[WOTC] Iridar's Template Master - Core
Obama May 8 @ 11:15pm 

Did you ever find a fix for the "?INT?WOTCIRIDARTEMPLATEMASTER.HELP?" issue?
Iridar  [author] Apr 30 @ 1:26pm 
Template Master has been updated with functionality to create and edit ability trees and stat progression for soldier classes. This is something you can do with base game config, but it's super annoying due to overcomplicated syntax. Template Master simplifies things. Usage is explain in documentation.
Dood! Apr 12 @ 2:34am 
Drat, that didn't work. It still says "?INT?WOTCIRIDARTEMPLATEMASTER.HELP.?" in game instead of armor pierce.
Iridar  [author] Mar 26 @ 2:22am 
Try StatLabel = "PierceLabel"
Dood! Mar 25 @ 5:10pm 
Hello, ModJam for LWOTC has several items with "Armor Pierce" that don't show up properly in the UI. It was mentioned that ModJam needs to be updated but the relevant line seems to be:

+Edit_X2AmmoTemplate = (T = "HollowPointRounds", P = "UIStatMarkups", OP = "Append", UIStatMarkup = (StatModifier = -2, StatLabel = "Armor Pierce"))

I'm guessing "Armor Pierce" changed to something else? If so, what would the new name be?
cyrneco Jan 27 @ 11:38am 
Thanks for the lightning answer!
I wasn't sure, I hoped that the ability templates went under some of the categories listed...
I use your mods and Boundr already and you do a great job, it's just a little thing I wish to change but is not supported by any of your mods sadly, I'll have to learn to use the modding tools myself. Thanks again for your work.
Iridar  [author] Jan 27 @ 11:06am 
Hi. No. If it was possible, it would've been mentioned in the description. You can edit some aspects of abilities with the Ability Editor mod.
cyrneco Jan 27 @ 11:03am 
Hi Iridar, thanks for your mods.
Is it possible to edit ability templates with this mod?
4rrakis Nov 3, 2023 @ 4:01pm 
You should install this if some other mod you use requires it.
Sest Nov 3, 2023 @ 3:00pm 
I still don't know what this mod does.
If I don't create mods, does it mean I shouldn't install this?
Adonnay Oct 25, 2023 @ 11:20pm 
No problem, thanks for the answer:)
Iridar  [author] Oct 25, 2023 @ 7:53pm 
Sorry for the late response. There's no easy way to copy entire template atm.
bigwormfire Oct 25, 2023 @ 12:37pm 
i came here to change item or armor cost?
Adonnay Jun 17, 2023 @ 4:21am 
Hi! Absolutely awesome tool, thanks :)
One question though on how to properly use it. Is there an easy way to make a copy of an existing template? I.e. make a copy of the normal pistol so you only have to change a couple of values instead of setting all properties yourself? Couldn't really find it in the documentation. Only how to take single values from a donor template.
SilverSkies Mar 29, 2023 @ 6:13pm 
alright thanks for the clarification
Iridar  [author] Mar 29, 2023 @ 6:02pm 
Template Master currently cannot modify or create character templates, it cannot do anything that has to do with units.
SilverSkies Mar 29, 2023 @ 3:50pm 
the dev of enemy reskinner said this mod may be able to help with converting cosmetic parts into a unit that works with enemy reskinner.

do you have any advice on the topic? it doesn't seem obvious how i would do this from your documentation
OVER JUSTICE Mar 17, 2023 @ 1:34pm 
Thank you so much for the response Iridar, I'll look into that!
Iridar  [author] Mar 4, 2023 @ 9:51pm 
There's weapon global stat changer mod or something like that, maybe you could try using that.
Iridar  [author] Mar 4, 2023 @ 9:50pm 
If you need to make that kind of change you're better off making your own mod.
Iridar  [author] Mar 4, 2023 @ 9:50pm 
Currently not.
OVER JUSTICE Mar 4, 2023 @ 4:56pm 
It is possible to use this to make global changes to a weapon category's stats? As in, could it make a blanket change to the range tables of all weapons in the assault rifle category so that they all remain uniform statwise without having to individually change them one at a time for each custom weapon mod?
adverl Oct 29, 2022 @ 9:39am 
Hmm, what you are saying does make sense. Let me do some more digging. It must be some other mod relying on your mod as a dependency that's really causing the issue.
Iridar  [author] Oct 29, 2022 @ 4:10am 
By itself, this mod doesn't do anything. It requires other mods to provide configuration that will instruct it to do something. Template Master currently cannot edit abilities at all. So you must have some other mod that uses Template Master to do something to weapons (grenades) you're trying to use the ability with.
adverl Oct 29, 2022 @ 12:09am 
Hmm, I tracked down this mod to have a strange issue:
The RPGO perk "needle grenades" for grenadier would not work when this mod is activated.
And the perk would work again when this mode is deactivated.
Iridar  [author] Oct 27, 2022 @ 6:28pm 
> Does this support armor templates?

It's listed in the description, so yes.

> Does it support changing weapons to new custom categories?

It makes no difference whether a weapon category is custom or not. Weapon category is just a name property on weapon templates. Yes, this mod can edit it.
Iridar  [author] Sep 3, 2022 @ 4:26am 
That's highly unlikely.
Amara, Recon 2 Sep 3, 2022 @ 12:51am 
Unfortunately this mod in particular is causing MASSIVE stutter any time an action or move is made :(
Rost Kurt Apr 20, 2022 @ 3:19am 
а все, понял скобки лишние
Rost Kurt Apr 20, 2022 @ 3:16am 
@Iridar, правильно со скобками или без?
+Edit_X2WeaponTemplate = (T = "SustainingSphere", P = "Cost",\\
Cost = (ArtifactCosts[0] = (ItemTemplateName = "CorpseAdventPriest", Quantity = 1),\\
ArtifactCosts[1] = (ItemTemplateName = "MindShield", Quantity = 1),\\
ResourceCosts[0] = (ItemTemplateName = "Supplies", Quantity = 55)))


+Edit_X2WeaponTemplate = (T = "SustainingSphere", P = "Cost",\\
Cost = (ArtifactCosts[0] = (ItemTemplateName = "CorpseAdventPriest", Quantity = 1),\\
(ArtifactCosts[1] = (ItemTemplateName = "MindShield", Quantity = 1),\\
(ResourceCosts[0] = (ItemTemplateName = "Supplies", Quantity = 55)))

Iridar  [author] Apr 20, 2022 @ 3:04am 
Нет, Cost два раза написано
Rost Kurt Apr 20, 2022 @ 2:50am 
Rost Kurt Apr 20, 2022 @ 2:49am 
@Iridar, +Edit_X2WeaponTemplate = (T = "SustainingSphere", P = "Cost",\\
Cost = (ArtifactCosts[0] = (ItemTemplateName = "CorpseAdventPriest", Quantity = 1),\\
Cost = (ArtifactCosts[1] = (ItemTemplateName = "MindShield", Quantity = 1),\\
ResourceCosts[0] = (ItemTemplateName = "Supplies", Quantity = 55)))
Iridar  [author] Apr 20, 2022 @ 2:45am 
+Edit_X2WeaponTemplate = (T = "MysticStaff_MG", RDLC=("PrototypeArmoury", "CovertInfiltration"), P = "Cost",\\
Cost = (ResourceCosts[0] = (ItemTemplateName = "Supplies", Quantity = 10),\\
ResourceCosts[1] = (ItemTemplateName = "AlienAlloy", Quantity = 2)))

Можно использовать ArtifactCosts вместо ResourceCosts, разницы нет.
Rost Kurt Apr 20, 2022 @ 2:33am 
@Iridar, а как добавить в стоимость предмета предмет? Команда ArtifactCosts подойдет?
Dies Irae Apr 15, 2022 @ 11:47pm 
Thank you. Now to l teach myself
Iridar  [author] Apr 15, 2022 @ 5:14pm 
It's possible.
Dies Irae Apr 15, 2022 @ 3:56pm 
Can you use this to set up a 3 tier config that will automatically switch to 5 tier config when using your 5two. Currently trying to make strike rifles a unique weapon rather than a skin.
Iridar  [author] Apr 11, 2022 @ 7:36am 
I'll think about it. I could use such a functionality myself, though it's usually simpler to set up through script.

I feel like you're confusing sockets (points in 3ds space for 3d models to attach to each other, such as visual weapon upgrades to weapons, or weapons to units) with upgrade slots.

You can already add upgrade slots to any equippable item through config for Highlander:
Dęąth Viper Apr 11, 2022 @ 7:12am 
awesome work! You are truly the king of modding. Request though, can you add in the coding for us to put sockets on ANY item in game please? Mostly so I can put extra sockets on armor and vest slots. I am going to be releasing a new loot mod similar to grimy but only attachs to vest slots and armor slots
XpanD Apr 11, 2022 @ 3:19am 
Got it, thanks for the clarification.
Iridar  [author] Apr 11, 2022 @ 2:33am 
WSR is more convenient for reskinning weapons through config, since it can do it in one line. WSR can add sockets, Template Master cannot (yet?).

WSR was developed for a specific purpose: reskinning weapons, other commands were added over time as needed or requested, without much thought put into keeping things consistent.

Template Master was developed as a general-purpose tool for editing templates, primarily for myself and other modmakers, without any care being put into making it user-friendly.

They are different mods with different philosophies.
XpanD Apr 11, 2022 @ 2:06am 
Adding on to the previous question... Are there any big WSR features that aren't working yet? (if you happen to remember offhand)
Iridar  [author] Apr 10, 2022 @ 10:03pm 
For the most part.
Dęąth Viper Apr 10, 2022 @ 2:33pm 
So this can essentially replace WSR?
Iridar  [author] Jan 19, 2022 @ 1:54am 
@Mustache Meat
You can also check if this folder exists (where this mod should be downloading into), and if yes, then delete i.

Recently I heard someone else having a similar issue, and the only thing that helped them is nuking the entire workshop folder, though obviously that will reset and changes you made to mods' configs, if any.
NosyCrayfish Jan 19, 2022 @ 1:51am 
@Iridar Many thanks for the speedy reply! Tried all this then read your post. Triple checked things again. Probably just a Steam issue so I'll try at a later date. Thank you for the tips! Excited to try this mod whenever Steam stops being a poopy butt
Iridar  [author] Jan 19, 2022 @ 1:40am 
@Mustache Meat
This problem is not caused by anything specific to this mod, it just happens sometimes with Steam.

Close the launcher, restart PC, start Steam, unsubscribe for the mod, wait a minute, subscribe to the mod, wait a minute. Start the launcher.

If the mod is still not there, go to launcher's Options menu and select "Show hidden mods". If the mod appears then, you can right click on it and select "Unhide".
NosyCrayfish Jan 19, 2022 @ 1:14am 
Having an issue where I subscribe but it doesn't show up in the alternate mod launcher. I also get errors saying this mod isn't installed when getting to the main menu.
Iridar  [author] Aug 29, 2021 @ 5:43am 
@Alex Darkcrowne
Read mod description / documentation. It's probably going to be too complicated, though.