MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries

UnderTonnageBonus2 & Purchase Salvage2
WolfEagle1  [author] May 31 @ 5:05pm 
@Shock: To confirm, you have the option settings for VonBiome Override checked? And this mod's load order is higher than Von Biomes.
Shockwave S08 May 31 @ 4:15pm 
Seems the vonBiomes voucher fix doesn't work on my end; on Steam Deck LCD with the maximum screen resolution of 1280x800 (16:10).
WolfEagle1  [author] May 31 @ 3:21pm 
Version 4.3 posted.
WolfEagle1  [author] May 22 @ 1:40pm 
Posted v4.2.2 - fixes YAML Salvage v2 issue where counter wasn't working correctly. Works for both YAML V1 & V2 Salvage.
A high-value target May 11 @ 1:03pm 
Any updates on the compatibility fix?
Zardogan Mar 29 @ 10:00pm 
do you have plans on fixing the YAML conflictions with salvage V2? that's the only problem I would have with this mod
Dactarik Mar 29 @ 6:48pm 
Thank you for the update ^^
WolfEagle1  [author] Mar 29 @ 9:06am 
@KiTA - it's just the counter that is borked, the "fees" are still applied.
KiTA Mar 28 @ 10:08pm 
> - YAML: If you have V2 Salvage in YAML turned "on" the counter won't increment correctly given the partial salvage shares. V1 Salvage works fine.

I forget, is this just cosmetic, or does it not properly fine you for going over?
disky Mar 28 @ 8:00pm 
Thank you so much for the update!
Sergeant_Crecker Mar 28 @ 12:02pm 
Bro, you an absolute legend.
KiTA Mar 27 @ 12:33am 
I keep hitting F5 hoping this gets an update. :) Thanks for all your work!
disky Mar 26 @ 2:45pm 
Just want to show my support for this mod. It has become something I use all the time and the game isn't the same without it, so thank you very much! Your reason for waiting to update it is understandable and I'll be back once it happens.
Killiander Mar 23 @ 5:32pm 
Thanks WolfEagle1 for letting us know you're looking into updating. I didn't know how much Ioved your mod until dlc6 killed it.
MisterSomaru Mar 23 @ 1:36pm 
Update this mod, please.
qcashman77 Mar 19 @ 3:52pm 
I 3ed it crash's and it makes me so sad this is the best mod for this game by far tysm for making it and working on it I even tried to roll back to the last update so I could still play with this mod but for whatever reason it pops up something about all my squad being dead when I open the game on the last vs so I am stuck with this one :/
Bright1266 Mar 17 @ 5:03pm 
please update the mod when you get the chance i cant play without it
Lonewylf Mar 17 @ 11:17am 
This mod now crashes latest dlc6 please could you fix as this mod is awsome.
Roark1000 Mar 15 @ 11:34pm 
mw5 low level fatal error line 3146
WolfEagle1  [author] Mar 14 @ 7:28pm 
I will be looking at making this compatible with DLC6 but may not post an update until the inevitable DLC patch is released. Depends on what has been impacted.
=EGC= KougarL☠B Mar 14 @ 1:28am 
Crash on loading a saved game with this mod enabled after 14 March 2024 update. Saves will load with this mod disabled. Bummer, disabling takes all the risk/reward of going under-tonnage.
bjack Mar 13 @ 6:33pm 
can confirm crashorama!
Ospray315 Mar 13 @ 5:13pm 
Lastest version of mw5 v1.1.354 released 14/03/24 crashes in instant action with this mod enabled

Error popup messages say
LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line:3146]
Could not find SuperStruct RecieveBeginPlay to create ReceiveBeginPlay
BOT Shit at CS Jan 29 @ 2:23pm 
Bug report for you: If you have negative c-bills and you take a mission that doesn't make you enough to clear the debt, the salvage screen won't let you continue at all because it thinks you're trying to purchase salvage that takes you negative.
Shadow Wizard Money Gang Member Nov 24, 2023 @ 10:37am 
hey does this mod work on the most recent version of the game? Thanks.
Falkner Nov 6, 2023 @ 8:55am 
Doing great with this! My only feature wish is for a reputation loss clamp option when playing easier missions.
WolfEagle1  [author] Oct 23, 2023 @ 8:43am 
v4.1 posted - Adds a Mod Options setting to apply a multiplier to the base cBill amount for Damage Coverage (Insurance). I rarely ever bought Insurance because the payout wasn't worth using a negotiation point vs cBills. So, this changes that game play dynamic.
WolfEagle1  [author] Oct 14, 2023 @ 8:43am 
v4.0 posted - Gives a bonus or penalty to Reputation XP based on Lance tonnage deployed vs Mission tonnage limit.
WolfEagle1  [author] Sep 28, 2023 @ 11:56am 
v3.2 posted - UPDATED for DLC5
WolfEagle1  [author] Sep 27, 2023 @ 9:52am 
You must be typing in the value versus using the slider. I discovered that Mod Options doesn't enforce the range if a number is "typed" in. I'll need to make a change in my code to prevent that.
Jack Forsythe Sep 25, 2023 @ 9:07pm 
Yes, I have the ability to purchase as many shares as I can in negotiations.
WolfEagle1  [author] Sep 25, 2023 @ 8:05pm 
@Jack, those numbers don't make sense. The maximum Shares you could possibly buy is 50, and there isn't anything in my mod that would add to that. Do you have Mod Options installed?
Jack Forsythe Sep 25, 2023 @ 5:05pm 
For example I bought 500 shares for a war zone mission, but i ended up having 873 shares for it, which is weird because negotiation points only got me to like 12 or so. I suppose it may be another mod interacting with it weirdly.
WolfEagle1  [author] Sep 25, 2023 @ 4:49pm 
@Jack - I just posted a fix for the Check All box. I don't understand your last point regarding purchasing salvage shares.... 500 vs 873?
Jack Forsythe Sep 25, 2023 @ 12:47pm 
"Claim All" button seems to just freeze the game? Is it because of the amount of salvage? I did notice the game has bigger and bigger delays every time I select a new item of salvage. Also when purchasing salvage shares, they seem to be further modified by something, 500 ends up being 873 or so.
Blast (AKA LostAmI) Sep 18, 2023 @ 9:15pm 
Ah, i see, i thought i just needed to move it in the load order was all.
Thank you for the clarification.
Blast (AKA LostAmI) Sep 16, 2023 @ 1:44pm 
I was literally just yesterday lamenting I couldn't buy salvage because of the mod conflicts... it's like you read my bloody mind!
WolfEagle1  [author] Sep 16, 2023 @ 1:11pm 
@Cursed, Fix posted.
Cursed Hawkins Sep 16, 2023 @ 5:59am 
You may need to rollback the feature for 3.0 and do a bit more testing with it, because I suspect you didn't test it fully for Infiltration missions as should you not destroy any units to avoid the risk of the alarm going off the feature ends up soft-locking the game. I speak from current experience by the way.
WolfEagle1  [author] Sep 12, 2023 @ 2:47pm 
BladeZ, do you have Mod Options installed?
WolfEagle1  [author] Sep 10, 2023 @ 9:26am 
@BladeZ - From the description:

"IF you are getting weird voucher numbers in the Contract screen after installing this mod, go into Mod Options, change Max Vouchers, apply, and go back to the contracts screen and recheck. This issue might be related to initializing variables for first time Mod Option users and/or updating to a new mod version."
BladeZ Sep 9, 2023 @ 8:46pm 
Hi I tried this mod the undertonnage works fine BUT the vouchers dont work. It show me max and if i clivk + it shows me -1.666.000 ...., can someone help?
Blast (AKA LostAmI) Sep 6, 2023 @ 11:12am 
NICE! A reason to make my life harder!!! =D now i can challenge myself AND get paid!!!
Coggernaut Aug 27, 2023 @ 11:13am 
Thank you for the reply, I'm finding that with all the YMAL equipment I'm burning through money fast, so ironically this mod makes the economy balanced (despite the salvage bonus).

I think it's fine to leave it how it is
WolfEagle1  [author] Aug 18, 2023 @ 5:04pm 
@iCOG, This mod uses a base game Data table which calculates the penalties. I simply use the absolute value from those tables in a Bonus scenario. And if it was a single variable table I would expose it in Mod Options so the player could change the values, but it's a multi-dimensional table and would be a nightmare for the average player to use. I could create a Global Bonus/Penalty multiplier that is applied to the current numbers to adjust it up or down accordingly, but no one else has brought this up so I am inclined to leave it as is for now.
Coggernaut Aug 18, 2023 @ 10:25am 
Is it possible to make the bonus salvaged a lower multiplier? I find that if I am allowed 22 salvage, (I dump all points into it) and I'm running 75 tons under... I'm given a 2x multiplier on that 22 salvage (equaling 44 total).

I think it's a bit too generous and maybe should be reduced by half... if possible. Let me know what's feasible, I'm happy to balance test
Coggernaut Aug 16, 2023 @ 6:51am 
While I do get negative numbers, If I simply don't do salvage vouchers nothing bad happens.

As a balance feedback... I feel the amount of salvage I get for being undertonnage feels... too generous. If you are able to, I would recommend reducing the amount of bonus salvage
Ryker Aug 5, 2023 @ 4:24am 
@Gator At that point, just use a mod to give yourself money
Gator Jun 20, 2023 @ 11:04am 
Now this mod is dank. Makes it even better when you combine with 400ton limit on all missions.
WolfEagle1  [author] Jun 19, 2023 @ 10:18am 
That's correct, you do have to exit/restart the game when (de)activating mods. As I understand the Career Start mod, the only time it is active is during the initial start and set-up of a new career; at that point all of the game start parameters have been set by that Mod.