Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

RakshaC Jul 20 @ 2:30pm 
If your map has an instant down mechanic it immediately fails. You should make a better designed map that doesn't fuck people over just for moving 2 steps.
Norea del corte Jul 19 @ 11:08am 
4/10 Le hubiese dado un 8 o incluso un 9 de no ser por el nivel final. Va para la interminable lista de mapas buenos arruinados por modders de mierda que creen que meter hordas infinitas es divertido
GoodTime Jul 15 @ 12:31am 
AI gets stuck frequently, no advance warning for anything
랑이 Jul 10 @ 4:51am 
Ren Alexius Bezarius Jul 9 @ 9:46am 
Peak. really good exploration map if you really utilize your navigation skills
ArgentAbendAzure Jul 3 @ 5:58am 
Older campaign.
It's a mess in parts.
Hard to find where to go. Poor pathing.
The last part is confusing. I actually got over a fence into a semi unfinished area and couldn't get back into the main map. Had to start over.
Maybe it would benefit from repeated playthroughs.
But I don't have the inclination.
Jul 2 @ 2:58pm 
RANCAR | ESP Jun 23 @ 6:09am 
高飛 Jun 19 @ 6:29am 
0/10 垃撚圾 minecraft is better:steamthumbsdown:
Marc Jun 4 @ 12:57pm 
3/10 Confusing. You get lost. Don't play with AI. Don't play with someone you need to carry. Can be improved. :steamfacepalm:
Ein Jun 4 @ 12:56pm 
Bad map design, no clear indication of where to go, no clear instructions on what to do next.
D. Ulysses Foole Jun 4 @ 8:04am 
The last chapter is just laughable
BOOS May 13 @ 9:15am 
KiznaiverSSX Apr 24 @ 7:49pm 
Fix your map 1/10
GRIMM Apr 21 @ 5:55am 
a ...solid 6/10 ot the worst but surly not the greatest
Shapeshifter Apr 21 @ 5:54am 
It's alright not bad
Bandit Apr 11 @ 8:23am 
다른건 다 괜찮은데 피날레 개 쓰래기같애요
cracker Mar 18 @ 10:11am 
I have never seen a more boring company, I received only negative emotions and not a single positive one while playing this :witch:
[Yd]anpai Feb 27 @ 7:29am 
shit map
kuzmin652005 Feb 24 @ 3:20am 
hi guys how can i play this
Barack Michelle Obama Feb 23 @ 2:37am 
good, way better than overhyped poo like cold front
Bog-Kratos Feb 7 @ 7:59pm 
map 5/10
Ilko Skevüld Jan 16 @ 10:09am 
Playing this with bots is NOT recommended, because they can and will walk into the electrified water on the second level and incap themselves.
BIGGYDOLLY Jan 12 @ 6:54am 
this is the only map i've met that doesnt revive ur bots teammate after u kill them and restart, 0/10 for that, i restarted multiple time by killing myself and it still dont revive the bots
星空下的小森林 Jan 4 @ 2:04am 
Konata Izumi Plushie :3 Jan 2 @ 8:58am 
Lifeiskuyashi Dec 26, 2023 @ 4:24pm 
(10/10)Short but cool lock pick concept. Don't like finale rush but still love this map.Just played twice. Don't know why lots of negative comments.
Nim303 Dec 12, 2023 @ 2:24am 
pretty good, but i'm not sure what made you think the endless hordes and narrow corridors after riding the dock were "fun" or "challenging". You just d i e. Oh also the dock has collision bugs where infected can get underneath, and it stops the whole thing. This leaves you stranded, searching for one enemy in a pile of bodies, as it swipes at your feet. "Good luck"
snoops Nov 9, 2023 @ 7:17pm 
the lockpicking thing is cool with the doors, but the finale was one of the worst finales i've ever played tbh.
Monsieur Cocaine ✍ Nov 7, 2023 @ 9:58am 
What kind of music is playing in the outro?
TommyCD1 Oct 28, 2023 @ 9:35pm 
Pretty plain and boring. I don't know what all these comments are talking about with horde spam and shit, I didn't find anything like that. Negatives include the fact it is extremely easy to escape out of bounds including the finale. Also the bots tend to leave the saferoom while everyone is still loading, since there are supplies right outside. Also a lot of very easy spots without any nav. Pretty okay otherwise.
Reichuu Oct 28, 2023 @ 9:05am 
who ever created this map is clearly a masochist, clearly a garbage map, especially the finale, it throws never ending hordes until the hold out escape.
Bigodaças Oct 27, 2023 @ 4:48pm 
I hope every single being that conceived this hot pile of garbage, suffers the worst fates possible in the 9th circle of hell, this map sucks major fucking balls and I sincerely wouldn't wish this bullshit upon my worst enemy. Your parents probably dont love you. XOXO
Tea_Sakura Oct 2, 2023 @ 7:05am 
Ñoñañiñoñu Sep 27, 2023 @ 4:06pm 
unbalanced, lots of hordes...poor level desing, lazy creativity and is a shame due to the map having potential. RESPECT THE PLAYERS.
Dxrk55 Sep 26, 2023 @ 3:33am 
This map has some problems:
First: It's very unbalanced not enough pills or medkits or ANYTHING I was playing with 8 survivors onhard difficulty and I barely made it (all off my bots died) because of too many hordes, they give you grenades sometimes

second: The map sucks at telling you where to go sometimes

4/10 playing it with non enhanced ai wihtout 8 survivors on realism expert would be impossible
Nep Was Eaten By Me Sep 24, 2023 @ 4:45am 
+ 1st and 2nd maps are very well designed and balanced
+ Picking locks is an interesting element. This adds realism

- So many medkits
- The bridge on the 3rd map works very incorrectly due to the game engine. Bots are stupid - you have to teleport them. Zombies get stuck under the floor.

:CyberdimensionNepgear:P.S. I don't understand why there are so many negative comments. There are much worse and unbalanced campaigns in the workshop
Ashkhân Sep 17, 2023 @ 1:13pm 
PhatPhox79 Aug 30, 2023 @ 4:51pm 
This map doesn't respect the player. Not even worth a download, there are much better designed maps in the workshop
2Chudded2Care Aug 23, 2023 @ 1:37am 
What an absolute load of crap. Doesn't hold up in the slightest. Absolutely no idea how this has 5 stars. Wish I read the comments.
Spicy Dan Aug 5, 2023 @ 8:41pm 
chapter 1 & 2 are pretty good, finale is just bad
arrynchaos Aug 5, 2023 @ 3:21pm 
Garbage Map, the finale gauntlet is unbearable and unbalanced. Mod makers out here be confusing unfair for difficult, they are not the same thing.
糖加三勺会似全加 Jul 18, 2023 @ 10:36am 
Jetstream Jul 8, 2023 @ 8:56pm 
I'm currently trying to get through as many custom maps as I can, and this one looked promising, but in reality, this map was just plain shit, in the first safe house before you even leave zombies can just spawn in there with you, how do you even make that mistake? I didn't even play past the 2nd map because I was playing with bots and when you have to open the gate that electrifies the water a tank spawns. Obviously the bots tried to get away from it and ran into the water and they all died.
Detz Jul 8, 2023 @ 12:50pm 
It was good at the start but in the middle of chapter 2 it started to dip in quality a lot. In the end it was just a bad map overall
Velly_Neko Jun 29, 2023 @ 2:20am 
This map is hard in realism solo. BOTs is a stupid. Why 1 level so long i don't know.
K Jun 17, 2023 @ 11:50pm 
finale was questionable but i have admin system so it was at least finishable.
[TW] CrazyTony Jun 9, 2023 @ 6:08am 
1113489318 Jun 5, 2023 @ 10:48pm 
6/10 勉强能玩。