

Showing 1-10 of 27 entries
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Update: Sep 19 @ 2:13pm


This patch fixes a few bugs that have been reported recently. This update also adjusts the stamina costs for strong melee weapon swings, lowering many of them drastically.


-Corrected the item rarity for various spears.
-Changed the item rarity for the Kitchen Knife.
-Readjusted all melee weapon stamina costs.
-Knife and scrap spears now always cause player bleeding.


-Losing all experience on death. This was a config line I didn't fully understand, so sorry about that!
-Black Cooler icons being different from the rest.
-Blueprint #1 on the Research Kit.

Update: Sep 6 @ 6:47pm


The bicycle update! (With a few other changes!)

Last update, backpack storage was shrunken down drastically. This has been reverted however, though the backpacks are now more vertical as a result. The extra slots on the sides would get cut off on certain resolutions so I wanted to fix that. The slot count is back up to 192 for all backpacks, including the oxygen tank! Tops and bottoms have and will remain the smaller size however.

Lastly a few issues with the questline have officially been fixed! Some people online have brought up issues, but no one actually said what the issues were until recently. So a big thank you to the people who actually told me!


-Custom death music made by staswalle!
-The new bicycle features from the vehicle update Mk.II


-Adjusted backpack storage to be it's original size, just more vertical than before.
-Abandoning boss quests and memory quests now teleport you outside of the lighthouse.
-Changed a small segment in memory #1 dialogue.
(For translators it's located at Bundles\Objects\Quests\AG_00\Buak_Q_Boss_Soul_1\Buak_Q_Boss_Soul_1.dat on Interactability_Reward_17)


-Skills being lost on death. This was due to a recent Unturned update. Sorry for not fixing it sooner!
-The vehicle loot areas not emitting sound when hitting or shooting the front/back of vehicle objects.
-The spud cannon sometimes shooting through walls.
-Some minor billboard issues.
-The soul portals closing if you killed more than one of the same boss.
-Crops being able to be repaired with a blowtorch.
-Gunshot sound in Memory #4.
-The lights in Memory #4 sometimes not working correctly, either being unsynced or not turning on in general.

Update: Jul 13 @ 11:54pm


The third quick hotfix to the last massive update.

-A new graffiti piece in Burywood, dedicated to Megamind REAL. I wasn't able to add it in the original update due to timing with everything. I wanted to make sure it was properly done and thought out though, and also approved by people who knew him.

-Buckshot (4) not being able to transfer ammo into Buckshot (2)

Update: Jul 13 @ 5:11am


The second quick hotfix to the last massive update.

-A few remaining clothing items still having the old storage size. (Sorry I didn't catch this earlier!)

Update: Jul 12 @ 5:51pm


Quick hotfix to the last massive update. This is what I deserve for working on this for 24h straight...

-Spawns for the turtlenecks.

The real update is below!

Update: Jul 12 @ 4:40pm


On the 7th, it was Buak's first anniversary, and with that I'm here to Introduce the "Terrya-fying" update! This is gonna act as a sorta "Final" update to the story. I feel like I've told the story I needed to, and this update wraps up a few loose ends that will hopefully answer a few questions, and bring some new mystery to those who seek it out! Everything should be in place to tell the full story of Buak now, sorry to those who were expecting a massive secondary quest-line. I didn't think it was necessary, and felt that If that was my approach I'd ruin the mystery and the ability for people to piece things together in their own way.

New gun sounds! I replaced all the gun shot sounds with some new high quality ones! They are from a paid sound pack so you won't be able to use them legally unless you purchase the pack itself. Just a fair warning!

Despite calling it the "Final" update I do plan to still update and maintain Buak long term. Especially whenever new features come along, such as the vehicle changes which was a huge focus in this update! You can now spray paint vehicles using the new system. Old spray cans are still needed to paint the weapons, but now you can use the action menu to switch to any vehicle paint! All the vanilla ones are supported, same with the old Buak colours, and along with many new ones bringing the spray paint total up to 52! More may be added in the future as well!

And for building, the remaining wallpaper pieces have been added! I introduced the wallpaper back in December, but you could only place it on a singular wall. No doorways/windows. It was awful. I promised the rest would come soon but never got around to it, and for awhile, I had no idea how to handle it. Until now! Wallpaper is crafted with 6 paper now instead of 10, and also spawns in hardware locations!


-Some new spooky creatures.
-New high quality gun shot sounds!
-Deadzone elevator to the large radio tower.
-Wallpapers for doors, windows, and other walls.
-An action button menu for wallpapers to switch between them.
-New cinema movie posters. (Thanks Kel Cat!)
-A secret at the plane.
-Vehicle Spray Paint.
-An action button menu for spray paint to switch between them.
-Wallpaper spawns to hardware.
-Notes 48 and 49.


-Adjusted backpack storage to be a more reasonable size.
-Oxygen Tank was also adjusted, though is now smaller than regular backpacks.
-Adjusted clothing storage to be a more reasonable size.
-Replaced all the billboard art with proper world building and a more fitting art style for the map.
-Redesigned the bottled air. This should hopefully make it stand out more.
-Root Beer texture to not be 3x larger than the other cans.
-Vehicle physics to make them actually drive-able.
-Daisy Mineshaft sign.
-Anthe Grim's position in the factory.
-Decorated Ontoni Factory's building #1.
-Decorated Pine Point with some new additional loot spots.
-Put kill volume under the boss arenas to prevent soft locks.
-Updated the in-game credits with a new artwork. (Thanks Flodo!)
-Renamed Makeshift Silencer to include (Edd Cola) to the name like the rest.
-Updated Screenshot_00
-Adjusted the doorway at the top of the staircase in Buak_House_00.
-Removed the roof lights inside the houses to help improve performance.


-Avenger zombie damage for the painted variants.
-Painted Grizzly's not having mythical rarity.
-Biohazard suits not being able to be bleached with the button. (Finally!)
-Wood railings scrapping into scrap metal.
-Lawn terrain blending being smooth when next to certain materials.
-Various LOD issues.
-Various LOD error messages showing up.
-Large radio tower using the wood material.
-A limb related plot hole in memory #2.
-Material issues with Wood_Fence_00 and Wood_Fence_01
-The ponds at Pine Point and the Mansion. You can now fish in them!
-Some very odd shadows.
-Bear attack animations not working.


-Painted vehicle variants. (Should be redirected automatically!)
-Painted vehicle items. (Sorry if you had any in your inventory, these may disappear.)

Update: May 10 @ 5:18am


Another small patch, this one addressing the long issue of certain placed barricades not dropping themselves. These placed barricades mainly referring to item stacks, and rugs. Explosives should no longer destroy these permanently making raiding far better! This also tied into the airdrop. It was meant to drop a stack of scrap metal when it was destroyed. On release I've been confused by this given it wasn't properly documented, but now that it is I found out what was wrong.


-Certain placeable barricades not dropping when destroyed such as item stacks and rugs.
-The airdrop not dropping scrap metal when destroyed.

Update: Apr 28 @ 2:18am


Another small patch, this one addressing the weird low damage on various explosives that weren't patched.


-Increased grenade structure and barricade damage. (10 to 80)
-Increased grenade animal and zombie damage drastically.
-Increased Dynamite structure and barricade damage. (40 to 320)
-Increased dynamite animal and zombie damage drastically.
-Increased explosive charge vehicle damage. (4000 to 8000)
-Increased explosive charge animal and zombie damage. (250 to 1000)


-Another weird tree placement on the cliff.

Update: Apr 27 @ 12:42am


A slight hotfix to patch a few things missed in the last update!


-Slightly increased the Spud Cannon vehicle damage to properly 1 hit vehicles. (6000 to 6100)


-The Gyro blades being solid.

Update: Apr 26 @ 9:20pm


This update makes titanium bases more of a challenge to build by quadrupling the price for structures with the inclusion of Titanium sheets! Vehicle damage was also increased for the Spud Cannon, Landmine, and all explosive rounds to hopefully add more balance to Reinforced Vehicles. Electrical Components now drop more frequently, and charges are now cheaper to craft in certain ways! Vaults have also been heavily buffed with a chance to drop up to 2 charges and far better loot overall!


-Titanium Sheet
-Stack Of Titanium Sheets


-Reduced the Copper cost for Casings by half.
-Reduced the Electrical Components and Nuts & Bolts cost for charges.
-Reduced Titanium Armor protection, now 30% instead of 35%
-Spud cannon now does 6010 vehicle damage instead of 2000.
-Drastically increased explosive ammo vehicle damage for each gun.
-Drastically increased landmine vehicle damage from 60 to 5095
-Increased landmine zombie and animal damage from around 100 to 1000.
-Increased Bear Trap damage, especially for animals.
-Vault spawns have been balanced more to make them worth blowing up.
-Upped computer object drops to 100% for when they are destroyed.
-Upped small radar dish object drops to 100% for when they are destroyed.
-Upped phone object drops to 100% for when they are destroyed.
-Upped radio object drops to 100% for when they are destroyed.
-Added Simonovka and Terminator as horde beacon drops.
-Blue mushroom oxygen amount decreased to 5 instead of 20.
-Fertiliser now mirrors properly in left hand mode.
-Removed vault spawns from the airdrop.


-A part of the lower caves not having oxygen loss.
-Doors blocking foundations from being placed around them.
-The papers in Memory #1 not having the players name.
-A typo with Benson Bexton
-Blue mushroom pizza slices not giving oxygen buff, now 20.
-Pump Jack allowing you to see through the bottom of it.
-The weird box around various fire particles.
-The broken lighting issue that's been plaguing the map.