A Hat in Time

A Hat in Time

Dyeable Bow Kid
FunniFlow Jun 21, 2019 @ 7:48pm 
Ok, just notifying you!
Jazzrabbit  [author] Jun 9, 2019 @ 11:35pm 
Since a version of this mod has been officially accepted into the game, feel free to unsubscribe from this one. Although, do notice that the version in the game, and this version are slightly different, as some of the colors are moved around, and there are some other minor improvements. I will leave this mod up in case this version is more appealing to some people, but for everyone else, I recommend you unsubscribe and use the version included in the game. Thanks to everyone's support on this mod, and for helping it get officially included int the game! <3
FunniFlow Jun 9, 2019 @ 4:21pm 
tHE DEVS ADDED THIS TO THE GAME, OOPS The devs already added this to the game, Just a friendly reminder!
Astra May 12, 2019 @ 12:21am 
So what happens to this mod now?
LunarClash May 5, 2019 @ 9:34pm 
I can understand Artlu but my reason is I want bow kid's hair dyed cause my friend is dante dyed and I'm bow kid as vergil in co-op and I want the hair white
Cinovel May 5, 2019 @ 9:16pm 
Honestly, I think Bow Kid looks better without the dyed hair. It matches her other features well, and it just looks more natural! After all, whether a character should have dyeable hair or not depends on who it is.

I've been playing as Bow Kid for much of the time and I've grown used to her hair not being dyed like Hat Kid's. Think of it this way: Expectations doesn't always match that of reality. Imagine how good or bad something would look before you go about implementing it. As a GMod artist, I learned just that. I put some thought on the overall looks of the character with my knowledge of creating the scenes and the poses.

All and all, I just don't think Bow Kid with dyeable hair would fit her. I'm already so used to her natural hair color. It could change the hat/bow color though. :chelNormal:
LunarClash May 5, 2019 @ 7:30pm 
Pluto is right the dye is supposed to change the hair color too
Astra May 3, 2019 @ 9:10pm 
hey i just noticed this but are dyes supposed to affect hair color?
Wawa Apr 28, 2019 @ 7:52am 
Great mod!!!!!!!!!!1
Jazzrabbit  [author] Jan 16, 2019 @ 6:13pm 
This mod shouldn't do anything with costumes. It only applies the colors to bow kid's normal outfit. If it's not working, that's probably a problem with the playable bow kid mod. But I can use costumes with that mod, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
Cinovel Jan 16, 2019 @ 1:17pm 
She'll get Hat Kid's normal costume if you try doing it with the Playable Bow Kid mod. Still dyed, but no outfit. I tried it with the Witch outfit, and only the colors worked.
Cinovel Jan 16, 2019 @ 1:15pm 
Just a quick piece of information, outfits still don't work on the dyeable version of Bow Kid. Not when you're using the one in the Playable Bow Kid mod at least. The colors themselves will still show, but the actual outfit won't.
Jazzrabbit  [author] Dec 25, 2018 @ 5:26pm 
A few people have mentioned how they would like to see this mod included in the main game. So I have reuploaded this mod to the curated mods section of the workshop. If you would like to support this mod and see it included in the game, I'd reccommend going here and giving it an upvote!
Irydius Dec 3, 2018 @ 12:54pm 
Ok. It's ok.
Jazzrabbit  [author] Dec 2, 2018 @ 3:27pm 
The newer version of the playable timmy mod should already have dye support. But this mod doesn't do anything to Timmy or Mustache Girl. It only applies to Bow Kid.
Irydius Dec 2, 2018 @ 1:09pm 
is it compatible with Timmy?
SirStud Oct 27, 2018 @ 6:27pm 
This could be even cooler if her hair could change too
Petrichor Oct 21, 2018 @ 1:39pm 
@Jelleh95 I had the exact same problem. I uninstalled it and my crashing problems ceased. I have a ton of mods installed, but it's 90% map mods.
sylvercritter Oct 20, 2018 @ 11:20am 
I have, I believe, over 100 mods installed. My game has been extremely staple recently.
Jelleh95 Oct 20, 2018 @ 2:49am 
It seems to work fine when one or two other mods are installed, but any more than that and I have to disable this mod to prevent crashing. I don't know what happened on my end, and I've done everything to troubleshoot short of uninstalling and reinstalling the game, but this mod seems to be the only one causing my crashes. Has anyone else had crashing problems with this mod?
Jelleh95 Oct 8, 2018 @ 3:37pm 
I'll keep messing with mods on my end and see if there's a particular combination that causes the crash, will get back to you.
Jazzrabbit  [author] Oct 7, 2018 @ 4:31pm 
I just tried all 3 of those things, and it didn't crash. And I'm not really doing anything that could trigger a crash after one of those things, so I'm guessing it's something else on your end. Not really much I can do about that, I'm afraid.
Jelleh95 Oct 7, 2018 @ 3:44pm 
With this mod enabled, workshop levels crash when:

-Beating a level.
-Dying in a level.
-Exiting to hub during a level.

I don't know if this is an issue on my end, but I've been testing what mod(s) cause the crashing, and this mod seems to be the one causing the problem. I hope this helps.
Akimbo Swords Oct 7, 2018 @ 10:55am 
Great mod +
sylvercritter Oct 5, 2018 @ 3:24pm 
I smell this being added soon.
payton Oct 5, 2018 @ 1:14pm 
This is amazing!!
StellaSymphony Oct 4, 2018 @ 6:16pm 
I personally like Bow Kid's default hair color. Please leave it as is. Otherwise, it'd be nice to add an option for it in the Config menu once the devs fix it.
LC-DDM Oct 4, 2018 @ 6:05pm 
Oh, you can't make the hair dyable as well?
JojoNoCast Oct 4, 2018 @ 5:52pm 
That's a very nice mod. It makes Bow Kid look even better.
And it also works with the ''Playable Bow Kid'' Mod from Argle Bargle.
StellaSymphony Oct 4, 2018 @ 2:37pm 
I also like how the dyes, at least he ones I've used, don't change Bow Kid's hair color. One of the main issues I had with the dyes for Hat Kid was that I never liked the alternate hair colors as much as her default one.
Jazzrabbit  [author] Oct 4, 2018 @ 2:21pm 
No problem! Glad everyone is enjoying this. 😄
StellaSymphony Oct 4, 2018 @ 1:28pm 
@Jawchewa : I want to take to take a moment to thank you and let you know how happy I am that you made this mod. Bow Kid's stylish outfit makes for so much more interesting color combinations as opposed to Hat Kid, whose default outfit is really plain imo (which is why I always have other costumes equipped to Hat Kid instead). Now the dyes I never used that have been clogging up my inventory are finally useful to me, especially since this works with the Playable Bow Kid mod. Again, thank you so much for making this.
Paiix (🌙) Oct 4, 2018 @ 12:17pm 
Thank you for making this, though I wish this was part of the base game.
Jacketto Oct 4, 2018 @ 1:02am 
This just has to be in the main game, I thought it was a glitch that dyes dind't apply to bowkid in the main game.
MrSnowKitten Oct 4, 2018 @ 12:03am 
I love when mods are making the game better. This is one of such mods.
zuzumis! Oct 3, 2018 @ 8:59pm 
Thank you!
Minty_Cups Oct 3, 2018 @ 7:44pm 
i've been waiting so long for this thank you
sylvercritter Oct 3, 2018 @ 7:01pm 
I can dye happy now.