

Showing 1-10 of 16 entries
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Update: Oct 15 @ 11:33pm

- Added the ability to purchase the Buzzkill and AH-46 Kings Hand from Blackburn.
--- The AH-46 Kings Hand will spawn at the deadzone when purchased.
- Added Robot Pictures. (52341-52347)
- Added Painting - Escalation. (52338)
- Added Painting - Plunger. (52339)
- Added Painting - Liveopen. (52340)
- Added an explosive surprise on the east side of the map.
- Added scrapping recipe to Hera and Hera-Ariane.
- Added scrapping or selling gun storages to Chuck.
- Added kill barriers around bunkers in order to combat glitch raiding.

- Attempted fix for D.A.V.E spawning 2 of himself, if the issue persists please report!
- Fixed some odd colliders.
- Fixed Flight Bottom scrapping recipe.
- Fixed Dual Falcon-SP sound rolloff.
- Fixed Lawnmower Valid Speed line duplicate.
- Fixed Armored door crafting recipe.
- Fixed Looty damage falloff.
- Fixed Frostbite-Aozora LOD material.
- Fixed cash register LOD.
- Fixed some Helicopters spawning in the ground.
- Fixed missing recipe for Inferno Axe.
- Fixed missing Halligan bar drop from Firefighter zombies.

- Adjusted Tempest damage.
- Adjusted Duzey damage.
- Adjusted Intragat recoil.
- Adjusted Sundoor recoil.
- Adjusted price of Falker to be doubled.
- Adjusted fishing to have a chance to drop the Midnight Keycard when fishing with very high luck.
- Adjusted fuel source at safezone to have more fuel.
- Adjusted name on P90SPTL (Missing Thallium).
- Adjusted mispelled description on Wild Cherry Centare.
- Adjusted Tekno for Fedorov.
- Adjusted Trident Rockets to state stats.
- Adjusted recipes for Shield and Sword to only cost one overdrive fuse, and provide 3 of the item crafted.
- Adjusted Alia's suit.
- Adjusted max vehicle spawns to be higher.
- Adjusted 12x Rocket pods collider to not be in ground.
- Adjusted Frostbite airdrop chances.

Update: Oct 11 @ 9:37pm


The Midnight Program created a robot, which survivors have dubbed D.A.V.E (Defensive Autonomous Vehicular Emplacement) is an experimental AI piloted tank, its AI went haywire and will attack any survivors or zombies that enter its line of sight, however when defeated it will drop plenty of good loot.
You can access this area with a Midnight Keycard, which are acquired from Artemis Platform zombies or Airdrop calls, you can then use this keycard inside the Locke Dynamics tunnel.

See the full list of changes in this discussion (there were so many that they didn't fit here!)

Update: Aug 16 @ 9:37pm

- Fixed a bug relating to XP loss on death due to the recent Unturned update
- Reduced Tonijin vertical recoil and increased its horizontal recoil by a small amount

Update: Jul 18 @ 10:14pm

- Adjusted ammo spawns.
--- All magazines and guns will spawn with at least 50% of their magazine.
--- All crates will spawn full.

-- .. -.. -. .. --. .... - --..-- / .-- . / .- .-. . / .- .-.. .-.. / .. -. .-.-.-

Update: Jul 4 @ 7:24pm

- Added repair recipes to everything.
--- While this should be redundant, there are some clothing/weapons that might have durability due to recent updates, so you can repair them now.

- Adjusted food and water to have quality values.
--- Purification tablets can be used to fix up all food items.
- Adjusted magazines and ammo to not always spawn at full.
- Adjusted purification tablets to drop more from medical sources.
- Adjusted Biohazard clothing to give Fire-proof effect.
--- This might be relevant later.

- Updated all ground vehicles to use the new suspension system.

Update: Jun 29 @ 6:57pm

Weapon Adjustments:
- Buffed Hemel 20mm Zombie, Structure/Barricade, and Vehicle damage.
--- Zombie Damage 200 → 500
--- Structure/Barricade Damage 100 → 150
--- Vehicle Damage 400 → 600
- Buffed Private damage
--- Player Damage 40 → 45
- Buffed Poseidon Vehicle damage
--- Vehicle Damage 600 → 1200
- Buffed Looty damage
--- Player Damage 7 → 10
- Buffed Cavalry damage
--- Player Damage 22 → 24
- Increased Cobalt damage and range
--- Player Damage 40 → 45
--- Range 150m → 400m
- Reduced Noses vertical recoil
- Nerfed Uzey damage
--- Player Damage 23 → 20
- Nerfed Nacht damage
--- Player Damage 19 → 17
- Nerfed Valhalla damage
--- Player Damage 11 → 9
- Removed zombie damage from the Sentry Autocannon in an attempt to combat idling horde beacons

- Added scrapping recipe to tanktrap.
- Added scrapping recipes to glass panes.
- Added scrapping recipe to bedrolls.
- Added scrapping recipe to sandbags.
--- Should allow simplification of things you might not need to use.
- Added ability to sell stacks of gun parts, springs, and circuitboards.
--- Makes selling items easier.
- Added ability to sell LTLM and strikes/modules to Major Cruz.
--- In case you didn't want them.
- Added Tukavtomat setup to Long Gun case.
--- So you have more options!
- Added dedicated attachment spawns to Gun stores.
--- These might drop a case too, so keep a lookout ;)
- Adjusted Gun stores to use a unique table combining multiple types of guns and ammo spawns.
--- They no longer have Tukavtomats now all the time - looks like they've run out of most of the stock!
- Adjusted several gun case setups.

- Adjusted Plastic Mannequin to be less expensive.
--- Can't sell clothes without a proper model!
- Adjusted Knockout clothing to be much more beneficial.
--- Much faster speed and much more space. You'll still have no armor though, so watch out!
- Adjusted carpets, pictures, paintings, and posters to salvage in the apparel tab.
--- Should make it easier to make into cloth for bandages.
- Adjusted Anvil armor to no longer override cosmetics.
--- The drip shall remain.
- Adjusted banana peels to be placeable in claimed areas.
- Adjusted tripwires to be placeable in claimed areas.
- Adjusted landmines to be placeable in claimed areas.
- Adjusted beartraps to be placeable in claimed areas.
--- Set traps for your enemies >:)
- Adjusted health of sandbag and sandbag line to be less.
- Adjusted Hemel 20MM to have longer distance sound rolloff.
- Adjusted Hunter's Overbearing quest to reward a Government "Vaquero".
- Adjusted Tukavtomat and magazines to be slightly less common from Militia zombies.
- Adjusted prices of a moonlit visitor.
- Adjusted Crown to no longer damage structures, and made ammo no longer require nitro (requires Crown in inventory to craft though)
--- Should be much easier to run and maintain. Give it a try!
- Adjusted Golden Deagle to be a bit rarer from airdrops.
--- Already alot of spawns in airdrops to begin with :P

- Fixed eating plants not giving seeds after completing Pollen's quest.
--- You kept eating them! Stop it! >:(
- Fixed Circuitboard stacking buttons out of order.
--- Sorry about this! In an attempt to make buttons consistent they got messed up D:
- Fixed extra recipe on sentry autocannon.
--- Was originally intended for a different item.
- Fixed reinforced storefront not being craftable.
- Fixed some metal structures not needing oil to craft.
- Fixed Gotha having a vanilla battery/dropping vanilla scrap.
--- Not that you could do anything with these materials.
- Fixed Dead Silent Achivement not including Tukavtomat and Valhalla SGNL-512.
--- Now it's just a bit harder ;)
- Fixed missing period at the end of some descriptions.
- Fixed a visitor not selling something during a full moon.
--- 横断歩道も待ってくれと言ってる
- Fixed Ares Rockets not being craftable into eachother.
--- Mrs. Weston suggests firing them all at once anyways.
- Fixed floating terminal at east cell tower.
- Fixed duplicated plane shootdown effect.
- Fixed some odd LODs.

Update: Jun 16 @ 7:13am

Fixed an issue with Anti Material magazines being able to be refilled using fabric scraps 💀

Update: Jun 16 @ 4:35am

- Added the Tukavtomat. (51247)
--- This new assault rifle drops from Militia zombies.
- Added the Hemel 20MM. (51282)
--- This massive sniper rifle can be acquired by killing the Mega zombie at the Artemis platform.
--- Added new Anti-Material Magazines, used in the Hemel 20MM. (52057)
--- Added a 6x scope for the Hemel 20MM. (52058)
- Added the Valhalla SGNL-512. (51296)
--- This dual purpose weapon can be acquired at the North deadzone.
--- It has regular spread when not aimed, but when aimed the accuracy increases to rifle spec.
- Added the Gotha heavy bomber. (51031)
--- This bomber can be purchased in the safezone, and allows for a team of 3 to hit targets.
--- Crew consists of a pilot, bombadier using HE shells, and a gunner with a autocannon using marksman magazines.

- Added a new visitor during the full moon, who sells some assassin weapons.
- Added new Militia Tops. (52054, 52055)
--- Militia zombies will always be wearing these, and will also drop from them as well.
- Added the Golden Falcon. (51291)
--- Good luck finding this one ;)
- Added the M1911 "Accelerator". (51292, 51293)
--- A silver slide and burgundy grips, this M1911 may be familiar.
- Added the Government "Vaquero". (51294, 51295)
--- A bright chrome finish with sleek black furniture for any cowboy.
- Added two new posters. (51688, 51689)
--- Represent your favorite content creators!
- Added several new structures.
--- Reinforced Ramps (51890), Triangular Hole (51891)
--- Landings (51742, 51743, 51842, 51843)
--- Quarter Holes (51744, 51844)
--- Triangular Ramps (51745, 51746, 51845, 51846)
--- Reverse Stairs (51747, 51847)
--- Upper Short Ramp Walls (51749, 51892, 51849)
--- Upper Ramparts (51750, 51870)
--- Storefronts (51748, 51893, 51848)
--- Wooden Trapped Hole (51882)
- Added EXP to Grubby exchange to Newman.
- Added detailed damage descriptions for Thermal Charge, Explosive Barrel, Bouncing Betty, and Strike Calls.
- Added scrapping recipe to Autocannon.
- Added scrapping recipe to Tanktrap.
- Added scrapping recipe to Poseidon.
- Added scrapping recipe to doors, doubledoors, hatches, and gates.
- Added some images.

- Adjusted damage on the Tank Cannon to deal 600 barricade and structure damage, up from 450.
- Adjusted health of lockers to be halved.
- Adjusted the Explosive Charge to have a 50% increased blast radius.
- Adjusted multiple spawn tables.
- Adjusted barrels to have new models and colors to help differentiate.
- Adjusted EOD to provide 10% more armor, but also be 5% slower.
- Adjusted Anvil armor to override cosmetics.
- Adjusted the explosive barrel to be placeable in claimed areas.
- Adjusted some military zombies (notably those at checkpoints) to wear combat clothing.
- Adjusted vehicles to be able to steal the battery out of them again.
- Adjusted SSgt Rook to buy detonators.
- Adjusted prices for Snow and Eklund's shops.
- Adjusted prices of Taylor's shop.
- Adjusted DMR magazines to have a better collider.
- Adjusted Buzzkill helicopter HP to be slightly decreased.
- Adjusted order of stacking and scrapping for the circuitboard.
- Adjusted some visitors to show up more frequently.
- Adjusted Buzzkill and HVT-150MM to not be able to be built on.

- Fixed Sentry being placeable partially through walls.
- Fixed Military handbook pickup turning into a police book.
- Fixed Falcon .50 having a 1.2 headshot multiplier instead of a 1.25 multiplier.
- Fixed Nacht-SP having a 1.3 headshot multiplier instead of a 1.25 multiplier.
- Fixed Armstrong and Weebley not showing up in nearby.

Update: Jun 7 @ 5:52pm

- Added weapon recolor for the ECS-25, acquirable via non-item spawn means.
- - NPCs, Airdrops, and weapon cases can have these. More are planned to be added, so keep your eyes peeled!
- Added attachments to visiting NPC shops.
- Added box stacks of circuitboards, springs, and gun parts.
- Added Reinforced Hole.
- Added Metal Ladder.
- Added Vault Hatch.
- Added some images.

- Adjusted oxygen limit to be higher
- Adjusted gun damage across the board.
- Adjusted limb multipliers to be less.
- - These two should help a bit with DPS.
- Adjusted Melee weapons to be equippable in slots.
- - Sorry about the wait!
- Adjusted Toughness skill to be able to max out.
- Adjusted trapped floors to just require 1 Bouncing Betty instead of 2 Nitroglycerin.
- Adjusted Explosive Barrels to cost 1 less nitro to craft.
- Adjusted portable generator to last much longer.
- Adjusted industrial generator to last much longer.
- Adjusted prices for Rifle Clips being sold.
- Adjusted purchase prices for some weapons to be higher to reflect attachments and ammo.
- Adjusted spawn table of Artemis Airdrop.
- Adjusted tank trap to be vulnerable.
- Adjusted placement for some storages so that they are able to place more effectively.
- Adjusted Banana Peel to have limited uses, and pickupable by anyone.
- Adjusted most thrown items to break glass when thrown through windows.
- Adjusted vault buildables to require one more ingot.
- Adjusted texture of some carpets.
- Adjusted safezone exit hatch to require keycard (it's right next to it already.)

- Fixed metallic material on guns.
- Fixed Metal Quartered roof crafting with wood.
- Fixed Asset inspect animation bug.

This update was made in preparation for the major update coming next week, thanks for reporting bugs and giving feedback!

Update: May 31 @ 6:40am

- Added some new paintings.
- Added a new poster.
- Added some commemorative plaques.
- Added a new competing billboard.

- Adjusted Hermes Grenade Rounds and HE Tank Shells descriptions to tell damage.
- Adjusted book textures.
- Adjusted book prices.
- Adjusted 3D printed bipods being better than regular ones.
- Seems the 3D ones weren't adjusted, apologies!
- Adjusted metal barricades to 1500 HP.
- Adjusted Airdrop Grenades to not drop blank modules.
- Adjusted Airdrop Grenades to drop medical supplies.
- Adjusted Artemis Airdrop to drop airdrop modules a bit more, and increased chances of better items.

- Fixed Airdrop Grenades sometimes despawning or not dropping at all.
- Fixed Airdrop Grenade airdrops colliding with other ones midair.
- Fixed Wooden Concave Ramp showing up without Complex Building Manual.
- Fixed barrel attachments not adjusting bullet drop.
- Fixed missing period on description of precision barrel.
- Fixed trapped floors not being replaceable after destroying themselves.
- Fixed floating flags at the bank in Parkwood.
- Fixed floating tree near south T1 deadzone.
- Fixed white plastic crate having 8x8 storage, fixed to 10x10.
- Fixed Knockout Outfit not being scrappable.
- Fixed the HTV 150MM taking damage from hitting things.
- Trees now have the correct hitboxes
- Temp issue: ADATS doesn't visually spawn far away if Landmarks are disabled. Setting to Low should alleviate the issue for now.
- Dropped the oxygen limit roughly 100 meters down in an effort to reduce skybase effectiveness.

Weapon Adjustments:

- Reduced Nacht recoil.
- Reduced RSS-03 recoil.
- Buffed Uzey firerate.
- Buffed Bisey firerate.
- Reduced Looty damage.
- Reduced Asset firerate.
- Kompact reworked to be burst instead of automatic, this gun was overperforming in its role and generally felt too similar to the Asset.
- Tonijin reworked to be automatic instead of burst, this was done in an effort to make it feel more rewarding to acquire.
- Reduced CSO-85 headshot damage.
- Reduced Cobalt headshot damage.