Space Engineers

Space Engineers

Nav Sensors
49 bình luận
SinBad  [tác giả] 5 Thg02, 2021 @ 1:30am 
All the new is here. sorry for breaking your stuff, but it was for a good cause.
hobbyman 14 Thg01, 2021 @ 6:51pm 
Text Panel Custom Data was it, I've found these can be rather finicky where a space or a carriage return (invisible to the eye can make a world of difference) can make a big difference. I think one of the things, and you did mention it in the past posts was about the plus symbol (+) which is frequently used in the LCDS script. Thanks again for the help and efforts.
SinBad  [tác giả] 12 Thg01, 2021 @ 6:12pm 
@hobbyman, you dont need [NAV] in the programmable block name.
your remote control block looks set up correctly.
the text panel custom data is where i think your issue is. you dont need to include + in your custom data tags, i was using them as dot points in the guide. the guide needs a full rewrite. you do need to include the right hand (space mode) tags though. if you dont intend to operate in space, just use the None tag.
Lat None
Long None
in the custom data of the text panel.
hobbyman 12 Thg01, 2021 @ 12:46pm 
So I eliminated the possibility of cockpit/block sharing issues, no other PBs even on the grid and gave the NAV PB its own Remote.

Name of Cockpit: Orbiter Cockpit
Cockpit Custom Data is blank, Reset all cockpit screens to No Content

Name of Text Panel: Orbiter [NAV] Text panel
Text panel Custom Data:
+ Lat
+ Long

Name of Remote Control: Orbiter [NAV] Remote Control
Custom Data of Remote Control: Origin

Name of Programmable Block: Orbiter [NAV] ProgBlock

Clear out all old, reinstall NAV script.
Text Panel content is Set to Text and Images (can't actually change that - nice) but does not display anything.
Also tried + Heading, same blank display, deliberately put in a garbage "command" in the Custom Data of the Text Panel and it briefly displays ONLINE then the Invalid Command fault. So it looks like the script is running, reading the Custom Data field in the Orbiter [NAV] Text panel, just not writing/rewriting to the Public title text and thus getting displayed?
SinBad  [tác giả] 12 Thg01, 2021 @ 3:11am 
added some clarification notes in the description to help with tagging.
SinBad  [tác giả] 12 Thg01, 2021 @ 2:49am 
@hobbyman, two issues i think. first, the Origin tag goes in the custom data of the cockpit or remote block, not in the name. second, this script doesn't like to share blocks with other scripts, at least where the custom data is concerned. if there is anything else in the custom data for one of the other scripts you are running it will cause this script to throw an error. a workaround is to use a dedicated remote block for this script.
i need to buckle down and get the selfishness beaten out of this thing and get it sharing cockpit screens as well. i wont have time for that until jan27th2021 though, i ask for your patience.
hobbyman 10 Thg01, 2021 @ 9:32am 
I run PAM, LCDS and some Whips scripts, having problems getting going with yours.
I keep getting "Operation Halted See WorkShop Page"
Been through the comments, instructions, etc. All items are owned by Me.

Name of Cockpit: Orbiter [NAV] Cockpit Origin
Name of Programmable Block: Orbiter [NAV] ProgBlock
Name of Text Panel: Orbiter [NAV] Text panel

Orbiter [NAV] Text panel Custom Data:
+ Lat
+ Long

Go to Edit, Browse Scripts, select Nav Sensors script, Check Code, (compiles no errors), OK,
"Operation Halted See WorkShop Page"
Text Panel Display is blank

Run, Recompile
"Operation Halted See WorkShop Page" persists/refreshes.

So what am I doing wrong?
Ashton Black 13 Thg05, 2020 @ 3:10am 
Nevermind, got it working!
Ashton Black 13 Thg05, 2020 @ 2:59am 
By "add the tag" do you mean in the name of the block or the custom data? How does this work with the [NAV] in the name. Could you give and example of, say a camera name? Is it [NAV] RangeFinder Top 10000?
SinBad  [tác giả] 6 Thg04, 2020 @ 7:06pm 
i couldn't figure out how to get it to play nice with auto lcd 2 in cockpit screens so i skipped it. cockpit screens not supported.
Taynak 6 Thg04, 2020 @ 2:53pm 
Ok... so I have been trying to figure this out.. I have a fighter cockpit small block ship design. I have MMasters auto lcd 2 and it is all set up with the cockpit screens. I set up another programmable block with the Nav script compiled. I tagged the Cockpit as " Cockpit [LCD] [NAV] ".

The part I am having issues with is what to actually do after that. I go into custom data and add in this:

@0 AutoLCD
+ Vector
+ Attitude
+ Heading
+ Pitch
+ Roll
@1 AutoLCD
Tanks * Hydrogen
@2 AutoLCD
Echo Screen 3
@3 AutoLCD
Echo Screen 4
@4 AutoLCD
Echo Screen 5
@5 AutoLCD
Echo Screen 6

What am i doing wrong here?
Taynak 18 Thg01, 2020 @ 1:07pm 
@SinBad awesome! thank you!
SinBad  [tác giả] 17 Thg01, 2020 @ 9:48pm 
thats got it working now. i need to learn how to do the cockpit screens as well, expect that functionality soon.
SinBad  [tác giả] 17 Thg01, 2020 @ 5:00pm 
looks like they changed the way LCDs work. i dont really play anymore so i didnt notice. i'll do an update to fix it.
Taynak 3 Thg01, 2020 @ 12:51pm 
Hello! This mod is exactly what i was looking for... the only issue im having is getting it to work lol.

When i put it into a program block and check the code it throws a whole bunch of errors like this:

Program(332,24): Warning: 'IMyTextPanel.WritePublicText(string,bool)' is obsolete: 'LCD public text is deprecated'

There are 24 of these errors with each having a different number.

SinBad  [tác giả] 3 Thg07, 2018 @ 5:02am 
i think the 30-60 difference between worlds is due to one of the scenarios spawning the planet in a different orientation on the world grid (gps in game). i dont correct for it, i believe whips does.
the differences between mine and whips, dunno. mine aligns north to the gps axis. position is basically a cartesian to polar conversion between your position and the planet centre. pitch and roll work off the local gravity vector direction vrs the orientation of the cockpit. heading is fiddlier and involves some fiddly math that to be honest i havent thought about in the year since i wrote that part of the script and can only sort of understand what i did by looking at it now. if you want to have a look to see if i made a lapse in logic im happy to to post it here. i would sooner believe im in error rather than whip.
glad you like it.
ratheden 2 Thg07, 2018 @ 9:23pm 
I have noticed this mod and Whip's Artificial horizon do not share the same heading values, which are the correct set? Today is seems to be off 30 degrees but i would swear in another game it was 61 degrees off....

I like whips for instant sight on, for the artificial horizon, and yours for the mass details, So am hoping to find out what is off, it is me or on one of the scripts?

THANKS again for a super mod, been just loving it, finding near 2 font setting to be best with details on as many lines as i can fit.
BanditFly 8 Thg06, 2018 @ 3:06am 
Nice, TY for this!
SinBad  [tác giả] 7 Thg06, 2018 @ 10:45am 
Update is Up. see Change Notes for details.
SinBad  [tác giả] 6 Thg06, 2018 @ 5:35pm 
i live with a vision impaired person (retinitus pigmentosa) so im familiar with the limitations that games can un-intentionaly have. if you have any more ease-of-use suggestions, please let me know and i'll see what can be done.
ratheden 6 Thg06, 2018 @ 4:46pm 
First, Thanks !!! with your help I now have the program working, at least the hard range finder part..

just an FYI, This mod works great with yours. OMG it works great..

Solved my aiming issues with long distance asteroids.
Thanks for programing it to run multi cameras, as i can now have an asteroid cam, and a close cam.

Now i just need to learn how to set your tags and get the font right for my bad eyes.

Great mod with all the details and configurablity

SinBad  [tác giả] 6 Thg06, 2018 @ 2:06pm 
i'll look into splitting the camera info into several commands so the information can be spread over multiple lines. that gives me an excuse to get into the code again and do the failsafe update ive been planningas well.
ratheden 6 Thg06, 2018 @ 12:24pm 
As a request can we get the charge line to move down one? So it is just name and distance on the first line?

To give you an idea, I have to set the font past 2 just to see stuff, and 3 or 4 is best.

ratheden 6 Thg06, 2018 @ 11:53am 
As a request can we get the charge line to move down one? So it is just name and distance on the first line?

To give you an idea, I have to set the font past 2 just to see stuff, and 3 or 4 is best.
ratheden 6 Thg06, 2018 @ 11:40am 
check that the LCD has 'show public text' enabled

LOL OMG this is so important..... and did mot have it checked for the first few hours
SinBad  [tác giả] 6 Thg06, 2018 @ 11:39am 
comments dont update live... ok.
glad you got it working. sounds like it was a spelling or capitalisation issue. maybe a leading space or something.
ratheden 6 Thg06, 2018 @ 11:39am 
but I am surely typing something wrong, cannot seem to type RangeFinder Front 5000 right..... it keeps saying camera not found. But copy paste from your ship workd
SinBad  [tác giả] 6 Thg06, 2018 @ 11:36am 
ok, script basics first:
check spelling and capitalisation and bracket types on tags
check that the LCD has 'show public text' enabled
check the detailed info panel of the PB, the script gives feedback if it is running and hits a problem. not especially useful feedback, but it shows the script is running.
check you own everything and its turned on.
check that in game scripts are enabled in your world.
ratheden 6 Thg06, 2018 @ 11:33am 
got it working, don't know why, but had to copy the text from custom data of your ship to mine.... my only excuse is I am seeing impaired....
ratheden 5 Thg06, 2018 @ 6:24pm 
Best Instructions ever !!

Have the script loaded into PB.
Now on to making it work, in the name added [NAV] to a camera and lcd.
In custom data for camera i put in "RangeFinder Front 5000"
In Custom Data for LCD i pul "Range Front"
In cockpit wiith nav tag, added origin

And, Nothing happens... Did I miss a step?
Maybe I am running to many mods
SinBad  [tác giả] 5 Thg06, 2018 @ 7:25am 
the tags go in the custom data of the block. omit the "+" thats just what i was using as a bullet point. i can see how its misleading, i'll change it.
steps for camera functionality:
put the script on a programming block
add "Origin" to the custom data of your cockpit or remote control block
add "RangeFinder TheNameOfYourRangeFinder 5000" to the custom data of the camera you want to use. TheNameOfYourRangeFinder can be whatever you like, but no spaces. the 5000 is the maximum range it will scan to in meters. it can be whatever you like, but longer ranges take more time to charge between scans.
add "Range TheNameOfYourRangeFinder" to an LCD panel. you can have multiple cameras on one panel, just make sure each tag is on a new line in the custom data.
finaly, add [NAV] to the name of each of these blocks.
run the script.
an example is in this build
ratheden 5 Thg06, 2018 @ 12:38am 
in the "tags" they go in the name yes?
the + infront of many of the tags is to be omitted?

would you be willing to give step by step instructions on setting up the rangefinder, IE a 1, 2, 3 do this, name "that" exactly "this" for the first time, Sorry am having issues setting it up for the first time, after it works once I am sure I could handle it from there...

This script looks like what i am after, thanks in advance for any help...

PS Remethep mentioned a test miner ship that this is run on, could we use that? might be faster then writing out more details/instructions
SinBad  [tác giả] 14 Thg03, 2018 @ 2:43am 
Next update ill be concentrating on failure proofing the script. so if you lose a camera or LCD it wont crash the script.
remethep 12 Thg03, 2018 @ 11:00am 
Oh wow! I am so looking forward to testing this out. :)
SinBad  [tác giả] 12 Thg03, 2018 @ 5:47am 
Updated Released. please see description.
SinBad  [tác giả] 2 Thg03, 2018 @ 2:26pm 
finding time to program while moving house is hard. i should get to refining this script in about a week.
SinBad  [tác giả] 27 Thg02, 2018 @ 3:14pm 
thats good to hear. ill see what i can do to get it a little more flexible for installation and options.
remethep 27 Thg02, 2018 @ 5:26am 
So I was partially right about some stuff. Neat. :) And, the rangefinder ability alone makes it really usefull. So, 10/10 will use it for my grids down the line. :)
SinBad  [tác giả] 27 Thg02, 2018 @ 2:34am 
the speed indication in space mode isnt primarily intended as a speed indication. thats the polar vector magnitude component of your current motion vector. the other two components are bearing and elevation. thats there if you have a ship with most of its thrust in one direction, you can use the motion vector to align your thrust for efficient retro thrust (180 deg bearing and 0 elevation). its also useful for dodging things as it gives you the difference from ships head in degrees as you thrust sideways. you can maintain a heading while knowing you have dodged the thing in your way.
the heading, pitch and roll are usefull for tunneling (in space and on planets) for making nice straight tunnels, making sure you are pointed straight up when going to space, leveling terrain, that kind of thing. in space its from the XZ plane iirc.
SinBad  [tác giả] 27 Thg02, 2018 @ 2:34am 
nice spotlight, thanks. :)
max range on the rangefinder is 5000m, 10 km range would require a longer recharge time. the script is designed to fill in a few gaps in MMasters automatic LCD 2 script. the rangefinder is intended to compliment the stopping distance readout from auto LCD2, i felt the current recharge was a good balance between detection range and refresh rate. it uses the camera raycast functionality. i dont think turrets can do that. there is nothing stopping you from mounting it on a player made turret though.

SinBad  [tác giả] 27 Thg02, 2018 @ 1:55am 
looks like youtube is still loading it. looking forward to viewing
remethep 27 Thg02, 2018 @ 1:51am 
And, here's the spotlight I did on the script. :)
SinBad  [tác giả] 27 Thg02, 2018 @ 1:46am 
now i feel dumb. i forgot that i had it set up that way on the grid i published it from. thanks for letting me know.
remethep 27 Thg02, 2018 @ 1:26am 
Got it! The cockpit needed to be named "Lifter Cockpit". :P
remethep 27 Thg02, 2018 @ 1:16am 
Thanks. Because just renaming the cocpit did not do the trick for me. Might well be me borked.
SinBad  [tác giả] 26 Thg02, 2018 @ 3:19pm 
if you need an example craft with it working, its installed on this one
this script was published directly from the PB in that blueprint.
remethep 26 Thg02, 2018 @ 6:07am 
The part with the cocpit I did not check. I'll give it a go later. :) Thanks
SinBad  [tác giả] 26 Thg02, 2018 @ 1:18am 
did you check the block naming? it needs cockpit named "Cockpit", camera named "Range Finder" and 3 LCD named "Nav1" "Nav2" and "Nav3"
i dont think i mentioned the cockpit... dang it i didnt. i'll fix that. sorry for for overlooking it.
remethep 25 Thg02, 2018 @ 12:23pm 
Hm. Did not work for me, at all. :/ Error all the way.