[WOTC] Coloured PCS Icons
KillerKitty Jan 13 @ 8:19am 
gonna put this thang ON
Nadarith Jun 12, 2023 @ 3:30pm 
@RustyDios I just want to say: don't feel bad, have a good week and be okay
RustyDios  [author] Jun 12, 2023 @ 1:09pm 
@Relax It's Okay
In case you wanted any form of "why remove Zyxpsilons posts".. I hope there is enough evidence here in his behaviour ... ? I do not like removing posts unless absolutely necessary, but it needed to be done.

-- to everyone else; Sorry for the drama. Please can we not do any further name calling/etc. I want this to be the end of it. And just go back to discussing issues/suggestions with this mod.

~~ Thankyou all.
RustyDios  [author] Jun 12, 2023 @ 1:08pm 
So yet again, your posts become offensive.. calling me a weirdo, a loser, troll and a psycopath ?

and yes, Zyxpsilon .. as explained in that very post. Giving someone an apology, and then immediately insulting them. Completely voids that apology. That's just a common rule of communication.

I have at no point tried to attack you. I have at no point tried to belittle, demean or slander you. I have at no point tried to do anything against your reputation. This is all stuff you have done to yourself ...

I am *HAPPY* that you have unsubbed. Please feel free to do so for every single one of my mods, and as asked ... please leave me and my mods alone ... I hope to never have to deal with another person like you.
Zyxpsilon Jun 12, 2023 @ 3:10am 
// even if _I_ don't mean it ??

Go consult a psychiatrist - you need urgent help with a chronic obsession against people and actually, hold a grudge beyond reasonable attitude

@Nadarith .. nope.. **HIS** version of an apology that he's been repeating online (XCom2 discord to many modders in various threads and everywhere he could ATTACK me like a psychopath for now, years.
Mind your own business, troll.

** Thread Unsubscribed permanently **
Nadarith Jun 11, 2023 @ 4:11pm 
...that guy has a reputation?

i just checked which mods updated and what they changed by the way and just felt the need to reassure you rusty after i saw the comments, you definitely aren't at fault for his reputation and shouldn't feel bad for this, his 'apology' pretty much says it all

have a nice day and relax
RustyDios  [author] Jun 11, 2023 @ 10:53am 
Thankyou for typing the apology, even if you don't mean it. Apologising AND insulting someone in the same post kind of voids the apology, but whatever, I was done with this yesterday.

** I ** am sorry that you feel that there has been an attempt to ruin your reputation, this was never the case. Your mods work fine as original alternatives, there is just newer/different stuff that people can use too.
Zyxpsilon Jun 11, 2023 @ 6:59am 
PS; It was on "Discord", just couldn't remember.
Zyxpsilon Jun 11, 2023 @ 6:56am 
** "I am sorry, I was wrong and arrogant to demand credit for a mod I did not work on" **
Feel any better, weirdo?

B--Y--E and one very last warning; STOP ruining my reputation, loser!
RustyDios  [author] Jun 10, 2023 @ 10:00am 
2hrs.. and still nothing.. okay
Finally this can be the end of it.
RustyDios  [author] Jun 10, 2023 @ 7:43am 
Forewarning... anything more that is not "I am sorry, I was wrong and arrogant to demand credit for a mod I did not work on"

.... WILL be deleted ... I haven't got the time or patience anymore..
RustyDios  [author] Jun 10, 2023 @ 7:41am 
Dude.. I'm not ON Reddit, and never have been. You have not apologized.. to ME.
I have ... Discord, Twitch, Steam ...

And I would never want it in in some silly private channel, hiding away like some cowering child. YOU made a very public demand in the other mod .. now have the balls to make a very public apology ?!

........ .... in fact... don't... I just don't care about you or your mods enough to entertain you.
I will ask you ... the same thing I did 1hr ago, 1 year ago ..

as you still refuse to apologise for what you demanded ... please leave me and my mods alone. THANKYOU.
Zyxpsilon Jun 10, 2023 @ 7:34am 
You know dam well *I already formally APOLOGIZED in a private exchange on Reddit aside from a witness during that exchange*.
This is as far as i will comment to this silly childish tantrum of yours.
AFAIC, it's over.
RustyDios  [author] Jun 10, 2023 @ 7:14am 
@Relax Its Ok
I spent 6 months restructuring the internals of my other mod to not conflict with his older one (I'll note I didn't see him make a singular change to his to accommodate mine)
- In case you are curious that is the UFOpedia and wcLabyrinth that had the conflict... and where this drama started ... as Zyxpsilon DEMANDED to be given credit for a mod he had no input on working on... .. and I called him out and said, no. That's just plain arrogant.

And yes, I then went to prove the point by doing the same to some of his.. to which he comically replied "no, you haven't worked on them, how dare I ask?"... and the whole example flew over his head ...

All, I'm asking for is an apology of his behaviour. In over a year I have not received one.
So.. I stopped interacting with him ... Because I can not find a way to reason with him ... which included deleting his malicious messages ... and this makes me sad :(
RustyDios  [author] Jun 10, 2023 @ 7:13am 
@Relax Its OK
Yeah, sorry to get you caught in this net here :(

This mod (afaik) works perfectly fine alongside his original. Obviously his colours an icon one way, and mine does another. There is only one icon. Someone's colour is going to not be used. I don't know how to resolve that, it's not like we can split the icon in the middle.

I think my mod wins out, just because its done later in the pipeline, by a Highlander hook. But any PCS' I've not done, that he has.. will have his colours.
Relax Its Ok Jun 10, 2023 @ 7:00am 
My philosphy is. If Modder (A) wants to make a mod that changes a weapons colour. and Modder (B) wants to do the same but a different colour. Both modders could instead collab to create a weapon colouring framework. (Xcom already has this function, but this is a vague example).

Just because both ideas are so similar, and might even conflict, doesn't mean it has'to be one or the other. Combine ideas if it is healthy to do so, or if you simply don't want to, then allow others to co-exist. As long as no assets or code is being copied without permission, ofcourse.
Relax Its Ok Jun 10, 2023 @ 6:57am 
My personal take on this is unimportant. However I will chime in to state that 2 people having similar or even identical ideas is definitely not a crime, nor should it be discouraged. As stated in the description of this mod, Rusty explains how his idea was inspired by Zyxpsilon's, but struggled to find the mod he was inspired by until Dark pointed it out. Zyxpsilon's mod was then linked to show appreciation. If my assumptions are correct then no asset or code was stolen & this mod does not have identical functionality. I have modded for a long time myself and stuff like this crops up all the time, people claiming they "own" simple ideas. Instead of competing, collaboration is preferable and healthier for every party involved.
RustyDios  [author] Jun 10, 2023 @ 6:41am 
... part two ...
*inspired by* << there is NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING.. in THIS mod that is a copy of yours, or your assets, or your style, or your code ... unless you want to claim the very *act* of colouring icons to be your idea alone. The basis for the colours here comes direct from the larger PCS UI Images.

I have never, and will never claim your mod is broken or malfunctioning in any way, because your mod works perfectly fine as an alternative. I just will not actively promote it here, in direct conflict with my own interests.

Now politely, as you still refuse to apologise for what you demanded ... please leave me and my mods alone. THANKYOU.
RustyDios  [author] Jun 10, 2023 @ 6:41am 
I knew it would come to this. ... part one ...
I'll leave your messages alone for the sake of proving my points...

and I'll repeat this one last time so it's clear... as noted, in the mod description, THIS mod was *inspired by* your original. Your original that has such a crazy name that after DAYS of searching for it, could not be found be me. Forcing me to learn and make this version. I am sorry that your original mod has been put aside by people using the search box and finding this one instead.
Zyxpsilon Jun 10, 2023 @ 5:13am 

Sooooooooo -- please consider my side of the "issue" in terms of unbiased truth. There's a lot more behind the curtain of modders & how they support their stuff.
We were always a cool gang of XC2 fans.. until plagiarizers started to flood the workshop with THEIR variations of other (or similar) concepts

* I'm keeping a duplicate of this reply. Contact me if you need details, Relax.
Zyxpsilon Jun 10, 2023 @ 5:13am 
@Relax (ONLY!)
Gonna risk this post will once again be deleted by RD, cuz as *HE* freely could spread his own opinions or other highly private concerns (in public below, btw) with some old battle we once had.

I will not fall in his trap or comment on any insults he wrote below. That's no why i'm here for today.

"Coloured PCS Icons" *is* still a copy-cat of one (more .. my custom Class Icons were also the original 'process') of my mods created in the VERY far past. Secondly.. *qUIck-swappimg* is a fine alternative to any other solutions created by anyone else and has proven to be effective for years without conflict with anything else.

My reputation must still be protected online *IF* i'm made aware of such remarks by him.
Relax Its Ok Jun 10, 2023 @ 3:22am 
The icons by EvilBob look amazing, definitely going to use them for my next run :)
RustyDios  [author] Jun 10, 2023 @ 3:08am 
It's all good here. :) I just didn't want you to feel like it was unjustified treatment. I don't normally like removing comments as it leaves no history to follow. But it had to be done here because of everything else also in that comment iirc. Which were words I didn't feel comfortable having on my mods page.

The newer mod came out like 2-3days ago. It's really fresh and EvilBob does amazing icon work.
I have every faith that in good time it will expand to include more and more classes.

And frankly all Zyp needs to do is say, "I am sorry. Demanding to be credited for a mod I was not involved with, was arrogant. Name-calling for having an unresolved MCO conflict was rude. " ... needless to say, the mod in question took me like 6 months or so rewriting to *not* conflict with Zyps mod, but still I'm the a-hole? ... sorry I'm rambling. I'm letting this go. Deep breaths ... Sometimes it is better to just cut-out and leave the conflict.
Relax Its Ok Jun 10, 2023 @ 2:46am 
I appreciate the calm response & for explaining the context. The last thing I want is to instigate conflict & i'm glad you seem to recognise that. Also thanks for the info regarding Coloured Class Icons
RustyDios  [author] Jun 10, 2023 @ 2:35am 
@Relax Its Ok
(part two, sorry!)

I am also not saying his mods or bad, or they shouldn't be used. Quite the opposite, his past works are amazing. But his most recent attitude towards myself (and another fellow modmaker ), for a project we spent months making ... was rude, brash and arrogant ... and I don't want to partake in anything from him, anywhere.

With that said, this Coloured Class Icons mod has recently been made public on the workshop and would be the one I can now recommend, with an active and current modmaker behind it, colours that make sense and a better/different method of replacement (when compaired to qUIck/swapImg)
RustyDios  [author] Jun 10, 2023 @ 2:35am 
@Relax Its Okay
That is fair and everything, but I have had personal previous grief from Zyxpsilon on a different project, where the exact same words were sent my way. So, now I choose to not have anything to do with him, including promoting his mods.

Don't take this wrong, and please understand the past conflict and context.
I don't wish any ill on Zyp, I just simply do not wish to engage with him. Anywhere.
Relax Its Ok Jun 10, 2023 @ 12:02am 
I hate to be "that guy" but it seems @prokolyo was asking for a mod that colors the class symbols and @Zyxpsilon kindly pointed one out to him (that he so happened to publish) Please remember that modding is a community effort & the modding scene would be dead if people kept their creations to themselves and "gatekeeped" what should and should not be shared/discussed. Love your work Rusty, be better man.
RustyDios  [author] Mar 17, 2023 @ 9:18pm 
Respectfully please refrain from promoting your mod on my page.
I have removed your comments as they add nothing to the conversation.
RustyDios  [author] Mar 17, 2023 @ 2:57pm 
I do not. I never saw the need to colour them.
prokolyo Mar 17, 2023 @ 12:13pm 
You don't happen to have a mod for coloring the class symbols, do you? :)
prokolyo Mar 17, 2023 @ 12:12pm 
Thanks for the quick answer!
RustyDios  [author] Mar 17, 2023 @ 12:06pm 
Not in a hard-crash way. The icons from this mod should override the ones from qUIck though, as this mod uses a newer Highlander hook to inject the icon at the point they are asked for.
prokolyo Mar 17, 2023 @ 11:53am 
Zyxpsilon Sep 24, 2021 @ 12:26pm 
Okay.. my quest for the LOST_lost continues. :)
RustyDios  [author] Sep 24, 2021 @ 11:25am 
Not a clue, I haven't touched much on the mission stuff at all

And fully agree CI is an amazing mod/overhaul/framework :)
Zyxpsilon Sep 24, 2021 @ 11:05am 
Lately, i'm completely immersed with the newest "StrategyOverhaul(CI)" mod and everything else neatly created for it (Proficiency Classes + PsionicExMachina, etc).
So far.. it has revived my interest for "Modding" and gameplay fun.

Going to have to re-install SDK/EU assets, soon though.. since i lost the Alienware/R6 PC to a crazy thunder storm last fall and had to re-fresh many things (Not every backups are created equal!).

PS; Oh speaking of LOST! MissionsDEF.ini system (within CI?) doesn't gather *all* corpses.. but can't find their proper toggles (( bIsTacticalObjective=false ))... Any ideas?
RustyDios  [author] Sep 24, 2021 @ 10:24am 
I'll have a look, I'm sure it'll be an interesting learning experience. I do think the modern methods in WOTC and particular with the CHL hooks have me plenty spoiled :)
Zyxpsilon Sep 24, 2021 @ 10:19am 
Naaaa.. i'm not claiming you "'stole" anything at all, buddy!
It's just that time flies sooooo fast & our modding community has been very kind to me over the years. We're a bunch of friendly people that share a common love for XC2 variations.

The whole magic of GFX swapping (for XC2) came from a very old method used within XC-EU+EW for me; TexMod. Using extension/core files and indirect Listener Hook/Hack.
Have a look at UC sources from my Mod, you'll enjoy the messy flip/flop accidental errors!
Kinda puts the modern (recent) solutions (CH, etc) into perspective.
RustyDios  [author] Sep 24, 2021 @ 10:00am 
I think it's just a case of right place, right time. I've had several "high profile" twitch and youtube streamers use this version, and the inclusion of the LWotC, Hive & BioDivision icons possibly boosted this version more.

Plus, super niche in doing only the PCS Icons and nothing else ... and Mod Naming. There's no ambiguity to what this mod does, whereas qUIck might be hard to search for?

I'm sorry :( I know it must feel like I stole your mod, but I searched for hours looking for your version, knowing I had seen it as a vanilla mod ... but I just couldn't find it. I did put the links to QUICK RCP WOTC in the mod description .. once someone told me what it was called.

I'll happily add you as a mod-contributor if you want ? It WAS inspired by your version.
Zyxpsilon Sep 24, 2021 @ 9:10am 
Soooooo funny that *THIS* mod gathered up nearly 12000 subscribers while the "originally" created symbols (from my qUIck stuff) got roughly 1000 only!
Must be my tricky "SwappIMG" hooking requirement that scares off people or nobody really cares having coloured Classes & Ranks along side other fancy addons, etc!! ;)

Proud of you anyway.. Rusty.
(( I'd want a Gallon of Tea from ya -- host it within ZIP file or somethin' :))
Все сложно Jun 28, 2021 @ 7:35am 
Lux Manifestus Mar 20, 2021 @ 3:27am 
The polish on this game
Rtma Eros Paragon Mar 18, 2021 @ 12:24am 
Beautiful, thanks for this.
RustyDios  [author] Mar 17, 2021 @ 5:13pm 
The PCS' are already incorporated into a LWotC game, but not with coloured icons, which is the only part this mod changes.
Stafford Mar 17, 2021 @ 2:35pm 
This seems to be already incorporated into LWOTC ?
MrCloista Mar 15, 2021 @ 9:43pm 
awesome work as always rusty
☠Солевая Кобураϟ Mar 15, 2021 @ 9:56am 
:xcom2grenadier:excellent work:xcom2sharpshooter: