

TVA Time Stick
Tommy May 30 @ 7:55am 
the most op item i've seen, it's so powerful, it can destroy the entire map with one single click:steamthumbsup:
loganjackbell May 13 @ 1:02am 
cool :steamhappy:
vstenklo Apr 20 @ 6:39am 
the best can remove eniting
Munkie Apr 15 @ 7:22am 
can you make a venom mod that lets you become venom?
Pliosaur Rex Apr 14 @ 1:58pm 
Thebombuknow Apr 13 @ 10:24pm 
As a temporary method, you can change the speed by making a local copy of the mod, opening main.lua, and modifying the pruneSpd variables. There is an option for different prune speeds based on object size, so it looks like there were plans from the developer to make it configurable, but they never did. It would be fairly easy to make the options UI for this, so I may do that if people are interested.
TrevorJ Apr 10 @ 2:24pm 
the best
mnkyboy28 Apr 7 @ 8:06pm 
i have now acknowledged that im stupid so... sorry
mnkyboy28 Apr 7 @ 8:05pm 
sorry, i have not seen that.. clearly. thank you
mnkyboy28 Apr 7 @ 8:04pm 
( face palm )
Drago Silverfist Apr 7 @ 5:18pm 
Your mod> everyone else :steamthumbsup:
CoolHandsLuke06 Apr 5 @ 12:30am 
it would be cool if you could add select multiple things to prune them all at once
One Thousand Volts  [author] Apr 3 @ 8:16pm 
@mnkyboy28 you've been able to disable object freezing since march 14th.
mnkyboy28 Apr 3 @ 2:56pm 
and i know realize that was my first comment..
mnkyboy28 Apr 3 @ 2:56pm 
i mean feb. ( sorry
mnkyboy28 Apr 3 @ 2:55pm 
which was last year march so you know ( i think )
mnkyboy28 Apr 3 @ 2:54pm 
maybe disable the particles? or something like that, cuz its not fun when stuff you spawn is unmovable. i havent touched this mod since my last comment because of this
connorssj654 Mar 31 @ 7:10am 
very good mod and
░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ THIS IS BOB
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░░
▀█▌░░░▄░▀█▀░▀ ░░ COPY AND PASTE HIM,
░░░░░░░▄▄▐▌▄▄░░░ SO, HE CAN TAKE
░░░░░░░▀███▀█░▄░░ OVER STEAM
Tradeusz Mar 17 @ 11:30am 
We need Loki MAP !!!
One Thousand Volts  [author] Mar 14 @ 7:12pm 
Even though I have mentioned that it may break and against my better judgement, you can now toggle the object freezing. Once again, it may break and the particles will not look correct. @Jason @mnkyboy28
Jason Mar 13 @ 12:23am 
I know you said you wouldnt be making big changes or not making it so It doesnt freeze stuff, but how easy would it be to add a button that makes it so stuff doesnt freeze, like make it toggleable
robotsnake44 Mar 10 @ 9:02am 
i love it it makes my other remover tools look bad with this super fancy item its most likely the best tool ever thanks for making it
One Thousand Volts  [author] Mar 8 @ 3:56pm 
No, I will not be doing that. The particles will break if the objects didn't freeze.
mnkyboy28 Mar 8 @ 3:31pm 
again, can you make it so it doesnt freeze objects in place? im trying do disintegrate heli's here
Yginase Mar 8 @ 11:25am 
Wait this can destroy stuff that should be impossible? Not what I expected at all.
LaufendeFernbedienung Mar 1 @ 3:49am 
what have you created?
All american cheese burger Feb 28 @ 7:20pm 
BrodyTheGamer Feb 20 @ 5:05am 
Time to destroy everything. :auyay:
CoolSkyKid Feb 19 @ 9:04am 
I just finished watching the show and I'm glad to add this to my arsenal of weapons
turrhita Feb 15 @ 1:16am 
Thank you, now less people will comment suggestions should they R E A D
One Thousand Volts  [author] Feb 14 @ 6:12pm 
Please no ascii-art spam in the comments. It will be deleted. Also, I have now clearly said in the description that this was a one-off mod, which I thought I had already done but obviously hadn't.
mystiquexme Feb 13 @ 7:12am 
captain cheese Feb 13 @ 3:59am 
awesome mod but i was wondering would it be possible to make rag dolls an vehicles react differently by making them all disappear with one use
turrhita Feb 13 @ 3:17am 
He said he's not making any changes and didn't even label this mod a 'one-shot' mod :(
FoxyBoi33 Feb 12 @ 7:22pm 
Can you make it to where we can change the speed?
turrhita Feb 12 @ 11:12am 
its not called a prune bomb
its called a reset charge

and it would be too complex for teardown
silverwheels2021 Feb 11 @ 4:48pm 
im going to that party i watchd it
silverwheels2021 Feb 11 @ 4:47pm 
KODLIX_user1 Feb 11 @ 4:29pm 
guys if you dont go watch the new trailer your not invited to my birthday party
CrazyKat1000 Feb 11 @ 3:10pm 
make the prune bomb
CrazyKat1000 Feb 11 @ 3:02pm 
this will cause a multiversal war in teardown
buyergar Feb 10 @ 10:01pm 
GlowingFox704 Feb 10 @ 9:43am 
Did you create this just because Owen Wilson voiced that one trailer?
randy lahey Feb 10 @ 7:12am 
very epic
arudloff Feb 10 @ 4:48am 
KroliczaMorda2137 Feb 10 @ 2:25am 
very good
ismailalasmail Feb 10 @ 1:58am 
Unoriginal Feb 10 @ 1:24am 
"we are gods."
turrhita Feb 10 @ 12:35am 
yall know the reason why i blacked it out
enjoy being responsible for spoiling the film :steamfacepalm:
I-have-brain-damage Feb 9 @ 4:25pm 