Portal 2

Portal 2

dire.fcs Mar 16, 2016 @ 10:05pm 
Very cool gel map, nice timing over there!
Mitch McWiggins  [author] Feb 21, 2014 @ 8:59pm 
Brave, thanks for playing, it's been a while but I think that sounds like the intended solution! I have another of yours in my queue.
Brave Feb 21, 2014 @ 4:22pm 
Good bounce gel test Mitch, but the faith plate isn't needed, if the player like myself just uses the gel jumping from floor to upper floor into the tractor beam!
How I solved, I never use the pedestal button to deactivate the 2 cleansing gels, I conveyed the bounce gel over in my funnel, shot my portal elsewhere letting the gel dropped and then shooting my funnel fast to channel the cleansing gel from falling onto the bounce gel, then I jumped from level to upper level into the tractor beam passing through my portals and made my exit!
Mitch McWiggins  [author] May 7, 2013 @ 9:35pm 
Thanks, daloboy! Perfect. I'm subscribing to yours.
Side note for any fans of the TV show Arrested Development: the map's title is obviously a reference to the show, as you have to hop on to the funnel. As I was watching daloboy's walkthrough I realized that the intended solution also requires you to make like Tobias and "blue yourself." HA!! Not originally intended but I love that it ended up that way. Come on, May 26th!
daloboy May 6, 2013 @ 10:09pm 
Hi Mitch! I disagree: that a great fix! My solution ...after many attemps!
Here's my latest , if you get the chance!
Mitch McWiggins  [author] May 6, 2013 @ 7:54pm 
Okay: aesthetically speaking, maybe it's kind of a dumb fix, but here it is, updated so as to stubbornly funnel things over to the intended solution. ;) Thanks to everyone for your help testing this!
Mitch McWiggins  [author] May 6, 2013 @ 1:15pm 
Hi stormsend,
It's close! Thanks for the video, it's really helpful for me to think this through. I think I have another idea, I'll update soon. Thanks for playing!!!
stormsend May 5, 2013 @ 3:55am 
Mitch was this the intended solution? I'm going to run out of your maps before you run out of mine. Make some more please.
Mitch McWiggins  [author] Apr 17, 2013 @ 8:05pm 
Thanks for playing and for the feedback, Prototype! I have a couple of yours in my queue now.

I think my stubborn clinginess to a stripy motif may be getting in the way of my designing the puzzle's layout for intended execution.

Or something...

Back to the editor! hmmm...
Prototype Apr 17, 2013 @ 5:08pm 
I did it a similar way to mechtakendall, funnel to stop water , nice puzzle. #F4F
Mitch McWiggins  [author] Mar 29, 2013 @ 9:33am 
OK, let's try that...
Mitch McWiggins  [author] Mar 29, 2013 @ 8:46am 
uuhh . . . whoops. HA! Thanks, gimme a few hours... dagnabbit.
daloboy Mar 28, 2013 @ 10:10pm 
Sorry Mitch, but did you said that now we should not be able to do that anymore? Or maybe it's the problem with Valve and Mac you mention!
Mitch McWiggins  [author] Feb 26, 2013 @ 7:35pm 
mechtakendall, great feedback, thank you! mood3rd found the same solution. Thanks for trying both ways.

I agree, I think it can be fixed easily--in fact, I have an update waiting to be published (for this map as well as others of mine) just as soon as Valve provides a fix for this new bug that prevents all Macs from building/publishing maps.

Thanks for playing! Cheers.
mechtakendall Feb 26, 2013 @ 5:37pm 
Good idea for a map, but I was able to beat the chamber easily without using many of the elements. I covered the floor and upper alcove below the funnel with bounce gel. I then sent a portal of goo around the floor until it was about to enter the graing to the cleansing gel area. I then set the funnel portal high on the wall across from the exit, thus causing the bounce gel to drop while suspending the cleasning gel in the funnel. I then bounced up to the upper alcove and bounced up into the funnel, go through passing the pedestal button and drop down to bounce out and exit. Never used the reversal button or the pedestal button. But I think that is easily fixed for the intended solution (I did it the intended way as well). Difficulty 3/10 Design 6/10
Mitch McWiggins  [author] Feb 22, 2013 @ 3:26pm 
I've updated this to avoid the unintended solution. However, I'm on a Mac, and as of a week or two ago there's a bug going around on all Macs that doesn't allow chambers to be built. So . . . update will be published in a few . . . days? Weeks?

Thanks for playing! I've subscribed to some more of your maps.
SkyRoots Feb 21, 2013 @ 7:39pm 
I was able to solve this after several tries. The timing is a little difficult, especially when it is "difficult to see anything". Overall, not bad.
mood3rd Feb 16, 2013 @ 4:16pm 
the only difference is after I step of the polarity button,
I move to fire a portal next to the glass.
then jump / bounce into the funel.
I did not need the pedestal button, that stops the cleansing gel.
when coming out of the portal with the bouncy gel, in the funel.
I quickly fire a portal at to high area, so the funel stops the cleaning gel from dropping on the bouncy gel.
I & the bouncy gel, drop by glass.
now I have all the time in the world to bounce up to the exit area.

I hope you enjoy my maps.
any problems, I will be happy to help.
Mitch McWiggins  [author] Feb 15, 2013 @ 9:46pm 
Also, thanks for offering that I could delete your post, for others. I might do that, as well as these two I typed just now. Haven't decided yet.

Thanks as always! I have some more of your maps waiting for me.
Mitch McWiggins  [author] Feb 15, 2013 @ 9:45pm 
mood3rd, Awesome. I think you did it the way I did, or at least close enough to what I had in mind.

What I was doing was prepping the area with blue gel, like you said. Then loading the original orange funnel with a line of gel. Then stepping off the button, shooting a portal up near the funnel (perpendicular to it) that will take the blue funnel toward the goo entrance, to the glass. I hop into the funnel and travel with the gel through the goo area, going around the glass, push the button along the way. Then near the exit I break the funnel so that I drop down with the gel.

It sounded like you skipped the first half of the goo with a portal, is that right? Good thinking--maybe that was less of a headache than my way, I don't know, I'll have to try it your way sometime soon.
mood3rd Feb 14, 2013 @ 3:54pm 
please try another map from my workshop:
mood3rd Feb 14, 2013 @ 3:53pm 
was the following the intended sollution ?
drop gel with funels.
use polarity to put gel in original funel.
fire other portal at portable area by floor we need to bounce up to exit area from.
jump / bounce into funel with gel in.
funel pushes me & gel through portal, to area I need to jump from.
quickly fire portal at high wall, to stop cleansing gel droping to floor &
at the same time, the bouncy gel drops onto floor.
then I jump to exit area & exit.
feel free to delete this, if you think it will spoil it for others.
mood3rd Feb 14, 2013 @ 3:40pm 
good map.
like Jade BGE, I found it difficult.
the way I did it, killed me the 1st attempt.
if you are doing it similar to 1 of Mevious's maps.
no wonder it is difficult.
I have done a few of his.
the hardest was his 1st with a mod, & multiple doors.
can't remember the name.
but when completing them, my brain would feel like it was about to explode,
then the exit & whoo hoo.
thumbs up for this, of course.
Jade BGE Feb 12, 2013 @ 7:47am 
I'll give it another thoughtful try, though I must tell you that Mevious is the most difficult for me to comprehend. 0.o
Mitch McWiggins  [author] Feb 11, 2013 @ 8:09pm 
Also, there's a clue in the description.

Or, like you said, maybe you know exactly what to do, and it's just a matter of, say, getting the timing right, for example? Hm . . . If you're doing it as intended, it'll probably be difficult to see anything --is that the case?

Like I said, I don't want to give away too much, but I don't want this to be a pain, either. :) I might consider making the map larger, that might help.

Mitch McWiggins  [author] Feb 11, 2013 @ 7:58pm 
Hi Jade! I've been trying to think of some advice that wouldn't give it away, um . . . have you ever played the map "Patience" by Mevious? If I'm remembering right, there's an element in here similar to that one, on a smaller scale . . .
Jade BGE Feb 9, 2013 @ 1:19pm 
Well that's tough. I know what I need to do but to actually execute it is another thing. Any advice?
Mitch McWiggins  [author] Feb 8, 2013 @ 9:54pm 
Mitch McWiggins  [author] Feb 8, 2013 @ 9:41pm 
Oh crap ! Well, that's embarrassing. Jade BGE, thanks a TON. I'm republishing the new version now . . .
Jade BGE Feb 8, 2013 @ 7:28pm 
I'm sure you didn't intend this but we can just walk out by placing a portal above the dripping water. Nice ideas though.