Legend of Grimrock

Legend of Grimrock

Tower of the Arlorak
ChrOnoS Oct 17, 2020 @ 2:02pm 
Bonne aventure ca fait plaisir de voir un peu de contenu de qualité pour ce jeu.
Bagpipes Jul 9, 2014 @ 1:10pm 
Really liked the music in this thanks Kevin, The puzzles were really cool my favorite parts were with the iron door and the levers! had a great time with this thanks =D
Muff Diver Nov 8, 2012 @ 8:55pm 
Thanks. I'm not trying to be an asshole.
I figured it out but then the game crashed. :/
SlimyAmeoba  [author] Nov 8, 2012 @ 8:02pm 
Sure, have another go with the update and it should be easier. That's not a part I wanted anyone to get stuck in so I put in a few visual cue's that should help with the lever puzzles in the dungeon.
Muff Diver Nov 8, 2012 @ 2:01pm 
It's just theres no clues to it. No pillars in a certain order or something on the map to let me know which is which. On top of that I could keep hitting levers for a long time and still not get it so it's pretty impossible with no gear and scavengers on you at all times. I know you wanted it to be hard but it's just too much at once, y'know?
SlimyAmeoba  [author] Nov 7, 2012 @ 9:33pm 
Hey thanks for the feedback! While I don't think random level throwing is exactly a new concept to games, I do see your point as there are several lever puzzles like that in this dungeon. I added visual cues to couple of these puzzles so you'll at least know when you're on the right track with them. I left one alone though since it's supposed to be frantic and I would rather that one in particular be a little harder than too easy.
Muff Diver Nov 7, 2012 @ 8:29pm 
I can see you put time into this and it looks good. But how do you expect to solve a puzzle with no hints? I was tasked with lever puzzle and there's no way to know what's right unless I go around the room throwing levers in random order.