Total War: ATTILA

Total War: ATTILA

Tuskmod, the great bag of fixes.
Showing 21-30 of 45 entries
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Update: Nov 11, 2015 @ 8:01am

Addressed an issue where camel units became unable to become able to do melee combat in tight formation, it should happen much less now.

Update: Nov 10, 2015 @ 8:30pm


Details may be found here:

I originally was going to release my AI with this version, but I decided to pull it back for further testing.

Update: Nov 3, 2015 @ 9:50pm

Updated Infantry models to fix an exploit which the BAI knew how to use.

Update: Nov 3, 2015 @ 8:30pm

Smaller version, rebalanced hunnic melee cavalry, and started setting up the methods for breaking unit obsoletion.

- Hunnic melee cavalry has had its health buffed to compensate for the new impact damage rules.

- Early game hunnic melee cavalry has been made more availible, and has fewer obsoletions in the tech tree.

- Certain overpriced/overspecialized melee infantry units have been given the 135/180 unit size.

- Offensive testudo uses the shieldwall animations, until the old animations for offensive testudo stop being broken in ways that break the ability.

Update: Oct 31, 2015 @ 11:25am

Changes to infantry collisions and charge dynamics.

- Infantry decellerate slower on the charge, resulting in a meatier collison (And some theorhetical chance of impact damage thats on par with two or three seax swings.)

- Infantry collide in a much "Harder" fashion, as they are no longer circles. This means one man hitting the other in the front will actually stop him more often then it did before, at least frontally.

- The combination of these last two things will delay the initial onslaught of charge damage.

- Units will compress a bit more on charge impact, this will result in a more intense overall charge, as there will be a lot more men in the same small area of front line. They will slowly decompress as time moves on after the charge, but the dynamic of unit compression is much stronger now.

- Units performing a flanking charge will see a chunk of themselves penetrate into the enemy formation, increasing damage potential, on the plus side this does not seem to happen very often with wrap around.

Other changes:

- Tuned the innitiative and traits of some shock infantry weapons, to preserve balance with the new impact dynamics.

Update: Oct 18, 2015 @ 4:12pm

1.5.-2: A few features I forgot the first time I hit the update button.

A small melee defense penalty (-10%) will be suffered when one unit engages several. This makes pinning several units with a spaggeti line more costly, but potentially worth it.

Precision shot has had a small buff.

Update: Oct 18, 2015 @ 4:04pm

1.5.-1: The early version of 1.5.

Contains all battle mechanic revamps, and the empire of the sands content.

Slingers and Archers have reduced mancounts, however, the accuracy modifiers on their respective weapons has been made more forgiving. The lower the damage, the more of a buff the units accuracy will have seen. These were arguably the most lethal damage sources in Tuskmod 1.4.2, so the goal was to make them more vunerable.

Shock cavalry will use swords in sustained melee after their charge, but don't worry! Their mancount has dropped a little, and they have given up some charge for their sweet swords, how much is based on how heavy they were, and how needing the unit was before the revamp.

Cavalry decelleration has been tweaked, to make their charges feel more meaty (And be a little more meaty, admittedly.)

Shield defense has been increased, to make the attribute scale more functional.

Having an empty hand gives some shield defense (Sword+No Sheild,) but having two hands on one weapon gives no sheild defense.

The Innitiative attribute has been added to the UI. It makes units more capable of holding the line, as they will interrupt enemy attacks with their own occasionally!

Update: Sep 9, 2015 @ 6:11pm

Update: Aug 9, 2015 @ 12:01pm

This is a small update that I felt I needed to push after a recent test.

- Cavalry Decelleration has been reduced by 33%.

Now, this may seem like a small change, but it makes HUGE difference when it comes to actually correcting some of the funny behaviors you would see with heavier cavalry. This may fix the single longest running kinesthetic issue in tuskmod.

Update: Aug 6, 2015 @ 5:57pm

I have pushed another experimental verison live, this one imports some of the "Tough War" changes into the main mod. Hopefully, the AI will now recruit more interesting armies.

This is a part of the push for the next big version. (Hopefully.)