Portal 2

Portal 2

Perpetual Motion 2: Gliders
jandlml Jun 7, 2019 @ 2:12pm 
i dont think i did this one correctly. all i could thin to do was portal bump to get the cubes in the exit area
lfairban Sep 28, 2017 @ 9:30am 
I quickly saw the genius of this chamber the second time I played it. The second cube dropper wasn't marked, but I figured it out pretty quick. Nice puzzle.
Pilchardo  [author] Jan 23, 2013 @ 3:17pm 
Cheers for the comments! I'm glad you noticed the the update - I wanted to make it easier to see the action. :-D
Ankon Jan 23, 2013 @ 6:13am 
Really nice. I liked the design in this one. It took me a while to figure what I had to do but once you get it it´s really rewarding to complete, specially the puzzle inversion at the end . I notice you´ve updated it, and the change is cool, it makes it easier to see what you are doing (and wnat you´re supposed to do).