Age of Wonders III

Age of Wonders III

Dark Elves
Showing 1-10 of 99 entries
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Update: Jun 12, 2019 @ 2:13pm

Buffed dreadnoughts juggernaut.
Now, juggernauts get fire resist at base, at bronze, and at gold medals for a total of 60% fire resist at gold. In addition, juggernaut fire broadside has been buffed. Fire broadside has a 3 turn cooldown and will now deal 10 physical and 45 fire damage, up from 25 physical. In addition, fire broadside also now ignores line of sight penalties, and does increased damage to walls (100 up from 60) Last but not least, the damage of the juggernaut ram spell has had its damage increased to 25 up from a measly 8 damage.

However, all hope is not lost. Juggernauts got additional shock weakness, and their reinforced ability was replaced with armored property. They did get an additional +2 defence though. The overall outlook is that they are -2 defence vs ranged projectiles and +2 defence against physical opponents. Their biggest counter right now is ANY source of shock damage.

Dreadnoughts also got their nuke spell upgraded. It costs 75 to disjunct it (up from 30), and the AI will ignore it as a disjunctable target. Nuke also deals an additional 15 fire damage. Seeing as your dreadnought hero and his entire gold medal army can be fire immune... this makes dreadnoughts the true lords of FIRE! >:D

Update: Jun 12, 2019 @ 1:47pm

Added some upgrades for rogues, most notably to their panic and blind spells (increased strength) their sadism and smoke bomb spells also have increased disjunct costs.

Reworked dark elf cavalry. They now have a much slower ramp up in damage, but they get tireless from the start. The goal is to solidify their role as a shock unit that fears the enemy, and then charges fleeing enemies down. As they progress in medals, they get more and more damage on the charge the fleeing enemy down and murder them side of affairs. In the beginning the dark elf cavalry are going to be competitive with most other t2 cavalry. Once they hit gold medal though, their damage will look deceptively low. For fleeing opponents, they will be using bloodthirsty+ devastating charge AND backstab, which will make them hit like a truck.

Update: Jun 12, 2019 @ 12:44pm

Added back weakness on the surface for dark elves. -1 vision, -100 morale.
Modified Rythlya the rogue to be drizzt do urden the rogue. Drizzt comes with the bowan's signet ring (vision) a natural +1 vision, and a few natural rogue abilities already researched, making Drizzt into a premier rogue hero...

Update: Jun 12, 2019 @ 11:39am

Dark elf archer updated. The snipe ability cooldown is down from 2 turn cooldown to 1 turn cooldown. In addition, dark elf archers now use light crossbows and have the inflict poison ability.

Update: Jun 12, 2019 @ 11:33am

Tireless now costs 2 points to craft
Devestating charge added to craftable as a boots item with 1 point.
Killing momentum added to craftable as a boots item with 2 points.
Fire pistol range reduced from medium to short.
Fire pistol damage increased from 15 to 25 (to match musket)

Update: Jun 12, 2019 @ 11:13am

Nightvision for all elementals removed.
Nightvision added to shadowstalker.
Mind control immunity removed from incarnate
Frost nova now leaves one action point.
Power surge requirement on t3 and t4 mechanical units ONLY has been removed. Feel free to power surge your golems.
The Kursed Stone can now be crafted in the forge.
Assassin Strike is now a forge craftable item.

Update: Jun 12, 2019 @ 10:46am

Updated the elementals
Fire elemental - now gets immolating touch and protecting fire touch. Also the fire elemental resistance to blight is removed.

Frost elemental - now gets dome of frost, ice nova, and freezing touch. Physical weakness is removed, while fire weakness increased. Defender removed. Ranged projectile resistance removed. Explosive Ice death added.

earth elemental - petrifying touch moved to baseline. blight weakness removed.

Air elemental - gets stunning touch.

Update: Jun 12, 2019 @ 10:06am

Updated the dark elf priests. They get resurgence, and rimefire in addition to a bunch of status inflicting stuff. They excel at support now.

Updated ALL scoundrels with resurgence, removal of their evolution tech, swimming and water concealment and regen.

Update: Feb 27, 2019 @ 5:59pm

Update: Apr 7, 2018 @ 6:20am