

Starbase Defenses Extended
Deviant Oct 11, 2021 @ 12:57am 
Hello everyone! If you want to support the introduction of this mod to vanilla, then support the attached discussion on the Paradox website: likes, comments and UPVOTE (the main thing !!!)
- /
Patrick Schlesier May 12, 2020 @ 3:56pm 
Fortress is failing with weapons
Johny Oct 28, 2019 @ 10:05am 
update to 2.4?
shoobers Jan 29, 2019 @ 3:33pm 
If you're reducing the cost of defense platforms, the modifier is now ship_military_station_small_cost_mult instead of trying shipclass
Galaxar7 Dec 8, 2018 @ 4:45am 
update please to 2.2.1 ver
ColossusCrusher Jun 2, 2018 @ 6:14am 
Yeah, I'm just waiting for that one to be compatible with ESC 2.0 before making the switch, is all.
ScepraX  [author] Jun 2, 2018 @ 6:00am 
This mod works fine with 2.1.

I'm not going to update it as I've already created Starbase Defenses Extended 2 but it will work without any issues (unless you count the version notification as an issue).
ColossusCrusher May 25, 2018 @ 5:51pm 
Do you know if this mod will work in 2.1, or does it need a specific update?
Citizen Joe May 16, 2018 @ 9:21am 
uh... hey, is the defense station supposed to get the same segments as the heavy defense platform by default in addition to the normal ones with 3 m utility slots? It seems to make it ridiculously powerful for its slot cost before even researching defense platform miniaturization.
ScepraX  [author] May 5, 2018 @ 6:21am 
@ColossusCrusher: This version is, but version 2 of the mod isn't at the moment.
ColossusCrusher May 5, 2018 @ 5:50am 
Is it compatible with Extra Ship Components 2? Just asking because it's not explicitly mentioned.
ScepraX  [author] May 5, 2018 @ 4:32am 
@ColossusCrusher: The new version doesn't make use of the still existing hidden Vanilla station classes, which caused some hard-to-notice issues. This was mostly related to the modifiers applied to the stations. To put it simply: with the new version the Fortress won't cause a crash, all modifiers from traits and technologies are guaranteed to be applied to the correct ship size and compatibility with other mods should be even better. But the new version does loose its natural compatibility with mods that add new components (only concerning the reactors and combat computers, but still).
ColossusCrusher May 4, 2018 @ 3:27pm 
What exactly are the differences between this version and the new one?
Baleur Apr 30, 2018 @ 10:07pm 
Oh i seeeeeeee.. Thank you for your hard work on the mod though, so i suppose i dont need to be subbed to this then =)
But your society techs add more defence platform slots right? Might keep this mod just for that then, even if minor incompatabilities. In my NSC/SDE savegame i havent seen duplicates of any defence platform designs, so i guess its either using yours or theirs.
ScepraX  [author] Apr 30, 2018 @ 3:55am 
@Baleur: NSC contains its own implementation for these stations. It would be redundant to use this mod as well, although the society technologies won't be included if you only use NSC.
Baleur Apr 30, 2018 @ 3:43am 
Incompatible New Ship Classes, really??
I was playing with both, didnt notice. Are there major problems or just minor?
Love this mod so much, but cant play without NSC if serious compatability conflicts exist.
ScepraX  [author] Apr 27, 2018 @ 4:34am 
I've released Starbase Defenses Extended 2 which has much better compatibility. However, it's not backwards compatible and will break savegames in which this mod was enabled.
ScepraX  [author] Apr 25, 2018 @ 5:57am 
@Blackharr: Makes sense. Also explains why I didn't experience the same issues because I'm using Military Ships Extended which fixes all these issues.

Unfortunately I'm not in a position where I can overwrite that specific file as it would break compatiblity with a lot of mods. I know what to do to fix this issue but it's impossible to achieve that while keeping the mod backwards compatible. So I'm going to release a new version as soon as I can find the time.
Surtas Apr 24, 2018 @ 9:52pm 
Edit: for some reason, Steam didn't include my results link
Surtas Apr 24, 2018 @ 9:51pm 
So I went back and tested things a bit more methodically and with more documentation.
My method:

I've done some experimenting on my own, and I think I've found the problem. The mod doesn't overwrite common/ship_sizes/00_ship_sizes.txt. That file contains the vanilla code, including the objects military_station_medium and military_station_large. The mod instead creates duplicate entities. The game, when applying the modifiers, only does so to the ORIGINAL entities, thus missing the new, modded ones. Instead you have to overwrite the 00_ship_sizes file.
ScepraX  [author] Apr 24, 2018 @ 11:11am 
@Silver: I've looked at the mods but I doubt it.
Akkadian Apr 24, 2018 @ 10:41am 
Could it have something to do with Cultural Overhaul or Expanded Traditions?
Akkadian Apr 24, 2018 @ 10:35am 
@ScepraX thank you. I don't use any mods for ship classes or even new modules. As far as I know the only things related are Military Station Fortifier 2, which you recoomend.
ScepraX  [author] Apr 24, 2018 @ 10:04am 
Updated the mod with some tweaks that might increase the compatiblity. I still have no clue which mod might cause issues with the fortresses. If someone encounters issues it would help to know which mods related to including other designable / buildable ships and stations are also used.

Keep in mind that mods that also add these stations will of course cause issues. For instance: New Ship Classes
ScepraX  [author] Apr 24, 2018 @ 9:37am 
@Cúchulainn: Yes, the defense platforms are military stations. In the game Paradox uses "Defense Platform" as name for all military stations since 2.0. Before that they were just called military stations and under the localisation they still are.

This mod will add the equivalent of something like Defense Platform 2 which is twice as large and Defense Platform 4 which is four times as large. They have about times that the amount of weapons and armament as well as take up that much capacity at the starbase. The models come from the Vanilla game as they are still there from before 2.0 so they contain fully working turrets and have full support for graphical cultures.
Cúchulainn Apr 24, 2018 @ 9:22am 
I thought there were only "Starbases" and then you add defenses to that. Is that what you mean by Military Station?
ScepraX  [author] Apr 24, 2018 @ 9:17am 
@Cúchulainn: You can choose between military stations when building starbase defenses and this mod will add two larger military stations to choose from. You can't upgrade between station types.
Cúchulainn Apr 24, 2018 @ 8:54am 
I haven't played since 1.3. I didn't know there were med and large military stations.

If i subscribe, would i be able to upgrade my standard sized military station to med/ large ones ?
And by military stations you're talking about defense platforms, correct? Your wording is a bit confusing for me, sorry. Can you clarify?
ScepraX  [author] Apr 24, 2018 @ 4:17am 
@Silver: It's possible if you're using a mod that includes new ship sizes and has a dirty implementation. It might overwrite the military stations with the Vanilla versions. In that case the technology won't make the stations available. However: the defense stations should also be unavailable.

I'll try to increase compability in the near future.
Akkadian Apr 24, 2018 @ 2:13am 
I researched the tech to build fotresses, but the option still doesn't appear in ship designer, starbases, or anywhere. Could this be a conflict with EAC:At War? or another mod?
ScepraX  [author] Apr 24, 2018 @ 1:57am 
@Blackharr: I've tried to reproduce the results you presented.

1. While the additional hull points aren't displayed in the detail view they are applied. I've concluded this from manually calculating the hull points. The bonuses that increase a percentage of the hull points are also applied to the added hullpoints that come from the technology unlock.
2. Checked the fortifier traits: it seems that the reduction is only applied to the already reduced costs from the class modifiers. But they are applied. Calculation: base station cost - class based modifiers (from techs) - size based modifiers (from traits) = real station cost.

I'm unsure why you've experienced different results and I'm interested in the way you came to these conclusions.
Surtas Apr 23, 2018 @ 5:44pm 
I've done some testing with your mod and found a couple things:
1. The hull bonus techs for platforms and fortresses don't actually increase hull points
2. The two Fortifier traits you've added also don't actually change the build cost

I'm not sure if there's a good fix to this, as the problem seems to be be that the modifiers using the stems shipsize_military_station_medium and shipsize_military_station_large simply have no effect. I don't know if/how you could re-add those in the mod. the common/static_modifiers folder where I'd expect things like that to be doesn't seem to have other such bonuses, so it might be hardcoded.
Battlespark Apr 17, 2018 @ 4:07pm 
Not sure whats going on but my military stations (fortresses) up and disapeared from the design menu inbetween a save from last night and loading today. No other mods have changed that im aware of. Ill redownload this mod and see If it just messed up somewhere.
ScepraX  [author] Apr 17, 2018 @ 10:34am 
@Cornflakes: that error is thrown by a trigger that is most often called by an event or scripted effect. Because this mod has no events, triggers or effects it is most probably caused by another mod that executes events. It might be that the stations added by this mod are the cause for an event from that mod to be executed in the wrong scope.
Skippy Apr 16, 2018 @ 2:59pm 
I'm not sure exactly why, but it was causing a ctd and disabling this mod fixed it so I figured I would let you know, it was an "invalid scope for trigger" error if that helps.
ScepraX  [author] Apr 16, 2018 @ 2:53pm 
@Einolf: Yes they will.

@Cornflakes: Although it's possible there an incompatibility between both mods, starbase buildings, modules or even a complete different implementation for the starbases should have no effect on the military stations this mod makes available. They are seperate entities.

It looks like that mod comes with a slightly different version of the default ship sizes file which could overwrite the stations of this mod (because they included the hidden Vanilla versions of the medium and large stations in their file), thus once again disabling them (depends on the order in which they're loaded). Other than that I don't see any compatibility issues.
Skippy Apr 16, 2018 @ 1:37pm 
I'd like to report an incompatability, at least one I found in my game. This mod causes a crash when using ISB Balance due to lines 46, 91, and 136 of "isb_starbase_modules.txt", from what I saw, it looks like it has something to due with the design of platforms that the AI use.
Raptor Jesus Apr 15, 2018 @ 3:47pm 
Will the Ai also build the stations ?
ScepraX  [author] Apr 15, 2018 @ 4:10am 
@GameMaster: You can't update the design that was generated when the game started and the mod was not yet enabled. But after creating a new design and deleting the old corrupt one it shouldn't reoccur. After doing it once you should be able to update older designs as usual.
GameMaster Apr 14, 2018 @ 6:14pm 
Well that sucks. So I can't update older designs with this mod?
ScepraX  [author] Apr 14, 2018 @ 6:03pm 
@GameMaster: Create a new design manually. Do not edit the existing one.
GameMaster Apr 14, 2018 @ 5:56pm 
It is either with this mod or Military Station Fortifier 2 I'm getting a CTD whenever I modify the fortress station. :\
Raptor Jesus Apr 14, 2018 @ 5:31am 
So if I have a tradition mod, it is not compatible ?
Der Empörer Apr 10, 2018 @ 5:53am 
Thank you sir - it looks like i got other problems. Maybe just a broken translation into german.
ScepraX  [author] Apr 10, 2018 @ 5:48am 
I don't seem to be able to reproduce this issue. I assume you refer to unlocking the Supremacy traditions which provides +2 starbase capacity. It's applied correctly in my test game. This mod only overwrites one Supremacy tradition: Right of Conquest. This should not impact the bonuses provided by the other traditions. Just for verification: the increase of starbase capacity doesn't affect the amount of platform defenses you can build at a starbase.
ScepraX  [author] Apr 10, 2018 @ 5:34am 
I'll look into it.
Der Empörer Apr 10, 2018 @ 5:03am 
I mean the second on the right side of the "spread" Tree.
galactic ambitions, starbase capacity + 2
sry for my bad english
ScepraX  [author] Apr 10, 2018 @ 4:59am 
@1. Division zu Preußen: Not sure which tradition this refers to. The Vanilla game does not have any traditions that increase the amount of defense platform slots.

Any mod that adds additional defense platform slots should be compatible.
Der Empörer Apr 10, 2018 @ 4:42am 
Excuse me sir, i found a problem and im not sure if it is a regular bug or something with ur mod here. If i go for the 2 extra starbase slot in the colony tradition tree, i will still have only 3 of the basic limit, not 5 as i should be. an known issue?
Thx for u mod and ur work
ScepraX  [author] Mar 30, 2018 @ 1:07am 
I've updated the description of the mod with regards to existing savegames and the crash caused by editing the default fortress design. The solution is simple: create a new design and delete the corrupt one. This is probably caused by Paradox removing the fortress only partially. If they removed it completely or just kept the necessary assets this would not have occurred.