Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Unit Limit Enforcement
ChrisMartin Apr 20 @ 6:15am 
I have all the DLC's and Season passes.
VModBAddict Apr 20 @ 2:00am 
Not using any other mods, except Expanded Initial Vision (by same author!) to expedite finding CSs for testing. Using GS, all DLCs. Are there any you aren't using?
ChrisMartin Apr 19 @ 2:44pm 
Regarding CS, only edits ib TCUnitLimit.lua.
My guess is loadorder of this mod vs other mods you are using.
VModBAddict Apr 19 @ 2:22pm 
@ChrisMartin - so it's a mystery. Bummer, will just have to leave this mod off. Thanks for taking the time to check if you had the same issue, it's appreciated!

...Sorry one last thing, just because you didn't specifically reply to that point, can you just confirm that you didn't change anything in TCUnitLimitTopPanel.lua? It's mentioned in the instructions above under 'How to Change the Limits' but I don't see how - there isn't a clear section on CSs like there is in TCUnitLimit.lua.
ChrisMartin Apr 19 @ 1:46am 
Did a quick check, loaded up a very early save in my latest game:
Found several CS with Builders on the map, and still had the Unlock. And almost every CS had used its builder-actions at this point in the game.
ChrisMartin Apr 18 @ 11:40pm 
I will look into my lates game, and see if this "Builder Unit Unlock" are present. I totally forgot to check before my previous reply.
VModBAddict Apr 18 @ 5:22pm 
@ChrisMartin - Thanks for the reply. I've done further testing, using GS, all DLC and no other mods. I noticed that for the first ~10-12 turns or so CSs had the 'building' - "Builder Unit Unlock" listed in the tooltip when hovering over them. But when they produce their first builder, it disappears. The same happens to my capital when I build (or capture) three builders. I think this is the mod working as intended, and both I and the CSs lose the unlock because we're maxed - them at 1, me at 3. But this is despite my changing the CS Builder limit to 10 in the TCUnitLimit.lua file. As mentioned before, I can't find an equivalent line to change in the TCUnitLimitTopPanel.lua file. In fact 'Builder', 'Unlock', 'CityState' are never mentioned in the code. There are references to 'CS', but they don't seem to have anything to do with Builder limits.

I just use Notepad to open and edit the files. Is there anything I could be doing different?
ChrisMartin Apr 18 @ 6:37am 
I've changed the CS caps of civilian and military units, to 10 of each type (sivil, land, air, sea) and have no issues with CS not using builders. I still have the hardcap enabled.
My guess is something else is interfering with your game.
VModBAddict Apr 18 @ 2:15am 
I love this mod, but I've encountered the issue with City States not developing their territory (apart from, sometimes, a single improvement).

Yes, I have read deep into the comments below and am aware of - and have tried to implement - the change to the Builder limits in the TCUnitLimit.lua as per the instructions above. I couldn't find an equivalent in TCUnitLimitTopPanel.lua, so maybe that's my problem. If anyone knows how to also increase the CS Builder limit in the ''' TopPanel.lua file, please post noob-proof instructions in this comment thread!

Anyone else had this issue, or better yet have devised a fix?? I've already increased the CS Builder unit cap to 10, as per comments 3-4 pages below, in TCUnitLimit.lua (only) and removed the hard limits for everything across both .lua files.

I'm gutted, this mod is an awesome change to fundamental gameplay, but having CSs that don't develop is game-breaking. Please help!
ChrisMartin Apr 2 @ 5:20am 
The mod only limits the number of units "alive".
For settlers you can use a mod that alters the requirements and consequence of building the settler.
ardabro Apr 2 @ 2:52am 
With this mod: can I effectively limit the maximum number of cities any player can build by limiting settlers production? Will it limit the total number of settlers built so far or the current number of "alive" settlers at the given moment?
xxxx Jan 28 @ 1:12am 
could let the mod become more compatible with other mod that also add information in top panel?
V0los Nov 4, 2023 @ 11:52am 
This mod breaks one city mode. (AI starts building settlers again)
ChrisMartin Aug 1, 2023 @ 11:29pm 
This mod limits you to create new units.
Not limits to retrieve free units from Wonders, Great Persons, etc.
Doesn't autokill units if you loose a city (and gets a new, lower max cap), either.
rombomb Aug 1, 2023 @ 4:56pm 
mod not working anymore. i have 13 while limit is 12. any ideas on how i can fix this?
InfoManiac Apr 19, 2023 @ 5:13am 
Im not getting the amenities bar in the top. using cqui and this. im not sure what i could change in the files to remove the amenities portion.
InfoManiac Apr 17, 2023 @ 9:32am 
for tall play change limit based on capitol to give more.
InfoManiac Apr 17, 2023 @ 9:31am 
@delliardo get a city center project mod
congoville Apr 8, 2023 @ 5:28am 
@astacius Even for IA?
Astacius Apr 7, 2023 @ 3:10pm 
still working for me
congoville Apr 6, 2023 @ 11:19am 
Is this mod still working?
Comrade Noot Mar 9, 2023 @ 7:55am 
Personally I think unit limit should be tied to population, not city count. This makes building tall even harder then it already is.
Adonis Gaming Dec 28, 2022 @ 7:06pm 
does this still work? I've been suing it but just now I noticed America put... i shit you not like 70 quadriremes. Even thought they have zero harbors...
Kyrie Oct 27, 2022 @ 8:49am 
This is cool and all, but the AI still spam units to insanity somehow
ChrisMartin Jun 23, 2022 @ 12:25pm 
Shift+Enter will force end your turn.
I've used the "how-to" on this page to tailor my mod to fit my gameplay and mod list.
Delliardo Jun 23, 2022 @ 7:18am 
I haven't tried this mod out yet, but I forsee an issue. I'll be using Take Your Time which allows me to extend the eras. The issue is I can go a quite a few turns before researching the first tech/civic with a district, meaning my cities will only be able to produce units and buildings. If I reach the unit limit and have produced all the buildings in a city, what will my city be able to do? Will I never be able to end the turn? What will the AI do?
soulja boy May 20, 2022 @ 3:11pm 
Could you add an option that only enforces these limits on city-states? I want to stop my city-states from making 10 warriors and moving them each turn without limiting my or other major civs' max # of units.
Danny Apr 30, 2022 @ 1:29am 
Also btw glad we can change the unit limits, so far I think they’re at a nice spot with your default values for my fav map sizes tiny/small are fine so that’s good. Room to go super warmonger as well as feel the strain of not investing in any military, but also not clogging the map
Danny Apr 30, 2022 @ 12:54am 
Great mod, glad I was looking for a remove GDR mod and found this out of curiosity what has been made in the past couple years. 10/10, the limits are high enough they don't interfere in the end game much but the early game it was pretty neat, especially if the I or the AI don't invest alot in a specific type like encampments/harbors and actually feel the effects of the limits which was really cool. The 2x multiplier for the Capital is really nice too, I really like making my Capital the all around but try to focus it to army and navy and it was a nice bonus. Super glad the religious units weren't all over the place with the hard limit.
InfoManiac Feb 17, 2022 @ 11:27pm 
I have cqui and the only thing not displaying are the amenities in top panel. it removes cqui's amenity in top panel display as well
Ripz Feb 11, 2022 @ 10:57pm 
thanks for including how to change the limits. managed to give all types a bit of limit increase from city centers so now it works fine with no district mods. wish i thought of that sooner lmao

mod works great, really helps keeping the AI from going bankrupt with mods that increase costs too. they really love to spam units and having to manage so many in response quickly becomes a real chore. games go by much smoother and quicker with this.
Olafr_the_Viking Dec 9, 2021 @ 11:10am 
I have a question; if I want to patch this with the More Maritime mod, so that you get land limit increase when building the Arsenal from "More Maritime; Seaside sectors", would it be correct if I change this line in the mod:

local pLandDistrictType = "DISTRICT_ENCAMPMENT"

into this:


Or is that wrong?

Thankful for any advice and help! And thank you, TC, for some magnificent mods!
Olafr_the_Viking Nov 21, 2021 @ 1:09pm 
@chrismartin; thanks for the answer! And to your question about compatibilty with "More Maritime; Seaside sectors" (I am currently using both, but noticing some strange things) - it seems that the arsenal will not increase neither land nor naval cap, and the harbor still increase the naval cap. I think the AI might be fooled by this, because I see the AI build a lot of arsenals, and that might be causing it to underperform when it comes to army/navy size? I also see in the current game that the AI waits way too long with building any sorts of walls, making it easy to conquer (playing current playthrough on Emperor difficulty), but I am not sure if that is due to these mods, or something else.
ChrisMartin Nov 14, 2021 @ 9:39am 
Since the Cultist is a Support unit, this mod limits (you can edit this yourself) the number of units allowed on the map at the same time, for each civ. So yes, this mod will solve part of your problem. But you should also look for a mod that increases cost and maintenance for each new cultist created.
Olafr_the_Viking Nov 14, 2021 @ 6:29am 
I am looking for mods to improve AI performance late-game, and reduce the cultist spam. Does anyone have experience if this mod will improve the game in those areas?
ChrisMartin Sep 29, 2021 @ 8:46am 
What in this mod are not working with More Maritime: Seaside Sectors?
Hero of Olympus Sep 29, 2021 @ 6:37am 
Is it possible to make it compatible with this mod?
ChrisMartin Aug 24, 2021 @ 2:52pm 
I really like to use this mod with its TopPanel.
In lua.log I get a lot of "TopPanel: unitName = Redcoat Unit" and once like that.
Do we need that for the mod to work? In my latest session, I had about 130.000 lines with this. (yes, it was a long one, but never the less)
Lucifer Aug 21, 2021 @ 2:26pm 
It appears the Top Panel will update properly if you save and reload between players in Hot Seat.
Lucifer Aug 21, 2021 @ 2:22pm 
The Top Panel only seems to display information for the first player in Hot Seat, even for the Amenities. No matter which player is up they see the info for Player 1.

Also, is there any way to get a unit limit increase based on total population, similar to the old Support system in Civ V?
ChrisMartin Aug 11, 2021 @ 12:37am 
You must change the limits (as described on this page) and increase the allowed limit for civilian units for City State. The CS doesn't improve, because it is "afraid" to loose the worker.
I sat it to 10, and my CS improves everything.
SzMaKe Aug 10, 2021 @ 11:35pm 
With all dlc and no other mods, city state builders make no improvements. I checked with 3 to 14 city states and multiple configurations.
ChrisMartin Jun 28, 2021 @ 4:17pm 
Mod conflict?
CtrlAltSilent Jun 28, 2021 @ 11:37am 
Odd thing. This mod is enabled but will not show up in the active mods of any game I start. I've tested this with ~20 worlds and can't seem to figure it out. Any Ideas?
THE.EMPEROR Jun 25, 2021 @ 1:49pm 
Thanks for the reply , it's working now
ChrisMartin Jun 23, 2021 @ 9:46am 
Do you have the top bar, and can see how many units you can build? Then the same will apply for AI.
Also check the description page here and the informative picture author has provided.
THE.EMPEROR Jun 23, 2021 @ 8:33am 
by the way I tried on deity difficulty.
THE.EMPEROR Jun 23, 2021 @ 8:31am 
I just got the mod but it seems it's not working, all AI Factions keep producing settlers and units
is there anything I am missing? cause I checked the mods list it's enable
any help will be appreciated.
imagine0905 Jun 18, 2021 @ 9:27am 
I looked for a mod like this for almost a year. Thank you.
elel424 Jan 5, 2021 @ 7:32pm 
@TC There may be a better way to count the unit within a player. You can check the official WorldTracker.lua at line 376, where they give an example of function to count the unit. The function name is UpdateUnitListPanel. I think this can help you to avoid updating the prereq of the unit and improve the compatibility of this mod.