

Call of Duty: Zombies Pack
Sh2d0wm2n May 27 @ 1:36pm 
What's up with the Pack-a-Punch weapon qualities? Did you randomize it? I'm certain I saw a message of a pawn making Overchagne(Masterwork) but it was poor when I looked at it
Major Albedo May 26 @ 4:36pm 
@Dagoth Ur
I think its to reflect its own sheer power in Black Ops 4. In BO4, the Scharfschutze's power amplified when you headshotted zombies which killed them much faster especially if chained onto other zombies. The tradeoff was that the Scharfschutze had much shorter range than the DG-2. I would take my response with a grain of salt though cause I don't think that is the real reason.
Dagoth Ur May 11 @ 2:31pm 
why does the Wunderwaffe-dg-scharfschutze feel so much more powerful than the dg-2
Sh2d0wm2n Apr 24 @ 2:26pm 
I didn't expect a response so fast damn. I'm really into zombies recently so a mod like yours is perfect for me, massive thanks for making it
Robotrowful  [author] Apr 24 @ 12:58pm 
Should be ok to add mid game, Since the mod doesn't require new terrain to spawn stuff in.
since the materials are gained by Meteor, Trading, Quests and Deep drilling. (and weapons if you enable them with XML extensions)
Sh2d0wm2n Apr 24 @ 11:19am 
is it safe to add this mod in the middle of an ongoing game?
Morph_kun Feb 17 @ 11:46pm 
oh i might just do that then! thank you for sparing the moment! fun mod by the by i like pairing it with that new army of fetid corpses mod
Robotrowful  [author] Feb 17 @ 8:38am 
With Combat extended if you want you could fork Call of Duty: Zombie Pack [github.com] Part in Github and change things to your liking and submit it for an update. Since they handle all the compatibility between mods
Morph_kun Feb 17 @ 8:16am 
i think the elemental staffs and their packs need bit of a buff in CE. They each have 1 piercing and don't do much because of it, Comparing sayyy winters fury that does 28 damage with 21 blunt piercing to ulls arrow that just does 1 across all. Is it supposed to explode into a ice blast that freezes everything like in the games?

additionally the empowered ice crystals are wildly expensive compared to the winters fury charges which makes the staffs even more not worth using
Robotrowful  [author] Nov 4, 2023 @ 4:40pm 
@Dracnoze Prevents in what way?
This mods add new ones into their own research tab and doesn't alter vanillas, DLCs or other modded Research?

Since I can still research tasks perfectly fine
Dracnoze Nov 4, 2023 @ 8:56am 
This mod prevents me from doing research, I'm pretty sure it's a bug
♡⁧⁧♡Greed Aug 26, 2023 @ 5:57am 
Thank you good sir.
Robotrowful  [author] Jul 30, 2023 @ 5:49am 
I'll add in into the todo list for XML extension patch when i get back into updating this mod
♡⁧⁧♡Greed Jul 29, 2023 @ 2:41am 
Fun mod to add onto my zombies playthrough, but can you increase the duration or add a duration slider for the perks?
Vagineer1 May 6, 2023 @ 12:42pm 
Now we just need a mod that replaces the combat music with the easter egg songs and we'll be set.
Hawty_Hans Mar 7, 2023 @ 4:36am 
no need to apologize glad i could help you find a couple of bugs
Robotrowful  [author] Mar 7, 2023 @ 3:57am 
Yeah.. I apologies for that. I'll add a proper description for all the perk a colas.
Thank you so much!
Hawty_Hans Mar 6, 2023 @ 8:00pm 
oh i just meant the description of it it doesnt say it does anything so for me its just a waist of silver so i didnt buy i will be buying and testing it now lol glad i could help you find a diffrent bug though lol
Robotrowful  [author] Mar 6, 2023 @ 1:43pm 
@Hawty_Hans I am currently unable to reproduce this bug.
Testing with an Bolt-Action-Rifle normal deals 18 and with DDT2 is goes to 72. (which 4x instead of the 2x i set it to. That is a bug LOL)
Is there a certain weapon that's not working with it?
Is it vanilla, DLC, My modded weapon or other modded weapons?
Hawty_Hans Mar 6, 2023 @ 4:31am 
is there a reason double tap II doesnt do anything or that simply a bug your not aware of?
Robotrowful  [author] Jan 18, 2023 @ 1:04pm 
They don't naturally spawn with gun. However if you have XML Extensions installed you can enable it in the setting menu
Zygerion Scammer Jan 18, 2023 @ 12:59pm 
Do raiders spawn in with PP guns or is it just you who has them?
Robotrowful  [author] Jan 12, 2023 @ 6:46am 
@Farmer Joe I've released an bugfix which should make it work again. Thanks you for reporting the issue!
Farmer Joe Jan 11, 2023 @ 4:03pm 
is there a mistake when making a patch?
in a patch to add Pack a Punch to faction(in Royalty section)
"CODZP_BasePackAPunchUltra" doesn't exist when it try to add UltratechMelee to weaponTag
Robotrowful  [author] Jan 8, 2023 @ 6:18am 
Sorry for any inconvenience for anyone using the mod, i'll push an update to fix the beams later today
SmArtKar Jan 8, 2023 @ 5:24am 
Athena Framework update temporary broke this mod's guns that utilise Athena's beam system. The author should be able to fix it soon as it's just a few simple lines of XML
nude super mario bros Dec 19, 2022 @ 5:54pm 
Very neat, fingers crossed.
Robotrowful  [author] Dec 19, 2022 @ 5:05pm 
If I get the time to make a proper modded pack a punch patch mod (similar to Daria40K's Mighty Persona Bond Forge Patch Mod) i'll add Altherian Export to the list!
nude super mario bros Dec 19, 2022 @ 12:03pm 
I totally understand if you're not taking PaP requests, but I feel like this mod and the one below would mesh so well together.
Halituis Amaricanous Dec 18, 2022 @ 1:32pm 
@Robotrowful I have released the re-texture mod, Sorry for the wait, can barely get any work done in the wintertime freezing my butt off, hopefully ya like it!
Robotrowful  [author] Dec 8, 2022 @ 7:55am 
@Sasha Pines (no brain) I've been working on adding the Apothicon faction (The next main Update to the mod alongside other additions)
This will include: Margwa, Elemental Margwa (Void and Fire), Parasite, Insanity Elemental (Meatballs),Fury and the Abomination.

so the update will be released when ready as it's on the larger scale (adding Enemies, Faction, BO4 god Statues ,Clothing ,research ,and other aesthetics changes)
Sasha Pines (no brain) Dec 8, 2022 @ 4:40am 
wish we have a cod zombie enemy mod
Mr Gold Nov 21, 2022 @ 8:38am 
Gud mod!
Funy man Nov 9, 2022 @ 7:04am 
Halituis Amaricanous Oct 28, 2022 @ 11:09am 
@Robotrowful awesome Ill get started then, mostly want to do it because looks like you put a lot of effort into this and only have 800 downloads its almost criminal. maybe it will draw more attention to it. :steamthumbsup:
Robotrowful  [author] Oct 28, 2022 @ 10:44am 
Dont worry about it some of my older textures are pretty bad, but if you want you could make a texture re placer mod and do what you want with it
Here's a github of just the textures
Halituis Amaricanous Oct 28, 2022 @ 10:10am 
I'm not sure there is just so much jam-packed! content maybe the buildings and wonder weapons, well hopefully all of it, not to downplay your artistic skill of course. just some stuff to make it more vanilla-ish. with your permission.
Robotrowful  [author] Oct 28, 2022 @ 8:40am 
oh my! Hello Halituis! which guns were you thinking of re texturing?
Halituis Amaricanous Oct 28, 2022 @ 6:02am 
oh my god this is amazing. would it be amiss to ask if I could make a re-texture of some of the guns? this is so awesome.
Captain Aug 19, 2022 @ 11:10am 
Thanks so much for the update, and for the amazing mod you've put together!

I appreciate your efforts and my friend does as well!
Robotrowful  [author] Aug 19, 2022 @ 9:35am 
I'm still working on the CE patch, but the progress has slowed down due to real life time constraints.

At the moment the CE patch contains:
All Vanilla pack a punch weapons are functional (With working Ammo / Bullets)
Several wonders weapons are functional whilst the rest are not.
All the Melee weapons are working.
All pack a punched wonder weapons are not patched and are not yet balanced. (but use a temp bullet/ammo instead)
The mod doesn't currently crash when bootup but you'll get a few red errors.
Mod compatibility like persona bond forge will crash (as I've not patched attempted to patch them)

from what i can see it will be a long while before it's finished
however here is a github link https://github.com/Robotrowful/CEZombiepack if you want to still play and not immediately crash with the mod. Eventually i'll put the patch into CE
Captain Aug 18, 2022 @ 5:38pm 
Has any work been done on the CE patch? A friend and I are making a new zombie modpack and this would be essential
Hawty_Hans May 9, 2022 @ 2:10pm 
anytime, that's why they were there lol was wondering
Robotrowful  [author] May 9, 2022 @ 9:21am 
Thank you so much Kawty :cozybethesda:

With this new patch I've removed the cooler from wunderfizz recipe. so it would work now.

Looking through it, it seemed that i had accidentally added some test weapons (involving the royalty dlc), I've also removed them in this new version. (so you'll maybe get a few red errors) sorry about that, it should not could many issues
Hawty_Hans May 9, 2022 @ 7:14am 
it was minify everything id put a none compatible note in the description saying it doesn't work
Hawty_Hans May 9, 2022 @ 7:01am 
its not replace stuff
Hawty_Hans May 9, 2022 @ 6:52am 
it might also be replace stuff that is causing the issues i'm having
Hawty_Hans May 9, 2022 @ 6:49am 
i figured out the cooler thing the wunderfizz needs a cooler and just wont take one if you build a cooler it wants to take it but as soon as it does that it wont be put in and be used idk if its a bug or if its rimworld
Hawty_Hans May 8, 2022 @ 7:50pm 
thats awesome thank you im assuming it was a big issue to change it like that
Robotrowful  [author] May 8, 2022 @ 10:38am 
I've changed all the weapons that require buildings (Heaters, Coolers & Batteries) to something different, This fix should solve that issue.