[WOTC] WSR Weapon Skin Replacer - Configuration
Pete May 17 @ 12:51pm 
Ahh that makes a lot of sense, so the path is already in game then. Thanks a lot!
Iridar  [author] May 17 @ 8:18am 
If a mod doesn't have a content folder it means it's using assets from another mod (which would be typically marked as required) or from the game itself, which I assume is the case for cut content ammo, cuz it's literally game's cut content.
Pete May 17 @ 7:52am 
Hi @Iridar, thanks for the great mod! You mention in the documentation If you want to use assets from a certain mod that aren't active, you copy the Content folder into another active mod. But I've noticed some mods like Cut Content Ammo by GrimyBunyip don't have a content folder, what do you do then?

I ask because I want the ammo from [WOTC] Cut Content Ammo to look like Cut Content Ammo by GrimyBunyip. The two are duplicates and can't run together, but I really like how the latter looks, but the former has better rounds overall. Any advice? Thanks!
Rost Kurt Apr 24 @ 3:26pm 
@Iridar, как заменить улучшение Буллпаппа, чтобі он улучшался вместе со Штурмовой винтовкой?
wilnemo35795 Dec 21, 2023 @ 1:55pm 
From reading the Documentation for Template master, this is what I wrote for the Plasma Warhead:
+Edit_X2WeaponTemplate = (T = "PLASMAGRENADEMK3", P = "Cost",\\
Cost = (ResourceCosts[0] = (ItemTemplateName = "Supplies", Quantity = 20),\\
ResourceCosts[1] = (ItemTemplateName = "AlienAlloy", Quantity = 1),\\
ResourceCosts[2] = (ItemTemplateName = "EleriumDust", Quantity = 1),\\
ArtifactCosts[0] = (ItemTemplateName = "EleriumCore", Quantity = 1)))
Stukov81-T.TV Dec 20, 2023 @ 3:19pm 
that would be done more easily with template master.

Similar to this:
+Edit_X2WeaponTemplate = (T = "Medikit", P = "HideIfResearched", OP = "Remove")
+Edit_X2WeaponTemplate = (T = "NanoMedikit", P = "HideIfResearched", OP = "Remove")
+Edit_X2WeaponTemplate = (T = "NanoMedikit", P = "BaseItem", OP = "Remove")
+Edit_X2WeaponTemplate = (T = "BioMedikit", P = "BaseItem", OP = "Remove")

making them buildable can be done in WSR or Template Master by setting CanBeBuilt to true and adding a cost
wilnemo35795 Dec 20, 2023 @ 1:28pm 
I want to change the grenades from Superior explosives from being upgraded automatically by the Superior explosives weapons project, to built individually after research, what command would i use to edit to remove the grenades from being upgraded?
Iridar  [author] Dec 2, 2023 @ 2:43am 
Read the documentation, the "WEAPONS_TO_HIDE_KEEP_SCHEMATIC" command does just that.

Alternatively, you can do that with the Item Hider mod using in-game UI.
Giggles Dec 2, 2023 @ 1:55am 
Yeah, in the exact same boat as you Forny, annoying that the cod weapon classes don't apply to LWOTC.
Forny Sep 18, 2023 @ 4:08pm 
wow, this mod is awesome. But I'm a little useless with these things. I replace the weapons in the game with more realistic weapon skins like those in the CoD mods using the xSkin mod but it is very tedious to do it on each soldier one by one when you play Long War of the Chosen with dozens of soldiers. Also I don't want all those weapons to appear in the game's armory and so on. I want them to remain as ghost templates. I think all that could be changed with this mod but I can't figure out how to do it.
Gwynbleiid Sep 12, 2023 @ 10:37pm 
@Iridar Ok thx
Iridar  [author] Sep 12, 2023 @ 10:30pm 
Yes, add it as a default attachment.
Gwynbleiid Sep 12, 2023 @ 10:01pm 
Question, can I make a weapon have a weapon attachment visual even if it doesn't have the attachment? Like adding the visuals of the repeater for all Vektor tiers as default visuals
Iridar  [author] Jun 25, 2023 @ 12:47am 
That's not unexpected.
Earendil17 Jun 25, 2023 @ 12:40am 
I succesfully changed weapon projectiles, however, If I change weapon appearence using Xskin, the projectile does not apply.
OVER JUSTICE Feb 25, 2023 @ 10:40am 
Is it possible to add the -10 aim and -1 mobility of the base ballistic shields mod to other mods that add new shields but don't include the negative stat effects? Some shield mods have it and some don't, and I can't find the exact way in which they have included the stat debuff
Iridar  [author] Feb 5, 2023 @ 10:03pm 
Currently not.
Chancellor Palpatine Feb 5, 2023 @ 8:59pm 
Is it possible using this mod to remove the light from flashlight ? i just want the attachment, but the flash light gone.
cyrneco Oct 1, 2022 @ 3:29am 
I can't manage to make sniper rifles (from mods or vanilla) to change rate of fire. What is the proper INI code for it? I tried the 'change rate of fire' and 'change animation commands but no luck...
Iridar  [author] Sep 4, 2022 @ 6:45am 
хз посмотри как в Mod Jam прописано.
STRIKER Aug 11, 2022 @ 1:01am 
Thanks, Will do.
Iridar  [author] Aug 10, 2022 @ 6:54pm 
Use XSkin instead.
STRIKER Aug 10, 2022 @ 4:55pm 
is there any way to streamline this somewhat? i'm kinda fearful at the idea to read a full doc and enter several command lines just to cosmetically change a rifle's appearence
Bastion Jul 30, 2022 @ 11:03am 
Its not the animation that bothers me really, i just want to have a kenetic glaive for thier psi weapon so i can make a 40k grey knight.
Iridar  [author] Jul 30, 2022 @ 10:47am 
You can reskin shard gauntlets all you want, but shard blades are a part of the templar Rend animations and cannot be changed.
Bastion Jul 30, 2022 @ 10:38am 
Could i use this to make templar shard blade look and act like a sword but still be shards??
Jess Jun 27, 2022 @ 5:35am 
Hi im trying to change the icon of an ability and i just want to make sure the command im using is correct because it doesn't seem to work.

+CHANGE_ABILITY_TEMPLATE = (TEMPLATE = "WOTC_APA_AmbushToggle", ICON_IMAGE = "img:///UILibrary_WOTC_APA_Class_Pack.perk_Ambush")

I cant seem to get this work.
Haywire Apr 12, 2022 @ 5:50pm 
@Dragon32 & XpanD

Oh for Frith's sake... lol. Yes, that did it. Thanks all. :-D
Dragon32 Apr 12, 2022 @ 3:17pm 
Try "cannon" not "canon", unless you're changing some religious law.
XpanD Apr 12, 2022 @ 3:16pm 
Those IDs aren't correct, you're missing one of the "N"s in "Cannon". Does it work with those added in?
Haywire Apr 12, 2022 @ 3:09pm 
Hey all! So, I've used this setup to make all tier cannons look like tier 1 but lately it seems to have defaulted back to vanilla models for each tier. Has the syntax changed lately or am I missing something? I haven't made any changes for awhile now.

Iridar  [author] Dec 14, 2021 @ 3:27am 
@Metal Machine
По идее такая замена должна заменять анимации тоже, не знаю с чего бы звуку пропадать.
Металiчна машинка Dec 14, 2021 @ 12:36am 
@Iridar, смотри, заменил себе оружейку, но на пулемете, замененным z6, пропал звук. Это значит что он завязан на анимацию и будет работать только на родном темплейте?




XpanD Dec 11, 2021 @ 5:58am 
The goal is to have the lower-tier items disappear from the menu if mag/beam is already unlocked, but I just seem to get all three showing at the same time. I've tried passing in Cannon_MG_Schematic/Cannon_BM_Schematic as well, but same result.

Anything I'm missing here, or any other ways to approach this? Thanks. (again!)

(testing these on a fresh debug cheat campaign, in case that affects anything)
XpanD Dec 11, 2021 @ 5:58am 
I'm currently trying to create an upgrade path for an item that's been converted to single production, but I'm hitting a bit of a roadblock -- I can't seem to get HIDE_IF_PURCHASED to work.

Here's what I'm doing:
Iridar  [author] Dec 4, 2021 @ 11:50am 
So that's where you got the syntax from. Very weird. The fact that it's in the documentation indicates that this functionality was present in the mod at some point. But I don't see it in the mod project for Weapon Skin Replacer. Very, very weird. Updated the doc, thanks.
DabHand Dec 4, 2021 @ 11:26am 
Thanks Iridar. The doc page https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1689878874 might need updating?
I'll try this and report. Thanks again.
Iridar  [author] Dec 4, 2021 @ 10:33am 
That's not a valid syntax. WSR cannot add abilities to weapon upgrades. You can try using Template Master for this. Example command would be:

+Edit_X2WeaponUpgradeTemplate = (T = "FreeFireUpgrade_Bsc", P = "BonusAbilities", V = "CoolUnderPressure")

Use FreeFireUpgrade_Adv and FreeFireUpgrade_Sup for advanced and superior hair triggers respectively. FreeFireUpgrade upgrade itself is not used anywhere in the game, I'm pretty sure.
DabHand Dec 4, 2021 @ 10:13am 
Has anyone successfully added abilities to weapon upgrades?
Using this format:
+GIVE_ABILITIES=(WEAPON_UPGRADE="FreeFireUpgrade", ABILITY="CoolUnderPressure")
Doesn't seem to work. I've tried different combinations of speech-marks as l see neither element has them in other 'GIVE_ABILITIES' examples from the doc, but no luck so far.
Iridar  [author] Nov 22, 2021 @ 10:56pm 
You probably have some mod that removes Suppression from weapons/soldiers that "shouldn't" have it.
TheProtofire Nov 22, 2021 @ 10:52pm 
I want to use this mod to give all rifles/bullpups suppression by default. I'm using your Five Tier Overhaul mod and when I got to coil I could no longer use suppression. It still says that both weapon categories have suppression when I'm in the armory, but I don't have the option on missions.

Gwynbleiid Oct 27, 2021 @ 7:19pm 
Hi @Iridar, what is the difference beetwen RequiredItems and RequiredEquipment? also, will that requirement get consumed on crafting?
Iridar  [author] Oct 1, 2021 @ 7:19pm 
@Purassic Jark
It might be included into mod's exclusion list in the config.
\\\-PURA$$IC JARK-/// Oct 1, 2021 @ 3:08pm 
even with all filters disabled i only found one elite muton cannon and it looks like the one i have instead of like the muton elites. I did see huge amount of different weapons from npcs, so the mod works on modded content, i just gave up on muton elite cannon and made myself a muton devastator with his weapon instead, thanks for the great mod Iridar.
\\\-PURA$$IC JARK-/// Oct 1, 2021 @ 1:53pm 
@Iridar I have tried it out, but it showed nothing except remove skin. It worked with the normal soldier weapons though. Maybe its because its mod weapon of a mod soldier class, its a playable muton. But amazing mod for sure, thanks for help.
Iridar  [author] Sep 30, 2021 @ 11:43pm 
@Purassic Jark
Probably incorrect template name. Use XSkin mod, no need for config crawling.
\\\-PURA$$IC JARK-/// Sep 30, 2021 @ 10:05pm 

Dont understand why it doesnt work, i try to replace the canon of playable aliens with muton elite canon from lwotc integrated alien pack. I tried mid campaign, nothing changes, i have the first basic tier of the canon, and in the template of PA PA_MutonCannon is the conventional TemplateName.
Stukov81-T.TV Sep 25, 2021 @ 12:53pm 
Thanks for this mod! It is so powerful what you can do with that, it's amazing
Kazraan Aug 16, 2021 @ 8:11am 
Huzza! I got it to work! O man I am excited about this!

Thank you again a million @Iridar!
Kazraan Aug 12, 2021 @ 11:57am 
Thanks for the response. I clearly did something wrong, because all the modded weapons aren't showing lol. Back to reading I go!