Homebrew High Elf Hero: Seralin Autumnwind
MK Black May 13 @ 12:50pm 
Will you be updating this?
Celerion Mar 19 @ 6:26pm 
Sadly, if you play as Tiranoc or Caledor with Mixu's mod and LHEC, there is no recuitment option for Seralin.
Is there maybe an option to spawn her via the console commands mod?
RedDragon0908 Feb 26 @ 10:26am 
So it was the local function.
Glad compatibility is give again.
Chapter Serf  [author] Feb 26 @ 8:51am 
I think I've fixed the High Elven Characters issue.
Chapter Serf  [author] Feb 25 @ 10:36pm 
Updated. I cut the anti-infantry bonus a bit. No clue about the High Elven Characters issue.
luktroc Feb 21 @ 11:15am 
Incompatible with high elver characters. You can’t recruit Finubar LL because of her
Fresh Cake Jan 15 @ 7:47am 
I think she's a bit OP with +30 inf bonus and +20 inf from her weapons. That's 50 in total which is even more than specialist like LL Queek. love the design though
ZacharyBuilder Sep 18, 2023 @ 7:06pm 
oh thanks. I can't tell when mods are updated bc the Mac launcher doesn't say.
Chapter Serf  [author] Sep 18, 2023 @ 6:09pm 
@ZacharyBuilder it's been updated for a couple of weeks.
ZacharyBuilder Sep 17, 2023 @ 4:58pm 
Bulldog Jun 25, 2023 @ 5:39pm 
@Chapter Serf - thank for checking - greatly appreciated.
Not sure what is causing this then, so I'll leave it for now.
Thanks again.
Chapter Serf  [author] Jun 25, 2023 @ 3:09pm 
@Bulldog I just built up to your level of what you described: rank 3 wall building in The Bone Gulch, and while I can't recruit her (thanks to still holding onto Imrik's starting mage), I can see her in the recruitment panel.
Bulldog Jun 25, 2023 @ 10:31am 
Hi, when I am in my campaign (new campaign), I can see her icon on the walled building (level 2), but cannot see her anywhere under hero recruitment. Any ideas what could be causing the potential issue or what I am doing wrong? I can see an 'Ice blade' tab under heroes but it just says no characters currently available. FYI, I'm playing as imrik & have level 3 walls in The bone gulch (minor settlement). Thanks for any help you can provide.
Xanthors Jun 6, 2023 @ 1:46pm 
@Lycia Pintella Hi, anychance that you could puplish it? Would love that! And if it's not too much, would you please consider making a skill dump for her as well. Thank you so much in advance!
Xanthors Jun 5, 2023 @ 1:02pm 
hi, love this mod, thanks for the work, just a little request, would you consider make a skill dump for her please?
SieuCau May 27, 2023 @ 8:32am 
@Chapter Serf Ah i understand what you mean now.
Chapter Serf  [author] May 26, 2023 @ 10:54am 
@SieuCau the building that adds extra garrison units and eventually walls if you go all the way.
SieuCau May 26, 2023 @ 8:58am 
@Chapter Serf I only install your mod, and LIG reskin mod for Alarielle. I played Avelon and capture the minor settlement in first turn. But I still can't see your heroine anywhere. Did you mean the small settlement Grarrison is the minor settlement ? If not , would you please explain more detail about your small settlement garrison building ?
Lycia Pintella May 23, 2023 @ 3:05pm 
I love her so much I made a submod (not published at the moment) to give her Imrik's horse. =) <3
Chapter Serf  [author] May 23, 2023 @ 3:03pm 
@SieuCau did you build the small settlement Garrison building?
SieuCau May 23, 2023 @ 8:45am 
I played as Eltharion. I couldn't find her in the hero pool recruit after get the small setlement
Estellus May 8, 2023 @ 3:36pm 
Thanks for the consideration then! Can't ask for more than that.
Chapter Serf  [author] May 7, 2023 @ 10:55pm 
@Estellus I'll take a look. It isn't as easy as changing a couple of options in RPFM and calling it a day, I'm afraid. I'll see how deeply I've ingrained the stuff behind the scenes. No promises, though.

I will say right now, however, adding her as a unique pool is utterly out of the question. I'm fairly (thought not entirely) certain that if I even CAN do that, that it would require a StartPos change which I am most definitively NOT going to do.
Estellus May 7, 2023 @ 5:42pm 
If I made a persuasive enough argument, would you consider moving her from the Mage pool to the Loremaster pool, or give her a 'unique' pool?

The argument: As a hybrid melee/magic 'spellblade', archetypally speaking she fits better with the Loremaster hero, as opposed to the more dedicated 'pure mage' Mage category. Additionally, Loremaster characters are, in my experience, less 'valuable' and less used than Mages, and so it would be less restrictive to the player to put her on the unit type more likely to have open slots.

...also Imrik starts with a mage so you can't recruit her until you upgrade Vorag to T4. Yes, I know, Eltharion starts with a Loremaster, but I don't want to play Eltharion >_>. The which does not make my other arguments any less true!

Understandable if not, but hey, figured it couldn't hurt to ask.
Chapter Serf  [author] Apr 14, 2023 @ 8:25pm 
@Augustus dunno. It's up to date, and works fine on my end. I don't use the official CA launcher, so I can't really tell, and even when I do check, the files are local so it doesn't say one way or the other.
Augustus Apr 14, 2023 @ 7:57pm 
bruh. it still shows as outdated
Elemental Israelite Apr 7, 2023 @ 6:00pm 
I actually had the idea for a group of characters that would be available to any order faction similarly to Gotrek and Felix. Like a customized Ubersreik Five with a little D&D homebrew flair.

A driven male Dwarven Giant Slayer (wielding a greataxe) on a quest to avenge the death of his wife by Chaos

A powerful, long-haired male human warrior (wielding a greatsword) who trained for a time at the Tower of Hoeth and the Ice Court, and specifically studies the lores of Ice, Life and Fire

A caring female Wood Elven Spellsinger (wielding a hand axe or two) who has mixed lore of Life and Beasts due to her love of healing animals

And a somber High Elven Handmaiden of Allarielle that escaped the temptations of Slaanesh (standard handmaiden gear, but special weapons)
Chapter Serf  [author] Apr 6, 2023 @ 10:26am 
@Lightning Jesus I wouldn't be opposed to making a few more hero mods, but I would want to be interested in the concept, rather than just putting out a pile of random hero mods willy-nilly.

This isn't as complicated as it seems to be fair, plus there are plenty of mods like this one to use as a template for your own stuff. If you are interested, I'd recommend checking out Da Modding Den discord. There's a link in the description at the bottom.
Elemental Israelite Apr 5, 2023 @ 5:26pm 
Seralin is SO MUCH FUN to play with. I don't suppose you'd consider any homebrew suggestion I would have for another custom hero? I have lots of ideas but no modding experience whatsoever.
Chapter Serf  [author] Apr 5, 2023 @ 3:33pm 
@Vaeringjar made some changes. Let me know if that fixes it.
Vaeringjar Apr 4, 2023 @ 7:52pm 
Bug: If she gets wounded, upon respawning, all her equipment gets duplicated and fills up the item pool and cannot be deleted >:|
Martarios Mar 19, 2023 @ 3:09pm 
Hi there, really nice mod, good work :)
I finished a Czech translation for it, here is the link to it:
Chapter Serf  [author] Mar 17, 2023 @ 1:38pm 
My guess is that it has something to do with how the model and other visuals are assigned in the database.

I've expanded a couple of tables in the mod, so maybe the console will work for Empire and Kislev. I don't plan, however, to fully integrate her into any other faction besides the HE.
Cyrus Mar 17, 2023 @ 12:32pm 
Spawning her with the console doesn't work(it technically does but she spawns with a chaos lord visual and there's no way to fix it as far as I know.) That's why I asked you if it was possible on your side but I fully understand if you don't want to.
Chapter Serf  [author] Mar 17, 2023 @ 10:12am 
@Cyrus Jackson given her backstory that I've cobbled together, I'm hesitant to just start tossing her out to every other faction. Additionally, I know that if I add her to one faction, I'll have to go on and add her to every other faction too. Additionally, you do have the console.
Cyrus Mar 17, 2023 @ 8:41am 
hey there Chapter, really cool mod! Do you think there would be a possibility of adding Seralin as an Empire spawn? Maybe as an alternative download?
Thanks for your hard work!
sins8 Mar 14, 2023 @ 2:26pm 
all good, im looking forward to trying her.
hmm strange i could have sworn i have seen duelist somewhere else. hmm oh well
Chapter Serf  [author] Mar 13, 2023 @ 6:04pm 
@sins8 I made a few changes based on your suggestions. Tell me what you think.

A few things:
As I said, adding spells I think isn't as easy as it sounds anymore. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't feel the need to adjust her spell line up. Additionally, Deliverance of Itza is very much Kroak's thing, so it makes very little sense to give it to some High Elf. Likewise, Wind of Death is a Vampire thing, so it makes no sense to give it to a non-vampire.

"Duelist" and "Challenger" are unique to the mod you were talking about, so I couldn't add those. At least not without either taking them straight from the Ymira mod and adding them directly to mine, or making mine dependent on the Ymira mod.

Feint and Riposte, like Deliverance of Itza is Kroak's thing, is Tyrion's thing. So instead I swapped out Deadly Onslaught for Heroic Killing Blow.

I replaced the default +Missile Resistance with one that added some Missile, Fire and Spell resistance along the lines of what you were recomending.
Chapter Serf  [author] Mar 12, 2023 @ 10:07am 
@sins8 I'm not sure I can mix and match spells from schools anymore, at least not easily. So I don't think I'll be able to slap on something like Wind of Death or Deliverance of Itza (additionally, that's pretty exclusive to Kroak, so I don't think I'll tread there).

But, I will take a look at the rest of the stuff and make some tweaks.
sins8 Mar 11, 2023 @ 7:42pm 
just some suggestions. im comparing seralin (with items) to tyron (without items) and another custom hero imira. I am guessing this is based on a specific character design so a few ideas may not mesh. for stat the changes i am suggesting you can add more levelling slots (may not be relevant but a lot of people use increased level mods).
increase stats:
- hp 4862 (tyrion = 6260, imira = 4362)
- armour 102 (tyrion = 145, imira 70)
- speed 50 (tyrion = 50, imira = 54)
- martial attack 85 (tyrion = 102, imira = 80 magical, fire)
- martial defence 75 (tyrion = 93, imira = 73)
- weapon strength 620 (tyrion = 881, imira = 570)
sins8 Mar 11, 2023 @ 7:42pm 
upgrade martial prowess to martial mastery
upgrade arcane conduit to greater arcane conduit
add :
- feint riposte (active) - replace evasion
- duellist (active)
- challenger (active)
- stand your ground (active)

- life bloom (lore of life passive)
- guardian (passive) - replace foe seeker (should bring physical resistance up to 25%)
- eldritch aura ( will bring missile resistance up to 40% [may want to reduce original by 10%] , and magic resistance up to 30%
- boon of isha (may want to rename)
- arcane flight
sins8 Mar 11, 2023 @ 7:41pm 
part 2

- immune psychology (boon of isha and frenzy both add it)


- greater aura of madness (its neat and powerful, may not be what you are looking for)
- increase fire resistance to 20% (it looks like you are going for ice/storm theme, fire and ice negate each other imo)

magic add
- blue fire of tzeentch (color makes it tricky to reskin but it could be tied to a blizzard with a touch of the aurora borealis)
- winds of death (just poisonus wind)
- deliverance of itza level 2 (extreme air compression, can actually my something similar to a nuke)

you might want to check out "hero : imira" the creator used the skill tree to help tell the story, you might find it interesting. hope this helps
Chapter Serf  [author] Mar 11, 2023 @ 5:29pm 
Only one will ever spawn in your hero pool. So there's no way to recruit multiple copies of her. She doesn't have any unique spawn mechanics aside from just being dropped into the recruit pool on turn 1. As I said in the description, I'd like to do something a bit more involved, but for now that's what we have.
NotAnarchy Mar 11, 2023 @ 11:47am 
I dont understand one thing: is she unique, legendary, or we can recruit more of them as a normal hero?
Rayvis Mar 3, 2023 @ 11:08am 
Hi friend. I translated your mod into Russian . Thank you for your work!
Queengoth Sparklebitch Mar 2, 2023 @ 4:36pm 
Games not launching at all, crashing on start up. it may not be the ultimate issue as ive managed to get the game to start now but am having other issues im trying to chase down so ill post again if i learn anything.
Chapter Serf  [author] Mar 2, 2023 @ 4:00pm 
I only have one variant for the character, so integrating it into the Variant Selector mod seems kind of silly from where I'm sitting. Are there issues that are arising? Is she not showing up properly if you are running Variant Selector?
Queengoth Sparklebitch Mar 2, 2023 @ 3:50pm 
@Chapter Serf

Just as a heads up to you and anyone who might be encountering this issue, both this and the Ellyrion mod seem to be incompatible with variant selector, and possibly with faster character refresh too.