Crows & Ravens for Ostankya
Otter Apr 29 @ 12:03pm 
potentially the ravenswyrd faction (going off the name), and Sarls Birna the huntress, Birna has an ability that's aoe to call some crows to slap about anything within a 35 meter radius, but they're a spell, havent looked at it yet, it's an excerpt from the novel where she calls on some crows, so that's great but i think theyre only really in a spell as far as I've found, SCM tribes is compatible with most norsca mods just not full blown overhauls, mods that add units/tech/cross faction features have been fine.

There's just not that diverse an option on the workshop so far, some good ones for throgg but they only really add to throgg, There are some good mods just thematically quite a bit missing, In a few months when I'm back from work I'm going to try and get into modding WH3, thanks for the assistance etc
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Apr 29 @ 7:47am 
Ok, i know its there somewhere becaise i saw a screenshot of them in battle. Could be a summonable unit for a raven themed character maybe
Otter Apr 28 @ 6:00pm 
but all the other landmark units are showing up in Custom battle unit roster so im not sure if they've been implemented yet
Otter Apr 28 @ 5:59pm 
After looking through the unit roster for norsca in custom battle and in game, the ravens and crows arent in on SCM tribes as a faction unit,
so they must've implimented them as landmark units :)
Otter Apr 28 @ 5:32pm 
Ah thankyou! it's likely a landmark, i've found plenty of landmarks in tribes that offer unique units, in the lord info there hasnt been any mention of crows or ravens, I noticed crows in the unit roster i'll have a deeper delve now tyvm!

Also a massive fan of the mods back to WH2 the animal keepers mod was excellent!
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Apr 28 @ 5:21pm 
scm tribes, thats the one. i don't know exactly how the ravens are implemented, maybe only certain tribes get them
Otter Apr 28 @ 3:17pm 
Sorry to be that guy, I cant find which mod adds the crows &/ ravens for Norsca, SCM tribes? or Norsca overhaul i've loaded up with any mods that feel relevant to that and not been able to find them. thanks for any help :)
Otter Apr 27 @ 4:43pm 
OH daym! i need to add that, i wasnt using is at is thought it would conflict with SCM tribes of the north
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Apr 26 @ 6:36am 
These units are already in the norsca overhaul, i donated them
Otter Apr 26 @ 3:11am 
Would it also be possible to add these units to Norsca? Crows and Ravens thematically fit Norsca very well and it'd be good to pair with certain lords from the new-ish Large Norsca overhauling Mod
WOOLLYFAN Mar 12 @ 9:10am 
Is it possible to have a sub mod to have it available for other Kislev factions as well? Also great mod!
Last of the Romans Mar 2 @ 6:15am 
Now included in Bagholder and I's Warband Compilation
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Feb 25 @ 4:53am 
I havn't tested but I reckon everything should work
Aristocratic Astorian Feb 25 @ 3:04am 
Does this mod still work after the patch, the spider one too?
Dream Traveler Feb 22 @ 6:23pm 
That's fine, I might check with the rest of the community in time.
Hope you have a fantastic day! ^_^
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Feb 22 @ 6:06am 
Id leave transformation abilities to the lore of hags people
This is just a reskin/unit mod
Dream Traveler Feb 21 @ 4:37pm 
The only thing that could be weird and get in the way of such transformations are the mounts of these characters. But I still believe that it'd work alright. I can suspend my disbelief if a character's mount temporarily disappears when they transform and reappears/returns to their side when they transform back.

Honestly though various units could use stably maintained and updated "Dismounted" mods including the Kislev hags, Ostankya, the Sisters of Twilight, Grom the Paunch, and even Greasus lol. (He just claims to be "too rich" to walk, not that he can't.) I understand that all of these characters are mostly either old or fat and that's why they use mounts haha. But they still have legs! They may not need to be the fastest units in the world, but it would add to their character and offer a different kind of fantasy feel to fielding them in my opinion. Plus it would allow their eventual mounts to be that much greater a reward to acquire during a campaign. ;)
Dream Traveler Feb 21 @ 3:46pm 
Vampire Lords and Heroes could also be given similar Transformation abilities through a mod if desired. As among their many abilities in lore they can both summon and turn into various creatures ranging from bats to ravens to wolves to vermin like rats (as well as beetles, flies, and cockroaches) and even possess a mist form. Lots of fun stuff to work with.
Dream Traveler Feb 21 @ 3:30pm 
In the recently revealed short story "Things in the Wood" Mother O is described at one point as "exploding" into crows and taking flight in a very cool way. Would you ever consider a mod that adds a Transformation ability for her (and potentially the hero hags? Maybe the Lore of Beasts one if considered lore viable?) that allows her to transform into a unit of your Crows? (Possibly with adjusted stats?)
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Feb 21 @ 1:05pm 
No she woild still start with bats. I dont own the dlc so ive never personally tested
Aristocratic Astorian Feb 21 @ 2:54am 
As this mod replaces the bats with crows, will her starting units of bats be replaced too, I would check myself but I am currently unable to play the game?
BloodRaven Oct 7, 2023 @ 11:26pm 
Maybe Vultures (Living Carrion) for her too?
InΔmatus Oct 4, 2023 @ 4:50pm 
I love your mods
Wilgryf Oct 4, 2023 @ 12:59pm 
Hello again, I made submod to balance this for Duke's Damned Nations
tastiger841 Oct 3, 2023 @ 9:40pm 
Love your mods since WT2.

May I suggest flip the unit card horizontally for the ravens because they look almost the same? I used to do that for my mods for example: Tastiger's Better unit cards for More Ferals for Kremlo
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Oct 3, 2023 @ 7:55am 
Update: Someone is confirmed working on a crowfather mod that will include giving these units to malagor
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Sep 29, 2023 @ 12:21am 
The rewards of dread recruitment system is a little beyond me. but i have offered the ravens and crows to a modder who knows their way around that stuff. They recently made a beastmen expansion that gives them cockatrices and things in the woods. No idea if they plan to use them though
Salomon Of Hungary Sep 28, 2023 @ 8:30pm 
Amazing mod, I wish she got more unique animal units besides basically the same ones as Drycha, and this makes up for that. Could it be possible to make a submod that adds these units to the beastmen? I think they'd fit perfectly for Malagor, who is literally called The Crowfather.
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Sep 26, 2023 @ 2:38am 
btw my spider mod is progressing nicely, if anyone's wondering why i know/care so much about spiders out of nowhere
Sin Sep 25, 2023 @ 10:03am 
@Malanthor, she is LITERALLY has an ingame melee combat animation spawning spider legs from her sled..... Bad arguement. And shes neither one way or another themed.... her theme is "things" in the woods, pun intended... Spiders, bears, Flocks of doom, spoopy creatures all in all.
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Sep 25, 2023 @ 9:54am 
whats a drow?
She's got bonuses because she's spider themed. she has spiders in her faction select video.
I'm working on a separate spider mod for her so I'm going to keep her bonuses as is
Malanthor Sep 25, 2023 @ 9:27am 
Maybe you could change ostankya's bonus to spiders to crows or something as part of her overhaul. I dont know why she got +10 defensive bonus to spiders factionwise, its not like shes a spider loving Drow either.
Malanthor Sep 25, 2023 @ 3:56am 
Too bad they dont work with the prayers of the north by dirty dan or a similar mod.
Sin Sep 19, 2023 @ 11:37am 
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Sep 19, 2023 @ 10:33am 
I don't recruit rors and I don't really usually spend time on mods I wouldn't use myself
Sin Sep 19, 2023 @ 9:41am 
OOOH YEEE BB..... and maybe a ROR of Incarnate? I thought it was pretty odd we didnt get one
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Sep 19, 2023 @ 9:02am 
Oh we understood each other. I'll be replacing her spiders with unique looking spiders that are (mostly) identical statwise + adding an elite spider unit (tier 4 I think) and maybe a giant single entity monster spider
Sin Sep 19, 2023 @ 8:47am 
OOOOHHH...... I thought you were just not have Ostankya have spiders..... NVM.... I'm def waiting o.o
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Sep 19, 2023 @ 8:43am 
Youre free to not subscribe if you prefer her greenskin spiders
My mod will replace them with unique looking spiders
Sin Sep 19, 2023 @ 8:25am 
But I love the spooders and she has great tech for them too :((
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Sep 18, 2023 @ 10:46am 
I want to make Ostankya feel more unique by adding unique units for her.
IMO, the vampire counts and greenskin units in her roster make her less unique, so I'm going to remove them all.
Her spiders are next.
None of the animals in my wood elves mod feel particularly witchy, so I have no plans to add them.
You're right it could be fairly argued that she should have access to every feral animal and chaos-tainted monster in the game, but I don't want that. I have a very specific notion for what I want to do with her.
Some other modder will likely give her more units from other rosters but its just not something I want to do myself
Legendary Colossus Sep 18, 2023 @ 9:33am 
Besides crows and large bats, why not keep the bats and add something similar to the wood elf animals? Due to ostankya's close relation with the forest and both the spirits and beast within.
Rusty Sep 17, 2023 @ 7:23am 
Ah gotcha, thank you - hell, in that case I'm looking forward to whatever else you've got cooking!
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Sep 17, 2023 @ 7:06am 
I haven't played as Ostankya yet,
I've stopped working on my hag mother mod, since learning someone else is working on them already
But if cave bats are part of her starting army, then changing them would mean making this a start-pos mod, which would make it incompatible with a great many other mods.
Probably simpler to just disband that unit
Rusty Sep 17, 2023 @ 6:07am 
Really looking forward to further Ostyanka mods! Especially the Hag mother lords.
Say, I'm assuming it's impossible to edit starting armies, is that right? I'm definitely getting Cave Bats with Ostyanka to start with - not at all an issue, just wondering if that's what's happening.
Nesher666 Sep 15, 2023 @ 8:44am 
Ohhh sh1t, I feel for you mate, lot of custom anims got wrecked by the latest "DLC update".
Take your time and thank you again for your great modding contribution!
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Sep 15, 2023 @ 8:07am 
Update 4.0 broke all my custom animations and I've been too demoralised to look at them, so working on new stuff from scratch instead til I find the motivation to start fixing my poor broken dinos
Nesher666 Sep 15, 2023 @ 7:14am 
Your contribution is much appreciated!

What happend with your WIP dinos you have previously shown on da modding den?
They looked stunning!
Calm&NormalTime  [author] Sep 15, 2023 @ 5:20am 
OVN just released the update which includes some unique crow and raven summoning skills for the LL