Leviathans: Rewritten
10 件のコメント
GrapefruitSemen49 2023年10月18日 15時13分 
are there any plans to update it?
Obscuris  [作成者] 2022年5月21日 20時43分 
Took over half a year, but it's back again! @Bald respawn options would be nice, but there isn't any way for me to do it in a way that works for multiplayer and feels satisfying. Maybe if I can think of something, but for now it won't be added. @Livnthedream fixed in the latest version! @Mycroft *some* of that is definitely because the mod was severely out of date, but as far as I know that should only affect leviathan related ships and definitely nothing for the tech tree. Dreadnoughts also shouldn't have been actually buildable, but having a design generated at game start for everyone was a hacky solution I had to come up with to allow players to upgrade the Dreadnought until I found a much better non-hacky solution.
Mycroft 2022年4月20日 20時46分 
I don't know if this is core-mod or due to a mod conflict, but this definitely fucks the tech tree for me regardless of whether or not i'm using vanilla or mod ships. I'm finding multiple new ship classes for construction which you can't ordinarily build such as tiyanki and asteroid cannons and stuff, on top of unlocking almost every ship class from gamestart. Pretty sure i shouldn't be able to make dreadnoughts before i have a single colony.
Livnthedream 2021年11月3日 4時05分 
This mod is adding what seems to be a version of the Automated Dreadnaught to the ship designer. It doesn't show a ship, and you can't actually build it, but it's annoying taking up room.
Bald 2021年4月25日 8時26分 
Have you thought about adding the re-spam option for these creatures?
So you would be the first mod to put together the 2 most demanded things about Leviathans in a single mod :)
Bald 2021年4月24日 3時47分 
Perfect, I wait then, but look pretty interesting :)
Obscuris  [作成者] 2021年4月24日 3時05分 
Not sure if this still works for 3.0, I'll probably do an update once I'm done with Dangerous Crystalline Asteroids. For the level of power, I recommend near or over 100k for some of them, like the Dreadnought, though for the Ether Drake in particular you will have a very tough time if you try penetration-centric ship builds.
Bald 2021年4月23日 5時22分 
Hihi Boss
still working after Nemesis? what level of power you need for fight vs your leviathans?
Obscuris  [作成者] 2020年12月24日 12時31分 
Improved compatibility significantly, and in the process added a bit more to the Automated Dreadnought as well as some balance. I've not touched the War in Heaven much yet, so any mod that overwrites it should be fine unless they also modify other Leviathans stuff.

The difficulty variation and scaling are good ideas, I'll probably try to put that in at some point. As for the extra spawns, I like the idea but what ones do you suggest for it? Personally I can only see 3; the Wraith(s), the Stellarite Devourer, and the Asteroid Hives (which is what Dangerous Crystalline Asteroids is about).
ScrapyardBob 2020年12月24日 9時43分 
I'd be interested in a trimmed down version of the mod that only touches the leviathan files instead of things like war_in_heaven_events / static_modifiers / utilities for better compatibility.

What I came looking for was:

- more powerful leviathans (scaled using the end-game crisis setting?)
- leviathans with randomized power levels (+/- 50% of the target strength)
- a chance of a 2nd / 3rd / 4th spawn (especially for the more generic ones)