Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

thecrazyscotsman's Omnibus Mod
Showing 1-5 of 5 entries
Update: May 13, 2015 @ 6:49pm

- Removed Chocolate, Lapis Lazuli, and Coral resources (there are no longer any added map resources, which should fix any map generation errors)
- Tea is now a city-state unique resource
- Liberty's unique resource is now Coffee, the unique resource building is the Coffee House
- Austria's unique building is now the Cafe
- Tobacconist icon fixed in Tech Tree
- Late game mercenary upgrades fixed
- Other minor bug fixes

Update: Sep 22, 2014 @ 5:30am

- Fixed Tech Tree bug with Chivalry and Civil Service.

Update: Sep 21, 2014 @ 10:27am

- FIXED Smokehouse error, should show up in build list and tech tree now.

Update: Sep 20, 2014 @ 4:38pm

V7---This version completes total integration with Barathor's More Luxuries mod, and adds (in whole or in part) Galley for Civs (Barathor), Helicopters Can Fly Over Water (RJ815), Less Warmonger Hate (ninakoru) and the Drone UAV (Ekmek).

- Each policy wonder now grants the unique luxury resource building in the city it is constructed in for free

- Updated Pikeman: new model, strength reduced to 14, given 100% bonus vs mounted. Switched unlock with Knight to give Knight more time to actually be useful.
- NEW UNIT: Galley added as early game ranged naval unit
- Added new Light Infantry unit tree (Scout -> Skirmisher -> Ranger -> Paratrooper)
- Updated Scout: has weak ranged attack, now upgrades to Skirmisher (same changes made to Shoshone Pathfinder)
- NEW UNIT: Skirmisher, medieval light infantry with ranged and melee attack
- NEW UNIT: Ranger, industrial light infantry with ranged and melee attack
- Added new Mercenary unit tree (African Mercenaries -> Landsknecht -> Hessian Infantry -> Colonial Conscripts -> Foreign Legion -> Paramilitary Commandos -> Private Military Contractor)
- NEW UNIT: African Mercenaries, classical mercenary
- Updated Landsknecht: no longer requires policy unlock, medieval mercenary
- NEW UNIT: Hessian Infantry, renaissance mercenary
- NEW UNIT: Colonial Conscripts, industrial mercenary
- Updated Foreign Legion: no longer requires ideology unlock, modern mercenary
- NEW UNIT: Paramilitary Commandos, atomic mercenary
- NEW UNIT: Private Military Contractor, information mercenary
- Updated Helicopter Gunships: can now hover over water, slowly lose HP outside of friendly territory
- NEW UNIT: UAV, late game hovering unit with medium ranged attack
- NEW UNIT: Apocalypse Class (return of the GDR!), national wonder unit, very high strength, can carry missiles
- Updated Guided Missile: increased ranged strength to 100
- Updated Work Boats: Cost reduced to 15, now unlocked at Fishing (new technology)
- Various balancing updates to Trireme, Dromon, Quinquereme, Galleass, Ironclad, and Turtle Ship
- Updated Anti-Tank Gun, now has 1 range, highly specialized vs. Tanks
- Deleted Bazooka (just didn't make sense late game)
- Updated Gatling Gun and Machine Gun: now have 2 range, slightly lowered ranged strength. Maching Gun now is built through end game

- 2 new city-state luxuries: Jade and Furniture
- 4 new map luxuries: Coffee, Tea, Lapis Lazuli, and Coral

- NEW TECH: Fishing
- Updated Policy: Mercenary Army replaced with Privatization (building maintenance reduced by 33%)
- Updated Policy: Volunteer Army replaced with Free Trade Zone (Airports increase gold by 50%)
- Several new Promotions
- XP from Barbarians set to Unlimited
- Spy surveillance sight range set to 2
- Significantly reduced Warmongering penalties

Update: Sep 6, 2014 @ 12:33pm

Original Release!