Portal 2

Portal 2

Showing 1-10 of 14 entries
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Update: Aug 6 @ 8:12pm


- Removed an unintended solution by converting the funnel floor button into a cube button.

- Removed the signage indicating to portal the laser into a pre-positioned cube. It was virtually signalling the move to do and most people can figure it out on their own anyway.

- Added some details in the outer chamber void at a certain area since it was a bit empty.

- Adjusted the antline connections for the exit door to be more split apart, making each chain easier to identify.

- Re-recorded the solution video to bring parity between the current version of the chamber and the walkthrough.

Update: Jun 2 @ 9:15am

Likely to be the final, final, final, update! Yes, I know it's been a while, but I finally got around to uploading this version.

- Updated screenshots to accurately reflect this version!

- Added some additional signage to help direct the player (mainly to clearly communicate end goal as soon as possible when entering the chamber)

- Added some detail lighting glow on white signage, just for visual sake

- Removed the Emancipation Grid above the grating, as that became an extraneous element after the previous changes from prior versions

- After removing the Emancipation Grid, there's been a bit of a realignment of the indicator lights to make them even more cleaner and easier to follow

Thank you for playing!

Update: May 8 @ 3:46am

Applied the below fix from the regular cube dropper to the reflector cube dropper as well and extended the clip size to give less tolerance with the tractor beam hitting the dropper props.

Update: May 8 @ 3:16am

- Another fix towards preventing cube droppers (specifically the normal variant) from getting stuck and no longer respawning the cube, causing the level to break. There is now a clip for the tractor beam to prevent it from puncturing straight through the cube dropper prop, which should prevent the beam from making the dropper stuck from the cube technically still being inside it (and won't subsequently spawn the next replacement cube).

- Texture adjustments primarily in the white room wall aiming towards the other section to better assist at cuing players.

- Added laser signage on the floor underneath the portal-able surface to better assist at cuing players.

- Changed certain light strips' colors from just pure white to more suitable colors, either to cue players or for aesthetic reasons.

- Cleaned up some messy brushwork to better help visibility calculations behind-the-scenes.

Update: May 6 @ 11:30pm

Fix for some breakage.

- Fixed an issue with cube droppers no longer spawning their cubes and breaking when the respective respawner button is spammed. Respawner buttons now have a 5 second delay before they can be pressed again.

Update: May 6 @ 7:39pm

Another fix towards unintentional solutions.

- Raised the ledge grating fence a bit higher so that (persistently) tossing the cube over would no longer be possible.

- Raised the ceiling in the area past the first fizzler for visibility sake from the above change.

- Some wall textures have been changed over, some portal-able surfaces have switched to non-portal-able and vice versa.

- Moved the epic shadow caster light from the exposed ceiling on the side, to the front behind the exposed wall.

Update: May 5 @ 7:07pm

As I say that...

Patched an exploit relating to the laser catcher wall allowing players to throw cubes and even traverse the gap with some clever skills.

Update: May 5 @ 3:38pm

One final patch as there doesn't seem to be anymore glaring issues with this chamber:

- Disabled laser collision with the player so it's not annoying to deal with
- From community feedback: signage cleanup with puzzle elements having checks
- Face adjustments

Update: May 3 @ 1:16pm

Fixed a missing invisible clip allowing the player to fall into the tractor beam and become stuck.

Update: May 3 @ 1:02pm