Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Swiss track D2 (Sta. NC NP)
Justin Credible Mar 5, 2019 @ 7:55am 
Ok, of course I respect that.
Right now after also finding a kind of good solution for a single non electrified track and stationary with the tracks from Ronix69 (I need this only for a small separate train line) there is really only one track wish left, and that is still the double-one way (electrified). Please make this last addition to your excellent swiss tracks so I can make my big transition.
ron_fu-ta  [author] Mar 5, 2019 @ 4:25am 
I do not need a donation.
I have to think about the delivery date and quality when I get donation.
This is a hobby and not a job.
Justin Credible Mar 5, 2019 @ 3:51am 
Ok, then sorry that I called it a "bug". Oh, and I made a mistake by talking about "single stationary tracks". I just have seen that you have only one single stationary, and I also just have seen that this one is also not working with elevated stations. Sorry that I haven´t noticed that in the first place.

But I think I found a solution for my elevation problem with the "Railway Gravel-Concrete Tracks" from Ronix69. There is a double two way stationary track included which after a first testing seems to work fine with the European Main Station ("Europäischer Hauptbahnhof") I have in use.

Anyway, I have send you a friend request to communicate with you in the chat. By the way, are you open for a donation via Paypal to honor your brilliant work? It is that I really love especially your swiss tracks.
ron_fu-ta  [author] Mar 4, 2019 @ 4:43am 
I am only thinking about using it at the ground station.
I have not confirmed the elevated station.
Justin Credible Mar 4, 2019 @ 2:58am 
I have found a little bug in this double stationary track and the other 2 double stationary tracks. You can´t replace vanilla station tracks if they are on an elevated station. If you try this you get the message "Hight is too high".
This issue appears only with the double stationary tracks. With the single stationary tracks the replacement is no problem, so I think this bug can be fixed.
Thank you for your great work!