Cynical Sep 23, 2014 @ 9:01pm 
On a purely "fight/survival based" level, this is mostly fine. The "right" wing is a bit wonky; that fight with the moving platforms really kinda sucks, since it boils down to "snipe with the pistol while crouching".

That said, I feel that in the map's current form, it doesn't play well with the scoring system; there's not enough smallfry around to really keep a chain going. The "left" wing is somewhat better about this, but the use of crates combined with the jump-pad progression after the first fight puts a bit of a dent in it. The last fight in particular is guilty of this; it's too close quarters for rockets, but the enemy load is too generally "beefy" to allow for shotgun to chain worth a damn (especially on Bullshit difficulty, where it's actually literally impossible to chain the spread guys on the donut-ledge). In general, if you want to use "middleweights" heavily, you'll need to give the player enough room to use rockets.
Drakiah Sep 21, 2014 @ 9:51am 
I see why you apologize about the final room... Lost most of my lives there! But luckily I succeeded on my final life, so all is fine.
A decent map for your first one, challenging but fair, and fun to play even if it is short and simple. The ceiling turrets especially caught me off guard, I don't think I've seen those in the game or any other map before.
Anyway, good stuff! Good luck with any future creations!
ObliviousSight Sep 18, 2014 @ 3:31am 
Hey, another map! \o/ I will suggest you make a thread in the workshop section of the steam forums to raise awareness of it, not sure how many people regularly check the workshop.

Had fun with this, with only a couple of niggles for me.

I think there is only one checkpoint in the map that activates after completing a section, but not one for the other side. Another checkpoint on the other section would be nice :)

In the beginning room part of the ceiling is untextured.

All in all, good fun! Thanks for putting it up and hope to see more in the future!