Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

Attribute Growth Increase
LWH Oct 27, 2023 @ 9:41pm 
faisalkevinl Oct 24, 2023 @ 10:15pm 
hello, thank you for the mods. But the enemy (npc) is affected by this mod too, is there any way to prevent it?
Legatus Jul 27, 2023 @ 6:05am 
Do it stack with lone wolf?
Crimson Layer Apr 22, 2022 @ 6:30pm 
For some reason this just doesn't work. I moved it near the bottom of my mod order, enabled it... it just doesn't work. If there are additional instructions like position on a mod list, please include them in the description.
Scorpios Society Oct 9, 2021 @ 5:25pm 
this is not working right when i active this i lose half my point and no longer i can use my armors lol any fix to that ?
Fjarunsigr  [author] May 5, 2021 @ 6:50am 
Yeah its a good catch - I wouldn't have noticed as I wouldn't normally use that kind of mod even if I had been playing Divinity lately, which I haven't.

That said, there's not much we can do for a fix, it would likely require an entire re-tool of either of the mods to achieve - and my mod is simpler so it'd likely be mine, but I am not aware of any other way to build these changes in, which brings us to a dead point.

Still it is nice to have the warning there for those that will actually read at least. :bonfire2:
epic european May 4, 2021 @ 7:17pm 
Nice! Glad I could help figure out what was happening.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Apr 30, 2021 @ 11:41am 
There we go, noted added to all three relevant descriptions off the top of my head. Doesn't do anything to prevent people ignoring descriptions mixing them, but unfortunately there's not a whole lot I can do to fix that short of adding an NPC that yells at everyone at the start of the game to not mix the mods.

Which would be fairly funny, but also remarkably annoying and tedious after the first time.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Apr 30, 2021 @ 11:36am 
Yeah I'm not entirely surprised about that interaction honestly - if the formula used checks player stats, more player stats would scale them further.

Unfortunately I am not aware of another way to naturally boost growth without tripping the switch on that mods "Stronger enemy" condition if it does in fact work based on player stats.

I doubt there's much that can be done on the other end too, short of fully reworking the method through which the mod makes enemies stronger to not rely on stats, which I can't imagine would be a small undertaking by any means.

Its a good catch though, I'll add a note to relevant descriptions about it.
epic european Apr 29, 2021 @ 9:12pm 
@fjarunsigr, I have done some research and found out that this mod (and any mod that increases attribute points per level) will increase the stats of monsters if you use it with Enemy Upgrade Overhaul. That mod seems to re-scale enemies based on some formula which takes attribute points per level into account.

You can check out the stat changes in various combinations here:

All of this was done with Divinity Unleashed enabled, but I checked and it doesn't affect the outcome.

So you can choose either EUO or AGI and be fine, but unless you want huge monster stats that really start affecting balance, you can't do both.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Dec 12, 2020 @ 6:43pm 
I'm about to kill steam for the day but hopefully that lot will give you a hand. If not, I'll get back to whatever comments you leave when I see them tomorrow.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Dec 12, 2020 @ 6:40pm 
End of 4th page: Sourcerous sundries - can't see this being the cause. No real potential for overlap and very focused mod.
Aaand same for faster merchant restock.

Also if you are not familiar with a good way to test:
I'd suggest pulling a save just before Act 2 if possible, i.e post Alexander fight, pre-lady vengeance. Or on the Ship transitioning into Act 2. Make a backup of a save like that where you can assume enemy assets haven't been loaded (this usually happens when you wander close to them for the first time, so it may be fine with an in act 2 save - but the earlier in act 2 OR ideally before it the save is, the safer it'll be for "pure" testing purposes.

After you get that save, load into it with the adjusted modlist and see if the issue is resolved or no, if so add mods back in till it re-occurs and then you should know the culprit.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Dec 12, 2020 @ 6:39pm 
End of 4th page: Sourcerous sundries - can't see this being the cause. No real potential for overlap and very focused mod.
Aaand same for faster merchant restock.

Also if you are not familiar with a good way to test:
I'd suggest pulling a save just before Act 2 if possible, i.e post Alexander fight, pre-lady vengeance. Or on the Ship transitioning into Act 2. Make a backup of a save like that where you can assume enemy assets haven't been loaded (this usually happens when you wander close to them for the first time, so it may be fine with an in act 2 save - but the earlier in act 2 OR ideally before it the save is, the safer it'll be for "pure" testing purposes.

After you get that save, load into it with the adjusted modlist and see if the issue is resolved or no, if so add mods back in till it re-occurs and then you should know the culprit.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Dec 12, 2020 @ 6:34pm 
part 4 continued:
Init. based turn order HAS conflicted with my mods before on the basis of editing the same file for base level character stats. - I'd suggest either trying to load my mods after this
(so move this to near the top if you can - this may make this mod janky, I do not use it so I'm not familiar, but I know there can be a light conflict here at least.)

Summoning Tweaks is Clean, as is bartering as far as I know.

Party Size Evolved... While I do usually land on LaughingLeader's content being clean, if I had to guess this may cause some issues with my mods as I would assume it edits the file I use to implement my tweaks (very simple level character settings stuff) I could be wrong, but this would be one to be sure. Additionally scope-wise this is likely to be a more complex mod, similar though to a lesser extent with the issues I mentioned with musketeer.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Dec 12, 2020 @ 6:30pm 
Page 4: Interesting uniques should be clean, messes with items - so logically it shouldn't be impacting enemies (the bug) or player characters stats (most of my mods, and the ones you use specifically)

Increased memory as a name is quite vague so I can't tell what mod it is precisely, but I do use one of my own memory mods without issue - should be clear if its just a memory tweak. If you try everything else and still have the issue, try replacing this mod with another one to be safe? (last step to try though, v. unlikely the cause)

ImprovedGwydian is super specific and likely to be clean on it's own - but I also use it and know its fine with my stuff.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Dec 12, 2020 @ 6:26pm 
Personally not familiar with Heaphaistos content, but judging by their description and visitor counts likely safe to assume those class mods are clear otherwise they'd be bombed with comments.
Animations plus again not familiar with but LaughingLeader content has always been issue free for me so thats unlikely outside of a direct conflict (which I'd be surprised by)
Better bless I use a similar mod, so clear on that count too.

Musketeer is quite the large scope mod. I'd maybe try a previous save with that turned off just in case it has some stray code. It doesn't look like it should cause issues directly but the larger the mod the more liable it is to throw out some random unexpected conflicts. Outside of that page 3 seems clean.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Dec 12, 2020 @ 6:23pm 
I don't touch Class mods so I can't speak to Odinblade content - That said it shouldn't be conflicting at all as there shouldn't be overlap. I play with my own mods so its almost certainly not a conflict between any of the "increase" or tweak/stronger start mods.

Leaderlib is also clear because I've used that without this issue. Tooltips I believe I've used without issue as well, so the first two pages are clear. -continuing atm, working through the images-
Chaplain_Valen Dec 12, 2020 @ 5:46pm 
I must admit, I'm not the grandest at modding but I did take a few looks at some guides/what files each mod was touching upon and as far as I was aware, there wasn't going to be anything conflicting, but this is far beyond my expertise. I'd like to thank you a ton for willing to help me, it's a real blessing. https://imgur.com/a/zcwmeYJ
Fjarunsigr  [author] Dec 12, 2020 @ 5:28pm 
If it were only one or two encounters I'd suggest finding the polymorph terrain swap skill and hitting them with deathfog from the act 2 isle but if its everyone that ain't too viable.

Its also unlikely fixing the conflict will revert the changes the bug has made to anything you've already seen so keeping any older saves as backed up the better. (act one saves should be clear of it loading into act 2 after fixed, act 2 ones may be fine with enemies they haven't already seen to load their stats in)
Fjarunsigr  [author] Dec 12, 2020 @ 5:19pm 
That's an interesting one. If you can hit me with a mod list I can try to scan for a culprit. I think try scanning the similar mods of mine as well (ones that influence caps/attributes) as I'm pretty sure I've seen something similar mentioned before once on one of them and it was a conflict issue. I don't remember where precisely.

Needless to say if this was the cause on its own however I'd probably have all 3.8k current subs complaining about it rather than one comment - so conflicting mods is probably still the cause.
Chaplain_Valen Dec 12, 2020 @ 1:56pm 
I know it's a long shot my good old mod dev but I have one hell of a question/story to ask and share. https://imgur.com/a/C9Lnmkv
I'd like to just link this and ask what in gods name has happened with Reapers Coast, this has become a pretty average enemy setup and I'm not even posting the most ridiculous things I've seen! I'm a mere level 11 and yet, only 3 levels away, most of my enemies are having upwards of 100 more attributes! Comparatively, most enemies aside from obvious examples such as Alexander/Dallis/The Worm
from Fort Joy had perfectly average/expected stats from themselves.
I have no idea what is going on and the game has suddenly become quite literally impossible to do, I'm dying in one shot from literally any enemy you can think of
Fjarunsigr  [author] Nov 20, 2020 @ 10:09pm 
Its been jammed in the works while I've been on break unfortunately. Not that it was particularly cooperative while I wasn't on break however; seems there may be a reason one does not exist thus far (to my knowledge anyway)
Sonne Nov 20, 2020 @ 7:53pm 
Hello, can you make a combat ability growth Increase mod?
I can't find any mod that changes the growth of combat ability points.
That would be great if you can make one.:reisen:
Fjarunsigr  [author] Sep 19, 2020 @ 1:25pm 
If are still subscribed when you do the below steam may well redownload them however. Steam probably should start deleting those files itself, but it does not seem to be a feature that we're getting.

As for the missing points / power gap issue - If you grab a mod called "Cheat commander" you can simply ask for however many points you need from that. Once you have the points saved on your character you could simply uninstall the mod if you don't want to keep it around

It works quite well, I use it a lot for testing purposes.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Sep 19, 2020 @ 1:19pm 
Aahh, steam is terrible at deleting files, yes. If you want to fully delete them go to my documents > larian studios > Divinity 2 Definitive edition > Mods > delete the relevant files in here.
Succundo Sep 19, 2020 @ 1:05pm 
Well, I've tried to do a reinstall, but just unsubscribing doesn't remove mods from my mod list in the game, not that I'm sure that would change anything. But oh well, I'll try to figure out how to edit my save to close the gap and I'll carry on without the extra points per level mods for now. I'll keep an eye out for any updates you make to the mods in the future though, thanks for looking into it.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Sep 19, 2020 @ 12:41pm 
If you activate both, my expectation would be that one will ultimately overwrite the other based on your load order as they both change the same value so only one can ultimately win out.
I'll comment on the gallery stuff in a bit, currently sorting out some important bits unrelated to modding so apologies for the delays.

As for your side of the effect, I would imagine its because the start points is determined by your selected preset (as seen by how you make mods like my Stronger start mod) - which means for sure that the game does not treat level 1 as it does a level up.

You are given a specific budget to spend in char creation and its stored separately from the points you get from levels, so these mods should not make a functional difference for the player in character creation.
Succundo Sep 19, 2020 @ 11:47am 
I've done some checking, It's not just created enemies that get the weird stats, the magister in the area had inflated stats after I turned insanity on and loaded in, strangely his current health did not update to it's new maximum for some reason.

I tried starting a new game with insanity/4 point increase/no mods in turn and somehow I wasn't given any extra points with insanity on to build my character and with the 4 point mod I got 3 points. I checked the stats of the magister on the starting boat and they were slightly different with each version. I've put the magister's stats on the imgur.

Validating file integrity gave no problems so I'll try fully unsubbing from each of the mods in turn just to see if they somehow interacted without both being active, and if that gives no results I'll do a full reinstall and let you know if that makes a difference.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Sep 19, 2020 @ 11:32am 
IF you would like a short term fix, one thing I can suggest would be to load back to before the swap from the 4 points mod to the 10 points mod if its not miles back, as the enemy will get full effect when they spawn in while your benefit is still reduced due to having at least levels up to this point only awarding 4.

if the points popped up when you swapped that wouldn't matter but that doesn't seem to have happened (i'd assume you would have noticed.)

If loading back is a non-option, you could use cheat-commander or something similar to add missing attributes and close the gap to at least where you would be using the 10 points per level mod.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Sep 19, 2020 @ 11:29am 
So.. I wonder if the AI has always been getting these if it just basically balanced out and that's why no-one noticed to this point in a normal game. Players spend points more effectively so it would be only really noticeable in examines in a typical game.

You are actually playing at a handicap that significantly magnifies it though,as obviously half the intended party size means half the total point advantage. So you'd have to be at least twice as effective as AI point-wise, which may not be possible in some scenarios, particularly harder fights.

With that in mind as well, noting in my experience at least the seasons thing is one of the tougher ones in Act 2, I generally leave them for very close to the end if not one of the last things I do. Similar to going and bashing in Alice's head and the trolls If I'm dealing with them (of course any divinity fight can likely be gimmicked but still, general difficulty order for me)
Fjarunsigr  [author] Sep 19, 2020 @ 11:22am 
If it is not just"created" style enemies and all of them gain the points they would have based on their levels (and then spend them like the AI character you recruit at the start of the game do to a pre-set class...) that would imply that basically any enemies you load into existence while using insanity edition will effectively have the benefits of a full game worth of insanity edition.

While because you swapped halfway, presumably however many levels before that point are not gaining the benefits of insanity edition... quite the significant accidental handicap.

Interesting you aren't using any cap mods, I'll have to see if any in your list do that functionality as the AI should not be able to spend above 40 as far as I can remember otherwise.

There is an extra +2 max AP in the gift bag, which combined with lone wolf would make 10 max, so that checks out.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Sep 19, 2020 @ 11:18am 
So to address what I can immediately first: The mods retroactive functionality I am not entirely sure of. I would assume the game basically asks it's files "How many points do I give" when you level up, and then whatever mod is relevant gives a value.

If you change mods after that point, its more likely it'll adjust future level ups only. Though if it didn't you'd probably be given a lot of points on loading your save after changing, so I'd assume you'd have noticed that.

The fact AI gains additional points to spend (the blob numbers do not look like 4 attributes per level, for example) would somewhat imply otherwise though. I wonder if its merely "created" enemies checking how many points they should have. I.e the blobs jump in from off screen. The season elf challenge spawns them like summons.

Do you know if any standard enemies that are always present on the map that you have to walk up to (i.e the bridge trolls, magister guards, etc) have the same issue in your game?
Succundo Sep 19, 2020 @ 11:11am 
I've added a screenshot of my mod list to that imgur link. I'm not using any cap mods, but I do have a bunch of gift bag options turned on, I don't remember if one of them messed with AP, but otherwise I'm just using Lone Wolf for extra AP

Those are indeed the elven jerks I am talking about, I've been playing most of the game with the 4 points per level increase but I was having a very hard time against most enemies, so I decided to swap to using the 10 points per level mod (is it able to work retroactively by the way?)

A little later I went back for another swing at the seasons trial but the champions killed me in two shots instead of letting me live at least one round this time which was weird since I had gained a couple of levels since last time so on a hunch I checked the stats with and without the mod on.
And sadly I've just had to leave it off for a while.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Sep 19, 2020 @ 11:07am 
HAH. That is quite the screenshot. The numbers do seem to be generally correct as well, the total points spent would appear to quite improbable without the benefits of insanity edition so that is quite curious. I wonder if people simply never noticed due to rarity of using examine / AI spending points less effectively than a player and thus it still being a player buff or if this is a recent bug.

Very curious.

On a somewhat related note (AI using mods), are you using any AP change mods?
Fjarunsigr  [author] Sep 19, 2020 @ 10:57am 
Could be. I am assuming you are at least using cap tweaks (or similar) to be getting 90+ attribute stats though which certainly means other mods are presumably involved.

A mod list if possible would be useful to be potentially troubleshoot this - Given this is a first report of this I've ever heard and this mod version has over 1k subs alone, from my perspective naturally it looks like a weird mod interaction.

To clarify, by elven seasons trial you mean the one in act 2 with the basins that are solved by surfaces/clouds? That isn't new content either so its not like a latest update content / mod interaction bug. It's quite interesting because this is pretty major. I assume they seem particularly strong in combat, or did you only notice when you examined?
Succundo Sep 19, 2020 @ 10:53am 
https://imgur.com/a/U5Fw6Ic Steam screenshots was being bitchy, so here is an imgur link, you can see what I am talking about
Succundo Sep 19, 2020 @ 10:42am 
I took a look out of curiosity at the stats of the champions in that elven seasons trial, when I loaded in with the mod on and off, they were in the mid twenties with it off but when I turned it on their highest stats shot up too around 90-ish. I'll take some screenshots if you want to see what I'm seeing.
It may not be that the AI is spending points like a player but if their stats were recorded as a percentage of points per level being for each stat rather than a hard number altering the number of points per level could be causing them to get stronger as well.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Sep 19, 2020 @ 9:28am 
These mods do just increase points gained on level up after all. So unless the AI suddenly started having realistic levels and actually spending earned points like a player would in one of the newest patches, something seems off.
Fjarunsigr  [author] Sep 19, 2020 @ 9:27am 
That would be news to me, because the enemy AI has never seemed to take usage of any of my adjustment mods before.

Are you perhaps running any other mods, and if so can you show me?
Succundo Sep 19, 2020 @ 7:35am 
I've noticed that this mod and your insanity version also cause the AI to massively boost their stats, I like to have the extra points for my one man lone wolf game but did you intend to scale up the enemies too?
Tommes Jul 11, 2020 @ 11:51am 
Thought so^^ Thank you for your response :D
Fjarunsigr  [author] Jul 11, 2020 @ 10:24am 
If and when I can get it functional, yes. It's jammed in testing right now.
Tommes Jul 11, 2020 @ 6:31am 
Short question: Are planning on doing a growth increase mod on combat skills? (i hope this is the english name)