

战地记者 射命丸 Jan 27 @ 5:54pm 
Conflict with Humanoid Dryad as both do PatchOperationAdd to Neutroamine's costList.

Just making a note here, I don't know which mod is responsible for fixing
Stony Rock  [author] Aug 26, 2023 @ 10:57am 
@Victor yeah I will look into it, but can't promise it will be quick :P
Victor Aug 26, 2023 @ 7:22am 
Activated charcoal feels like an improved and cheaper version of VFE Empire Apperitiff, since it doesn't empy the stomach. IRL activated charcoal must not be consumed too much as it pretty much absorbs the nutrients you ate so you can, I suppose, get weaker if taking it too much, maybe you could make it so eating it increases hunger for a few hours?
Stony Rock  [author] May 2, 2023 @ 5:59am 
Victor Apr 29, 2023 @ 8:26pm 
There's goo in the sack!
Kamenshick Apr 28, 2023 @ 7:21am 
It would be nice if you can do another tech that allows synthesize it from chemfuel or some other shit
Stony Rock  [author] Apr 28, 2023 @ 2:18am 
@Inquisitor, you can still buy acid from bulk goods traders. They have lots of these and they are cheap.
Inquisitor Apr 26, 2023 @ 5:09am 
Good, but insect meat is rahter hard to come by when you are not mountain colony. I really hope there will be more ways to make acid.
Lady Stabbingtons Apr 24, 2023 @ 9:40am 
love the idea of a pre-charged battery, would be fun to bring along to power stuff for sieges or quests
Kamenshick Apr 23, 2023 @ 10:44am 