbreaker  [author] Mar 7 @ 8:24pm 
@Сая Oops, steam automatically deleted your link - would you throw it to the error log thread on WH40k Core mod? Sorry for the inconvenience caused, and f*** steam.
Сая Mar 7 @ 8:03pm 
Strange. Ok, I attach file with error part of log +active modlist.
emitbreaker  [author] Mar 7 @ 5:17pm 
@Сая I've tried several times of world generation with my modset and VFE ideologies, but it didn't happen. I suppose there is other aspect that causes this issue - would you possibly share either your log or at least your mod list?
emitbreaker  [author] Mar 7 @ 4:42pm 
@Сая I personally don't use VFE ideology mods but I'll check it. Thanks for the heads-up!
Сая Mar 7 @ 10:08am 
Dont know why, but this mod somehow make "could not find player faction" on world generation occur. I think its not so compatible with VFE ideology mods. But i am to lazy to pinpoint with what mod its not work with my 24mins load :)
Uriel Septim VII Mar 7 @ 6:12am 
thank you very much lol I"m sorry i was not explaining my self very well. You know the heretics that live in LillyVale all have to dress like the filthy Sinners they are before they can be redeemed in death lol. I'm having way too much fun with my Battle sisters colony because of you lol
emitbreaker  [author] Mar 7 @ 5:20am 
@Uriel Septim VII OMG... now I've got your point! I put its name as flak helmet, Ultramar Auxilia (IG) XD the Def name is "EMAM_ServitorHelmet"

Will change the item label by next update.
Uriel Septim VII Mar 7 @ 5:06am 
I meant what is the name of that apparel the helmet was named auxillia helmet and i think that's why it slipped my notice
emitbreaker  [author] Mar 6 @ 6:52pm 
@Uriel Septim VII there's no specific servitor body - i don't think it's important in Rimworld game play. You can give them any apparel as you want. The only exception is mechanoid servitor which you can create from the Biotech mechanoid bench.
Uriel Septim VII Mar 6 @ 2:13pm 
what is the servitor body labeled as? I have been trying to find it.
Uriel Septim VII Mar 1 @ 2:24am 
I can't believe I missed that!
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 29 @ 6:08pm 
@Uriel Septim VII Servitor helmets were added when the servitor added. Technically, it's not auxilia helmet, but for the servitors. I think it was even earlier than the chaos cult.
Uriel Septim VII Feb 29 @ 9:54am 
EXCUSE ME! when did the auxilia helmet come out that looks like a servitors lobotomized cover plate come out?! how did I miss that!
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 29 @ 7:04am 
@Uriel Septim VII indeed. Perhaps I'll do it earlier than that when I got frustrated to reworks XD
Uriel Septim VII Feb 29 @ 7:00am 
I have been reworking my mod load sooooo trying to get eveything to work correctly is taking a long time lol
Uriel Septim VII Feb 29 @ 6:59am 
makes sence
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 29 @ 5:24am 
@Uriel Septim VII Later stage, after completing visual reworks including Chaos, maybe?
Uriel Septim VII Feb 28 @ 4:52pm 
what do you think of an alter, medium/large/grand that have imperial or chaos/cultist looks to go with statues? i figure the sisters of battle IG and SP ones would look the same.
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 23 @ 6:31pm 
@YoshikageKira99 So far yes - this mod only targets my mod set and doesn't intervene any other mod. Little problem is you may see duplicated meme structure and memes - that I'll redesign compatibility with other ideology mods in the future.
YoshikageKira99 Feb 23 @ 1:24pm 
Is it working fine with Warhammer 40,000 - Ideology ?
Uriel Septim VII Feb 23 @ 10:53am 
if you did to that......you would have to add a backstory for the inquisition for oygran bodygaurd......
Uriel Septim VII Feb 23 @ 10:50am 
i mean........just....ya know......i'm saying.....there is no real inquisition mod out there.....sooooo....just saying lol
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 23 @ 10:43am 
@Uriel Septim VII Your story makes me feel like I have to start work for the Inquisition than Deathwatch and Grey Knights LOL
Uriel Septim VII Feb 23 @ 10:15am 
and the fact the inquisitor never ever linked that lone servitor something that is under the notice of almost everyone to the woman, sister, human......freind....that use to be tala that wrecked me
Uriel Septim VII Feb 23 @ 10:13am 
@emitbreaker dude.......i'mma cry for that...thank god we don't have a skin/clothing option to make pawns look like actual servitors now....
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 23 @ 9:57am 
@Uriel Septim VII Who's tala?
Uriel Septim VII Feb 23 @ 9:54am 
ty very much. I don't know how but an oygran joined my sister colony and i renamed him gav smith
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 23 @ 9:33am 
@Uriel Septim VII Statue done as new image. Will push the update of this mod by next couple of mins.
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 23 @ 9:11am 
@Uriel Septim VII Alright, then I'll add it as Grand Statue for your relic display - actual gun may or may not be added to the weapon mod :D
Uriel Septim VII Feb 23 @ 9:03am 
yes exactly!
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 23 @ 8:22am 
@Uriel Septim VII Like statue? Anyway check the image above - I've referred to the one from Darktide.
Uriel Septim VII Feb 23 @ 8:01am 
i was thinking more like relics for your reliquaries to dispslay with a speical name not nessisarly something to be used but rather venerated by your colony.
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 23 @ 6:41am 
@Uriel Septim VII You mean, that invincible Ogryn who smashed down chaos sorcerer? I can make outfit of the ripper gun, but need to think about balancing and etc - to be honest I haven't think about Astra Militarum since we have three outstanding mods out there; Astra militarum mode, mechanicus mod, and above all, Grim World mod. Anyway, I'll search for the bits on Google.
Uriel Septim VII Feb 23 @ 5:50am 
some mods add the emperors sword or the generic blessed or relic item to use as an ideological thing, but its the small things in the universe that become the true relics of the imperium heros like bob, gav, erry the commisar they are the true heros.
Uriel Septim VII Feb 23 @ 5:48am 
soooo you have done so much already, but i was wondering if you could do something for my birthday tomorrow and as a bit of a shoutout to Gav and bob, can you make an ideological relic item for display? can you make the ripper gun bob from the story? something to use as a relic? blessed ripper gun of bob or something? idk if you have heard the story so i'm including the link, it will make you tear up a bit i warn you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR9-HVlYfrk&t=320s
Uriel Septim VII Feb 23 @ 3:17am 
cool! your mod set has become in my opinion at least the best 40k one.
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 22 @ 8:42pm 
@Uriel Septim VII Sure, my door always open to any new idea :D
Uriel Septim VII Feb 22 @ 9:51am 
oh baby this is good. this is really really good. if you continue and want some ideology ideas for more with the sisters I am happy to open my yap to such a great artist like you. my cathedral fortress is going to be great!
Uriel Septim VII Feb 22 @ 9:22am 
i'm updating now to see how it looks but i'm extremely excited!
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 22 @ 9:08am 
Six, I meant.
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 22 @ 9:07am 
@Uriel Septim VII As mentioned above, I've added 7 floor styles - give me your feedback if any.
Uriel Septim VII Feb 22 @ 9:06am 
omg its perfect! that is the best floor for the cathedral!
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 22 @ 7:18am 
@Uriel Septim VII If it looks good, I'll add two versions of tiles - No style / Morbid style
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 22 @ 6:57am 
@Uriel Septim VII btw, how does tiles look like? Check above screenshot plz.
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 22 @ 6:53am 
it depends on the relations between Adeptus Administratum and Adeptus Ministorum LOL
Uriel Septim VII Feb 22 @ 6:43am 
idk......sororitus and minotaurs would make a pretty kick ass combo lol
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 22 @ 6:13am 
@Uriel Septim VII Well, Salamanders are not too bad option, compare to Black templars or MInotaurs LOL
Uriel Septim VII Feb 22 @ 5:55am 
that one warhammer + show had nothing to do with why i had a salamander and sisters of battle colony and no matter what you say its totatly not true :steamsalty:
Uriel Septim VII Feb 22 @ 5:50am 
ty so much. my two colonies are doing very well. my genestealer colony is low tech but filled with downed tribals who now worship the great devoureror and my sisters of battle colony is high tech with about 10 colonists, and all the girls love the one single salamander sapce marine i have lol
emitbreaker  [author] Feb 21 @ 5:23am 
@Uriel Septim VII will check the vanilla assets :D