Arma 3
Random Infantry Skirmish
Kamen  [author] Jan 22 @ 12:59pm 
Big new update dropped, see the changelog for more info.

@The_Bardian: This bug should now be fixed
The_Bardian Nov 20, 2023 @ 6:50pm 
think i got a new bug. me and a friend were playing with myself as the host. Everytime he bought something it took from my pool of money, as well, after being destroyed, vehicles continued to explode. it been a lot of fun up until this point though. these issues stayed after a restart and a map change
1stSpearCenturion Aug 25, 2023 @ 3:28pm 
Im having trouble pulling up the purchase menu. It says its set to WIN key but its not working.
DavJ12 Jul 11, 2023 @ 1:41pm 
is it possible to drop a tutorial on how to port it to other maps?
duanesdesigns May 23, 2023 @ 3:54pm 
[h1]These are AWESOME![/h1] Although my wife is going to divorce me because of my playing them up to 18 hours a day! Oh well, then I can go on to 23 hours a day!

My only complaint is the enemy is always hunting ME! They ignore the AI soldiers and aim for me. If I have any type of launcher, I'm toast in mere moments. They spawn only the opposite type of vehicle ie AA launchers I get Land vehicles, any AT rockets I get only Air vehicles spawning.

I have just found the HelpMe Mod and that GOD MODE is allowing me to play for over 5 seconds per respawn now!

LOVE YOUR WORK! Thank you! :steamhappy:
GreasyMitch18 Apr 10, 2022 @ 12:09pm 
Dude this is sick! do you think you could add in more sci fi looking maps? some places that would suit a star wars or halo theme, that would be perfect :steamhappy:
THEMILKMAN Apr 7, 2022 @ 6:52pm 
mission and customization is amazing! only thing I can suggest is adding Beketov and Ruha maps
The Boolo Captain Apr 4, 2022 @ 9:00pm 
Hello, when my friend and i played this today we encountered a bug. When i spent money, i spent his money instead. I could not spend my own money. He was the host.
Kamen  [author] Apr 2, 2022 @ 12:15pm 
New update published with some fixes (hopefully even fixed the issue with ACE) and ~10 more maps added
Ðøüg May 29, 2020 @ 2:14pm 
Great game mode! Compatible with many modified factions and other mods.

Suggestion: it would be very good to add artillery barrage to the purchase menu.
RainJar Sep 6, 2019 @ 5:19am 
Amazing! Fun simple mode, I play it a lot :) Will you make one for one of the desert maps from IFA3?
Fellas? Jul 11, 2019 @ 10:49pm 
This would be lit on the Utes map
Easy May 7, 2019 @ 8:13am 
Will you be making one for Global mobilisation
Brian Hates Games Mar 25, 2019 @ 8:35am 
I would suggest northern front maps, and also more ww2 maps like neaville or coleville

Also is it possible to see locations other than urban areas to be selectable in the future? For example (depending on the map) a forest, a hill, or a swamp?
Tarlak501 Feb 4, 2019 @ 11:29am 
Hey and thanks for this amazing scenario!
It's pretty fun and well made.

I got few questions:

- is it possible to have an option of round amount?
Like first round is skirmish for point 1 and then at the end of the round it launch a new vote for a new position on same map.

- Is it possible to build static weapons or deploy inf?

- Is it possible to call an arty strike or any support?

- Any way to refit or reload ammo in tanks or other vehicles?

Thanks again for the work you took and effort you give to offer us this fun stuff.
Kamen  [author] Jan 11, 2019 @ 2:41pm 
No idea, I didn't do much testing on the coop. You can create issue on github and try to describe the conditions the best you can, so I know what to test.
Dr. Smoothbod Jan 8, 2019 @ 11:47pm 
Any Idea why if Playintg with another play who hosts, I cant spawn? Not using ACE or any other mods besides this and it's dependencies
Farlington Dec 20, 2018 @ 8:16pm 
You should do Chernarus Redux next. Overall a very good randomized mission series.
A Red Squirrel Dec 7, 2018 @ 10:44am 
@Kamen it happens every time. But if I spawn a vehicle I get teleported into it. But yeah I'll get that RPT file.
Kamen  [author] Dec 7, 2018 @ 12:59am 
@A Red Squirrel: Did it happen more than once? If so, could you create an issue on github and attach RPT file?
Sorrow Dec 6, 2018 @ 10:26pm 
Tembelan island would be a nice map to do this on?
A Red Squirrel Dec 3, 2018 @ 3:39pm 
It's not letting me spawn at all? I just get stuck in the aerial view. All of the AI seems to be working though. Am I doing something wrong?
Some Sangheili Nov 23, 2018 @ 8:34pm 
sahrani would be awesome
Kamen  [author] Nov 8, 2018 @ 2:40pm 
Ok, I don't know what happened to the Altis version, it just disappeared. I had to upload it again. But the missions should now work fine
Kamen  [author] Nov 8, 2018 @ 2:19pm 
Sorry guys, right now all the mission are dependent on IFA3 mod, working on fixing this.
Kamen  [author] Nov 8, 2018 @ 1:00pm 
I added one unsung map and two ww2 winter maps. If you have suggestions for good maps, please send them here, or create suggestion "issue" on github.
Redacted_Mamba Nov 4, 2018 @ 5:23am 
This mod is freaking amazing. Add in Vcom AI and you'll have as much the same gameplay as playing online. Could you make one for the Unsung maps to by any chance? It would be fun to play this in the Vietnam War era.
Snum Sep 4, 2018 @ 1:07am 
Seems that there's some strange issue with this scenario: it somehow constantly turning off aiming down sights. Anyone else having this?
Sileighty-Nine Aug 25, 2018 @ 5:32pm 
These are awesome, any possibility of having a few larger scale areas where you can really use the vehicles?
Kamen  [author] Aug 18, 2018 @ 1:46am 
@[TW]YOUR DAD: Well, that's kind of arma thing, to make sure the AI actually does something and don't just sit on its ass being pinned down, I have to tell them repeatedly what to do. Unfortunately, side effect is those spammy messages.
Quickfix would be selecting "As leader" in spawning options, so you're always leader squad making the messages dissapear.
[TW]STEP BRO Aug 17, 2018 @ 5:49pm 
I got some problem with this mod,when I spwan first time,I spwan in a team,and the leader(AI) keep send order to his teammate,and order is "move to xxx meters,front",it;s annoying me,and there is also a "search and destroy spot" on my screen,it also keep change to different places.All mod I use are RHS series mod,SSPCM and Arma III Chinese Localization Enhanced mod,I don't know why that keeps happen everytime,two different mode got same questions.Please help me.
Axebeard Aug 9, 2018 @ 2:24pm 
Kamen, the one thing I'm trying to mimic is the area selection in the beginning of RIS. I can get an intro camera effect, but I'd like to have the voting set up the same way you do where it shows the different AOs before the game actually starts. I can't figure it out though.
Axebeard Aug 7, 2018 @ 2:27pm 
Yeah, I've been toying with the idea for a TDM/ KOTH mode and I'm just doing it from scratch.
Kamen  [author] Aug 7, 2018 @ 8:11am 
I mean if you remove AI and tasks, you just end up with TDM or stripped KoTH ... if that's what you want, I'm sure there's some missions that do that.
And if you really want to make it, you would probably be better starting from scratch, just copying the parts you need.

For the requests for more maps: Adding new maps is easy, but currently there's no way to automatically publish mission, so every time I publish update, I have to go to editor and publish every single one by hand, which takes a lot of time already and is really boring so I don't want to add more until I find method that makes it less tedious.
Axebeard Aug 7, 2018 @ 1:32am 
I'm fairly new to Arma scripting and I wanted to try making a multiplayer mod using this as a base. Basically, use all of the same set up, but without the AI and tasks. If this is a thing you're considering working on, I'll gladly wait :D otherwise I'm probably going to rip apart your beautiful code and end up with a broken game mode hah.
Mr.Alibaba[from CDC] Aug 6, 2018 @ 11:36pm 
maybe its mods influece.sometime i can find a guy same as me.i will rebirth when he is being killed.its annoy when i buy a new vehicle.
Radical Jun 22, 2018 @ 8:48am 
Could you make a version on Zargabad?
hangfire Jun 17, 2018 @ 12:52pm 
Few suggestions/bugs:
-Faction specific grenades, including smoke and AT. If no faction specific grenades are found, then default to RGO's
-Random loadouts included in vehicles, spawned ones and start area ones. Include a small random possible selection of health, ammo, weapons, grenades, AT, etc

-Sometimes vehicles can spawn in damaged, sometimes crippled. This might be due to collisions immediately happening with terrain on spawn?
-Neutral defenders can wander a lot. This can cause the clear building tasks to be difficult when the defenders have all left the building, the objective ends up being 'randomly' completed when they happen to be killed somewhere else on the map.
Snum Jun 14, 2018 @ 10:43am 
Thanxk you for your work :)
Kamen  [author] Jun 14, 2018 @ 4:31am 
@Snumsmumrik: I need to retest the coop version, there's few bugs caused by bad programming, working on it. As far as ACE is concerned, I fixed player spawning into incapacitated soldier, but I don't think I can fix the issue with awarding money, since the ACE medical system is in the way.
Kamen  [author] Jun 14, 2018 @ 4:30am 
@NamretsO: The land vehicles shouldn't spawn in the water anymore.
Snum May 21, 2018 @ 3:18am 
Oh, and also if ACE is enabled it is almoust never player gets money for downed enemies, so everybody ends with no more then $200-400.
Snum May 21, 2018 @ 3:14am 
Awesome idea, but there are few annoying bugs in multiplayer coop:
- clients (not host) pretty often spawn naked with no weapon and equipment at all;
- clients often can not vote at the start of the mission of change loadout (at first game/load they never can, on a second and later on - they sometimes can);
- sometimes host and clients can spawn outside the active zone but at the starting location (which can be seen sometimes before scenario loads completely);
- with ACE enabled, as it was mentioned before, it is pretty often you are spawned in a downed team member or heavily wounded.
Tribbles May 17, 2018 @ 7:13am 
I have no experience with multiplayer, but having put in about 5 hours on various maps, I can say that it's a lot of fun. Configuring money and spawn counts is especially fun, and I find that the game still balances alright for most locations at 5 groups of 8 over the stock 5 of 4. (I also significantly increase the reward for completing the missions, which is a nice incentive to do them).

That being said, On coastal battles, I can't spawn ground vehicles without them spawning a kilometer or so in the water. I can see how the distance is alright for inland locations, but maybe you could designate vehicle spawns instead of relying on a set distance?

Again, great work!
Pure Grease May 12, 2018 @ 1:31pm 
Have given this a few runs, coop with one other player. It's great fun, I really look forward to seeing what develops with this. Great work!

There definitely seems to be equipment/arsenal related issues.
If at any point you've used the arsenal it seems to just keep that setup everytime you respawn. The only option being to make your own arsenal setup each time to change it, rather than just swapping to another soldier that is already active.
This also seems to persist between games, even re-launching arma holds onto the arsenal setup.

Sometimes overpowered vehicles seem to show up really quick as well. Can be kind of dull if it's your own teams helicopters killing everything as it spawns. Not a huge issue though.
Simon May 11, 2018 @ 2:20am 
Looking forward to more maps
Team Fortress 2 May 11, 2018 @ 1:07am 
Its great
but from what ive heard
not Really multiplayer compatible
like arsenal n stuff

but its defenitely my favourite single player scenario!
Chickens 3 : Tom 1 May 10, 2018 @ 9:06pm 
So if I may offer some feedback:
You have a fantastic mission here, I can already tell it's going to be up there with the greats, like Liberation, DRO and DCO. You've done an absolutely fantastic job with the UI, structure and concept
That being said, there's one or two problems, namely arsenal for more than one player and respawning for more than one player. It's as if only the host/first player can access arsenal and whatnot at any point.
Overall though, incredible!
Chickens 3 : Tom 1 May 10, 2018 @ 8:38pm 
Very very excited to see how these run!